
Through the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" to take you to understand the ogre "Hannibal" series of film and television works conclusion:

author:Alternative video sharing fungus

The film and television series of "Hannibal" is adapted from Thomas Harris's classic novel "Red Dragon", but it is very different, basically a major transformation on the template of a murderous demon, and such a classic image on the screen has emerged.

Films and television works on this subject include TV series and movies, such as "The Red Dragon", "Hannibal" (film), "Hannibal" (American drama), "The Silence of the Lambs" and "Young Hannibal".

The ogre Hannibal in the American drama is played by Max Mikkelson, a Danish actor who presents an image of elegance and fierceness, changing the greasy style of middle age and giving people a glimpse of how a wise psychology doctor can commit a heinous crime with wisdom.

Through the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" to take you to understand the ogre "Hannibal" series of film and television works conclusion:

And the British actor Anthony Hopkins played by Hannibal is the story that began after the arrest, starting from "The Silence of the Lambs" to "Hannibal" and "Red Dragon", these three films let people see the character's forbearance and madness, while having a high IQ quality and psychotic madness, terrible and at the same time exuding a unique charm, which is also the core of the series's appeal.

Through the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" to take you to understand the ogre "Hannibal" series of film and television works conclusion:

Today's sharing fungus revisited the "Silence of the Lambs", in fact, I have seen it before is too disgusting to watch it, and today I endured the discomfort to watch it, and found that the meaning of the film is indeed interesting, which makes people more interested in this role.

The plot of "Silence of the Lambs" revolves around a new serial killer "Bison Bill", the Bison Bill killed the fat woman in succession and skinned and then sank the body into the river, in order to study the murderer's behavior from the spiritual level, the FBI real power figure sent police cadet Clarice Starling to study the ogre Hannibal, hoping to get some useful clues from his mouth, and the story began.

Through the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" to take you to understand the ogre "Hannibal" series of film and television works conclusion:

Hannibal (left), intern female agent, FBI executive (right)

The interesting part is not in the process of the FBI's capture of "Bison Bill", but in the communication between the heroine and Dr. Hannibal, Hannibal promised to help with the case, but his request was for the heroine to introduce herself, thus analyzing the heroine's tragic childhood, one of the key things is that after the death of the heroine's parents, she heard the screams of the lambs being slaughtered on the ranch of her relatives, but when she wanted to sneak away the lambs, the lambs stayed silent in place, which alluded to the psychological shadow that she had wanted to rescue the innocent but helpless since she was a child.

Through the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" to take you to understand the ogre "Hannibal" series of film and television works conclusion:

And under Hannibal's various suggestions, she understood that the serial killer "Bison Bill" must have killed the most common target from wanting to become a woman to envying women, thus discovering the real murderer, freeing the imprisoned girl, thus untying the "Silent Lamb" knot, and this time she successfully saved others.

From this point of view, the ogre Dr. Hannibal likes to help others, which is related to his identity as a psychologist and psychiatrist, but the scene where he escapes while helping the FBI solve the case and bites off the entire face of the policeman is still frightening, an ogre who is willing to help others, it does have some meaning, and he puts the killed policeman as the scene of the Crucifixion, which makes people have a deeper thinking about his spiritual world.

Through the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" to take you to understand the ogre "Hannibal" series of film and television works conclusion:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > Conclusion:</h1>

This series of film and television works, whether it is the impact of the plot or the thinking of various spiritual problems, is worth watching, but the scenes such as cannibalism and skinning are still obvious restrictive elements, and the sharing fungus is also greatly shocked after watching this film, and it is recommended to watch it as an adult and self-controlled friend.

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