
Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

author:Fu Lu Yuan

Let's look at the diagram first

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

This is a string of multi-petals (10-13 petals have) donkey kong bodhi that has been played for 4 years, and the owner is an elder brother of the company next door to the wen play fan (company executive)!

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

Detail diagram

I don't know how you feel after watching this string, anyway, my feeling is that the play is wasted, it's a pity!

It is the dream of many players to have a string of multi-petaled Donkey Kong Bodhi, but when you actually have it, do you know how to play? What is the difference between multi-petaled Kongo and Bodhi Kong when it comes to picking and playing?

First, how to choose

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

1, color problems

The color of the appearance of King Kong is generally yellow, turmeric, pink, crimson and other colors. Among them, the first two are yellow-skinned, and the last two are red-skinned. From past experience, the last color of King Kong is particularly prone to turn dark red, and people who sweat easily are not suitable for playing with that color.

Like the 4 colors of King Kong will be other red after playing out, like the usual hand love sweat suitable to play with light color King Kong, and for those whose hands are not easy to sweat oil should play with dark color.

2. Cortical problems

The cortex is the main thing that determines the appearance of the Kongo, and the Vajra that is made by hand and shines in the sun is the best, on the contrary, the non-bright is not good.

People will say that the yellow-skinned King Kong will look better than the red-skinned Kong. People will say that the yellow skin will look better than the red skin in the end. In any case, in the end, it is still the quality of the seeds, when they encounter water, they will see its density, relative to the outside, the red skin will be more than the yellow skin.

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

3, density problems

When I first touched my hand, I looked at his weight, and it weighed well. From your own experience, it is suitable for carrying your balls.

The multi-lobed Kongo will be less dense than the five- or six-petal Kongo because the space in the middle of the multi-lobe is large, and the more lobes there are, the more they will be squeezed, resulting in the smaller the size of the nuts. Combined with the density, the color is particularly fast.

4. Valve number problem

The problem of religion makes the Vajrapani in Nepal have a different meaning, and the number of different petals represents a different meaning. For Diamond with a large number of lobes, the more flaps the more expensive it is. The more flaps there are, the rarer they are. In fact, how many petals are the same, you can like it, and the last ones are the same!

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

5. Texture problem

Mention the texture problem, talk about the texture of The King Kong, meat degree and other issues, it seems that the selection is very contradictory, but do not pursue the meat degree but also pursue the grain.

Because there are very few King Kongs pursued by both, it can be said that it is a miracle to meet them! For the multi-lobed King Kong, his pattern has two kinds, the appearance can be seen, in contrast, the value of the meat pattern is higher!

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

6. Pile type problem

Generally, the pile type of Kongo is round, treasure round, and oval. When choosing, also look at your own preferences, this is not good or bad!

7. Cracks and broken teeth

In the process of playing King Kong, you will encounter too many problems, for example, cracks, there is a color difference, this phenomenon is normal, there is a saying that good, not cracked is not a good Kong, good Kong will crack.

If only you wanted to pursue the perfect King Kong. Just don't dry it after he's in the water. When he dried out of the water, he coated its surface with a thin layer of dabao.

Broken teeth are particularly common, and gold steel may fall into touch from the time it is just taken off to when people play with it, and it is easy to break the tooth phenomenon. But don't worry, often play for a long time, the phenomenon of broken teeth will get better.

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

8, chromatic aberration problem

This is not a big problem, because the place where King Kong comes out is different, so his meat degree is also different, but when the color is different.

It's bound to be embarrassing, but don't worry, when you play with it for a long time, he will change to the same color. Playing King Kong is a kind of perseverance. If you are very uncomfortable, then take the dark one down. Play with the light color first, wait for the color to be almost the same, and then put it together to play!

Second, how to play

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

1. Clean up the problem

For King Kong's cleanup problem, you can search for it yourself. In fact, the dry brush and the sewage brush have the same role, but the waste time of dry brushing is relatively long.

But one thing to say is that don't dry after brushing, blow dry with a hair dryer, or blow dry with a fan. Someone once said that it is easy to burst without yin dry, do not believe these rumors, the diamond crack is because it is too dry, not because of yin dry.

2. The method of oiling and sweating on the diamond

In the north of our country, the weather is relatively dry, and King Kong will definitely crack when he comes here, which is inevitable, but we can reduce his bursting situation. Some players then put it directly at home or in the car, and some just take it out before they play for long.

This is very easy to burst, if you don't play, put it in a sealed bag, or put it in a wet wipe that does not have direct contact with King Kong. For the problem of oiling, through my experience, I think it is desirable. In the case of the anti-alkali phenomenon on the freshly brushed kongo.

There is a way to reduce the continued occurrence of this phenomenon. His operation is: a drop of dabao or olive oil on the hand, and then rub it back and forth with your hand, brush it back and forth with a bristle brush in the palm of your hand, and when there is oil on the brush, use it to brush the king kong, which can avoid anti-alkali, but it does not prevent him from cracking.

Because it cracked because its inside dried up. Oil evenly, when you touch the oil with your hand, rub it back and forth, and then brush it again, so that there will be oil in its gaps without discoloration.

To prevent discoloration, people who like to exercise, do not play with King Kong when sweating, and do not carry it on their bodies, which will cause the color of King Kong to change. If you don't mind, whatever you want to torture King Kong yourself!

Multi-lobed Donkey Kong for 4 years! More than 10,000 is a drift

3, be sure to brush more

There are two benefits to King Kong's multiple brushes. The first is to prevent polishing, and the second is to make the gap of King Kong often brushed, and many people play King Kong because they blindly follow the crowd.

Brush after a few days do not brush, so there is no effect, will lead to the future, the surface is very good, and the gap is particularly ugly, if you sweat not much, you want it to change color quickly, then do it according to the above.

4, storage methods

If your Kongo doesn't have pulp yet, don't take it out of the door, because too many Kongs are cracked because of this. Be sure to keep it in a sealed place when you're not playing. Wait until you play for more than two months, and then take him out the door.

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