
Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

author:God's television

At the beginning of the film, Three-time Oscar-winning Daniel Lewis plays Reynolds Woodcock gets up early in the morning, shaves, polishes shoes, trims nose hair, skin care, combs his hair, and puts on cherry red stockings. Everything is so methodical and perfect.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

A delicate old male god who gets up early in the morning to take care of his skin

Reynolds and his sister Cyril Woodcock ran House of Woodcock, a tailor shop for upper class women, in post-war London in 1950. In the context of the special era that has just experienced the war, people's hearts are full of turmoil. You need something tangible, tangible to touch to soothe your heart.

For women in high society, the gorgeous costumes produced by the House of Woodcock have become a kind of mourning for the women's former life and a comfort for the current situation. Reynolds is the genius who created these placebos, creating beautiful clothes and soothing lonely souls. He has long been a wanderer in high society and has become synonymous with gentleman, upbringing, and gentleness.

The inner fragility of Reynolds, a seemingly perfect man, was first apparent after he had made a dress for the countess that would inspire courage.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

The Countess was satisfied after trying on her clothes, and there was infinite admiration in the eyes of the Reynolds.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

The countess felt that the man's dress had brought her courage

Energy is conserved. The skirt gave courage to the countess, so who could give courage to the author of the skirt, Reynolds? He began to miss his mother, who had died many years ago, and he began to search for something that could soothe his lonely soul.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

The constantly shaking camera alludes to the uneasy soul of the male protagonist

On his way to his second home in the suburbs, Reynolds meets Alma, a girl who doesn't fit his world. Alma's shoulders were too wide, her neck was thin like a bird's, she had no chest, her hips were too big, and her arms were too thick.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

At first glance, Alma is ordinary but full of vitality

However, the male protagonist, Reynolds, feels that he has been looking for Alma for a long time. Coincidentally, in Spanish, Alma means soul.

So, the male and female protagonists naturally began to date, eating, Reynolds tirelessly made clothes for his muse Alma, Alma full of joy to wear how many famous women can not ask for gorgeous clothes.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

The male and female protagonists fall in love in a picturesque place

You old drivers may be a little disappointed, there is no similar depiction of lust in the movie, and the most graphic sense may be the following frame.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

But Alma, as a soul full of life, is inspired to pull Reynolds off the altar, peel off the cocoon to enter the seemingly impenetrable but lonely soul, such emotional entanglement also leaves a lot of imagination for everyone.

Alma, from the countryside, followed The Reynolds to a colourful London. In order to enter the heart of a lonely person, there must be some explosive event. If at the beginning the male protagonist was attracted to the female protagonist's skin bag, then the following incident is that the male protagonist began to be attracted by the female protagonist's soul: to snatch back the Reynolds for Barbara. Rose made a skirt.

Grabbing the skirt itself is not the point, the focus is on Barbara. Ross is the largest financier of the Woodcock family. Alma instigates and assists Reynolds in defending his illustrious work by offending his greatest financier. Aren't two people who deviate from the scriptures like this a match made in heaven?

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

The male protagonist, enraged that his work had been desecrated, rushed to the house of the big gold lord at the instigation of Alma and demanded that the work be returned

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

After being rejected by the Daikin supervisor, Alma did not allow herself to snatch back the male protagonist's work.

When Alma realized that she wanted to have The Complete Reynolds, it was the scene where the Belgian princess came to see the Reynolds for her wedding dress. When the princess entered the apartment to greet everyone but ignored Alma, there was reluctance in her eyes. Thus, while the princess was weighing her clothes, there was a scene in which Alma, in an almost provocative way, crossed her position and etiquette, paced to the princess, announced her identity, and even more announced her possession of Reynolds.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

Like a sculptural noble and elegant princess

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

Alma, who proclaims her identity aggressively

However, it is not enough to declare possession, how can it be truly possessed? Alma chose to make Reynolds vulnerable. The more proud people are, the more lovely they are when they are vulnerable. So Alma poisoned reynolds' tea with poisonous mushrooms. Alma became the only reliance on the helpless Reynolds after the poisoning. How successful was this poisoning?

Let's look at the comparison.

The Reynolds before the poisoning were like this, and the wind was light and the clouds were not getting married.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

I don't want to get married

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

I just want to be single

And the reynolds after being poisoned are like this:

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

First, he knelt down and kissed the heroine's feet

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

Then there's the affectionate confession "I love you."

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"
Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"
Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

Finally, the important words "Will you marry me" were said three times

Next, the male and female protagonists entered the palace of marriage. Since then, the princess and the prince have lived happily ever after.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

Of course this is not possible. None of us had naïve. Fairy tales will not be told at this point, because the stories that follow are generally not wonderful and often not beautiful. The trivialities of life make the beautiful illusion of hot love disappear in minutes. So there was a second poisonous mushroom incident. Unlike the first time of caution, this time Alma is to vent her dissatisfaction with life in a bright and bright way, reshaping the relationship between the two in her own gentle and violent way, hoping to erase the unhappiness after marriage and start over.

When she watched her lover prepare to eat the poisoned mushrooms, Alma's eyes showed joy and anticipation.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

And Reynolds are so calm and natural when they eat poisonous mushrooms brought by their lovers.

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

Sadomasochism or not is just a process of willingness to fight a wish; eating poisonous mushrooms is only a symbol of the means of emotional reshaping. Reynolds has encountered thousands of good-looking skin bags that cannot cure his loneliness; Alma's fun (or "doing") has won him over, even poisonous mushrooms willingly. There are many opinions about the ending of the movie. Some people say that Reynolds survived and the heroine has lived a happy life since then; some people say that this beautiful scene is just the imagination of the heroine, and the Slovaks have passed away.

So, girls, lads, pay attention to measurement when poisoning!

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

Want to know what happened after eating poisonous mushrooms for the second time, go to the movies. Some people may complain that the main plot line is a bit bland, but it doesn't matter, the eyes of each character in this movie will speak, and some eyes are more exciting than the lines!

Finally, an interlude of the wonderful life of Daniel Lewis

Love me and eat this poisonous mushroom "Phantom Sewer"

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