
After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

author:Qingdao News Network
After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.
After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

Qingdao News Network, October 13 (Reporter Sun Zhiwen) This is a party member group that originated in the factory, in order to make the city better and better, they have worked silently for more than 50 years, and after retirement, they have not forgotten the identity of communist party members, spontaneously established the Yongding Road community sunset red party group, still at the grassroots level to emit light and heat ...

On October 13, the Sunset Red Party Group of Yongding Road Community, Cangkou Street, Licang District, the theme party day activity of "The Story of Time and Growing Together with the Republic" was successfully held at the Party and Mass Service Center in Cangkou Street, and the party members and representatives of the former Qingdao Rubber Factory No. 2 Came from all over to relive the stories of the older generation of industrial workers who could sing and cry and the feelings of home and country who bravely climbed the peak of life and struggled for the country, in order to present the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

Old photos, old tablecloths, sewing machines, warm water bottles, as well as Golden Deer bicycles and Qingdao brand TV sets... On the morning of the 13th, the Party and Group Service Center in Cangkou Street, Licang District, was full of nostalgia, and a series of old objects were displayed here, making people feel as if they had returned to the 60s and 70s of the last century. On the same day, the Yongding Road Community Sunset Red Party Group's "Story of Time and Yin , Growing Up with the Republic" theme party day activity kicked off here.

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

First of all, with the flashing of the flash video screen of the theme of "The Story of Time", the party members and representatives of the former Qingdao Rubber No. 2 Factory gathered together to sing the excerpt of the modern Peking Opera "Wise Tiger Mountain" again after 50 years, and the sonorous and powerful lyrics brought the audience's thoughts back to the fiery era.

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

In the subsequent interview session, the party members and representatives of the Sunset Red Party Group of Yongding Road Community sat around and talked together, and everyone recalled the story of time and felt the mark of the times. Zhao Qingzhong, former director of Qingdao Rubber No. 2 Factory, said in the interview link: "The old rubber no. 2 factory was once the 'Whampoa Military Academy' in the domestic tire industry, recognized as the industry leader, the most important reason for achieving such achievements is that the party's leadership, as well as the close ties between the party and the masses, the Cpc Central Committee and workers have always been heart-to-heart, party members and comrades have united comrades to contribute to the factory regardless of remuneration, and have made great contributions to the development of enterprises and the industrial development of the motherland." ”

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

Under his leadership, the party group members regularly hold public welfare service activities, have their persistence in epidemic prevention and control posts, have their presence in the security patrol team, and have their contributions in the grass-roots governance work... In the interview session, Wang Lishan introduced the original intention of the establishment of the Sunset Red Party group to everyone: "To ask me what happiness is, health and peace are happiness, but greater happiness than health and peace is that at our age, we can still shine a little light for the society and contribute to the community." ”

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

Listening to the passionate narration of the older generation of industrial workers, Mou Hongyan, secretary of the Yongding Road Community Party Committee, sighed with emotion: "Our family is a glue two, from the fathers leading us to the leaders ourselves, it is these old party members who support us all the way forward, and every bit of community work has their figures. ”

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

The study of history is the foothold of the study and education of party history, turning over the century-old party history, every page is written with the flesh and blood of the party and the masses of the people, and every ordinary striver is an outstanding dreamer. Subsequently, the establishment ceremony of the Yongding Road Community Red Education Propaganda Group in Cangkou Street was held, and the members of the Yongding Road Community Sunset Red Party Group became the first batch of members of the propaganda group, and in the future, they will take the story of the old rubber second factory to go deep into the grassroots and close to the people, tell more people about their struggle process that can be sung and wept, and spread the revolutionary spirit of selfless dedication.

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

Time has run out, but what has not changed is the absolute sincerity of Communist Party members in serving the people. After that, under the leadership of Comrade Mou Hongyan, secretary of the Yongding Road Community Party Committee, everyone raised their right hands together, faced the party flag, relived the oath of joining the party, and made a solemn oath to the party. Finally, the theme party day activity ended with the chorus "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China".

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

In the 72 years of development of New China, the older generation of industrial workers grew up together with the republic, they adhered to patriotism, had the ambition to serve the country, and closely linked their personal dreams with the fate of the country.

After 50 years, they sang "Wise Tiger Mountain" again.

Through the personal narration of the older generation of industrial workers, the party members and masses have gained a deep understanding of the glorious story behind the industrial development of new China, felt the responsibility of the old party members not forgetting their original intentions and keeping in mind the mission, educated and guided the majority of party members to firmly believe in ideals and beliefs, cultivate patriotic feelings, give full play to the role of vanguard models, and always reflect their ideals and beliefs as the power of action in serving reform, service development, and people's livelihood, and shine in their posts.

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