
"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard


In 2016, a small-budget thriller movie "Hold Your Breath" caused a lot of shocks around the world, a blind soldier in the former special forces, three thieves, a civilian house, staged an incredible tense story, making people feel breathless............ The film pioneered the sensory effects of the thriller genre to the extreme, and was highly regarded.

"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard

"Hold Your Breath"

On August 13, 2021, "Hold Your Breath 2" was released, and the genre puzzles are eagerly awaiting. From small thieves to professional drug dealers, from 3 people to many people, when the trailer sees the scale of the confrontation in terms of quantity and quality, everyone is waiting for a "small pattern" action thriller "big drama" to be staged. Responsibly, Hold Your Breath 2 didn't disappoint.

"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard

"Hold Your Breath 2"

First of all, "Hold Your Breath 2" has nothing to do with the plot of the previous work, and the film does not try to stupidly "cold rice and hot fry", completely copying the limited space tension atmosphere of the first part. In order to make up for the lack of tension, the film is full of suspense——— the blind old man played by Stephen Lang rescues a little girl from the fire and trains her survival ability, and several unexplained invaders break the calm............

"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard

Stills from "Hold Your Breath 2"

As the plot progresses, the little girl's parents were originally drug dealers, and the mother who did not die in the fire is the only drug maker in the gang, in order to save the life of the "source of money", the girl's father took someone to kidnap the girl after he was released from prison, ready to sacrifice his child, so that the fact that the wife of the terminally ill drug maker transplanted her heart surfaced............

"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard

The plot structure of "Hold Your Breath" is not a subject with a long vitality, which may be the reason why the sequel has not followed up after the great success of the first part. In fact, trapping a group of people in a limited space and using the sensory abilities of the elderly to eliminate them one by one will not achieve good dramatic results. The creator racked his brains to enrich the complexity of the plot, while enriching the scene, and maximizing the preservation of the "super sensory killing" bridge section that most audiences were looking forward to.

"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard

"Hold Your Breath 2" doesn't reach the level of the original, but for an action thriller, the film is well-made, from the plot to the filming, many details show enough care.

"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard
"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard

"Hold Your Breath" is overall better than 80% of action thrillers. At the end of the film, the old man dies to save the little girl. According to the box office of the sequel, if the producer still wants to launch a sequel and tell the story round, it is a real master. After all, such a small story structure, and a small and large short-term explosion effect, is not suitable for shooting a prequel.

"Hold Your Breath 2" that keeps up the standard

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