
Rage Rescue (film)

author:The Buddha laughed and laughed

2004 American crime action film, produced by 20th Century Fox Films, directed by Tony Scott, starring Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Rata Mitchell, Christopher Walken, and Mark Anthony.

Rage Rescue (film)

Cresser is a retired special forces soldier who has served sixteen years, and his years of military assassination life have made him suffer from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, and his daily alcoholism paralyzes his decadent life, and his old comrades invited Cressai to Mexico to relax and introduced him to a bodyguard job, hoping that he could get out of the trauma of war as soon as possible.

Mexico City kidnappings are frequent, and most of the victims are difficult to survive, the rich are threatened to spend a lot of money to hire bodyguards, because of Cressei's excellent resume, employers are very satisfied and even do not mind his alcoholism.

Rage Rescue (film)

Cresser's job is to protect the employer's daughter Pita, learned that the former bodyguard resigned because of low pay, Pita liked the American bodyguard, and also changed her teddy bear nickname to Kressay, constantly talking to him on the way to school hoping to make friends with him, and Cresser only wanted to do his job and did not want to communicate too much with the employer.

On the first day, Krese was late for Pita because she was not familiar with the process, and in the face of the school's questioning of the nuns, Krese said that she was a lost lamb. Angered by Lori, Cressell returns and tells Pita's mother that she should find a sociable bodyguard, who insists that he do his job.

Cresser is deeply trapped in the memory of the pain, once took the gun to commit suicide, but the pistol jam shell is difficult not to die, the old comrade comforts him that perhaps this is god to give him the opportunity to start over, in the rainstorm Cressai saw the window pita angelic eyes, it seems that he found the hope of rebirth, and has since become enthusiastic and talkative. He helped Pitta overcome her fear of starting gunfire, training swimming with her many times and even doing homework with her, the two had a good relationship and Pita finally won the first place in the swimming competition, she jumped up excitedly and hugged the temporary father.

Rage Rescue (film)

Cressei felt the power of love, and there was a lot of anger in life, and began to smile, Patah gave him a necklace of St. Jude to express her recognition of the patron saint, and Cressei was redeemed and found something to guard for a lifetime.

Rage Rescue (film)

However, the good times did not last long, Pitta ended a piano tutoring, two police cars suddenly blocked the way, one of the cars that had followed them before appeared again, Cressai realized the danger, the first time to fire a warning, let Pita quickly flee, he himself bravely fought gangsters and police, one to more killed two after he was shot to the ground, Pitta did not give Cressei to return and was taken away by the kidnappers. After being seriously injured and hospitalized, Cresser was arrested by the police for shooting the police, and also identified him as a suspect involved in the kidnapping, which was directly questioned by the righteous female reporter, and the police were speechless but insisted on this treatment.

Rage Rescue (film)

Pita's father's lawyer suggested that without calling the police, he would directly take money to ransom people, the police anti-kidnapping team came uninvited to help save people, and the kidnappers called to ask for ten million ransoms, and the cash was divided into two bags. On the way to pay the money, a group of people suddenly appeared to shoot the kidnappers and stole the ransom, and the kidnappers were furious and decided to tear up the tickets.

Rage Rescue (film)

Fearing that Cresser had been assassinated by the police, the director of the Investigation Bureau transferred him to treat his wounds, and Cressei could not accept the news that Pita was dead, and he decided to punish the wicked in his own way. When he was discharged from the hospital to prepare his weapons, he encountered the female reporter who wanted to come to reveal the police shady scenes, and the two decided to unite.

Rage Rescue (film)

Krese let the female reporter investigate the suspect license plate, the director of the investigation bureau also wanted to use Krasai to destroy the kidnapping group, according to the license plate information, Krasei first locked a black-hearted policeman involved in the kidnapping, after getting the news, killed and then went to the bar to find the butcher, learned of the whole process after getting a card and password, knew that halfway to grab the money is the leader of the anti-kidnapping group, Krasei killed the middleman, burned the bar and rescued a girl who had just been kidnapped.

Rage Rescue (film)

The female reporter told the address of the leader of the anti-kidnapping team of The Race and investigated the bank card information, Cressay attacked the team leader's convoy with a bazooka, killed the guards and kidnapped the team leader, it turned out that they always killed the kidnappers to snatch the ransom without regard to the hostages, he also said that this time there were only 2.5 million, it was the rich lawyer who stole the rest of the money, and then Cressell used a miniature bomb to detonate in his anus and then went to the lawyer. Not wanting the lawyer to be dead, he learned from his bank card bill that It was Pita's father who had called him 2.5 million, and after everything became clear, Cressell went to the rich man's house to settle the account.

Rage Rescue (film)

Under the crazy questioning of Pita's mother, the rich man told the truth, the company has a huge foreign debt, he followed the lawyer's advice to apply for a huge amount of anti-kidnapping insurance, that is, the case of kidnapping his daughter was planned by the father and the lawyer, the kidnapper and the lawyer can get 2.5 million, he can also get five million insurance money, but he does not want to be cut off by the anti-kidnapping group, not only took the ransom but also killed the kidnapper nephew, resulting in the murder of Pita. He went to someone to kill the lawyer, and now that the matter was revealed, he took Cresser's pistol and committed suicide.

The investigation team uses bank card information to lock the den of the kidnapper leader Voice, Cresser hijacks his brother and his pregnant wife, and is also shot by sneak attack, he calls Voice to claim to kill them all, and when he learns that Pita is not dead, he agrees to Voice's request and exchanges his life for Pita's life.

Rage Rescue (film)

Because Of her serious injuries, Cressei knew that her life would not be long off, so she asked Phita's mother to hand over the hostage, and he dragged his injured body to the kidnappers himself, and when she received Phita as promised, she was relieved, and when she returned to her mother's car to leave, Cressei also got into the kidnapper's car and left in the car due to excessive blood loss. But he successfully guarded his angels and had no regrets.

Rage Rescue (film)

Later, the investigation team found the voice nest and killed him.

"Forgive them for being God's business, and my task is to send them to See God"

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