
Nine months waiting for a signature? "Happiness Terminal" tells us that life is waiting

author:Mrs. Hu Die

Because of the outbreak of war in his home country, Victor's visa, who had just arrived at Kennedy Airport in the United States, lost its validity. For a time, he could neither leave nor enter the country, but could only stay in the airport.

Victor's original intention was simply to fulfill his father's last wish and go to New York to complete the signature of 1 of the 57 jazz masters. However, for this signature, Victor did not know that he would stay and wait for nine months.

During that nine-month period, Victor faced a situation in which the state was out of control and the individual was penniless. How did he survive this long and difficult nine months with his signature successfully obtained?

Nine months waiting for a signature? "Happiness Terminal" tells us that life is waiting

Victor in the film "Happy Terminal" is not idle.

In order to solve the food problem, Victor worked as a customer assistance liaison, a matchmaker, and a painter at the airport, and he used his wisdom to solve his own food and clothing problems little by little. In the end, even from having no time to look at others to being able to leisurely observe the appearance of sentient beings at the airport.

Victor solves the problems of his own material world on the one hand, and solves the problems of his spiritual world on the other hand. At the airport, by greeting people every day, Victor became an extremely popular person. He helped a Russian with medicine to take the medicine on the plane, he had a romantic relationship with a flight attendant, and he also had cordial and friendly communication with airport security guards, cleaners, food delivery workers, ticket sellers, etc. Surrounded by friends, Victor was no longer alone.

For an autograph, Victor waited nine months. While observing others, Victor found that everyone around him was waiting.

Nine months waiting for a signature? "Happiness Terminal" tells us that life is waiting

Frank, the customs commissioner who tossed Victor, waited for the old director to step down and waited for 17 years;

Gupta is an Indian. He committed a crime in India and smuggled himself to the United States, where he worked as a cleaner for 23 years. Gupta never realized that he was actually waiting for an opportunity to return home;

Enrique was a delivery man. He is deeply in love with doris, the conductor. For a love he was willing to wait for a long time;

Emilia is a flight attendant. She is also a rich little third. For a promise she waited from the age of 18 to the age of 39, waiting for the flowers to thank;

Victor's father, who spent 40 years collecting 56 signatures from 57 jazz masters, was under the Nine Springs, waiting for his son to help him round the last signature.

Of course, in the various races that come and go at the airport, there are not a few people waiting for someone or something.

On the road to success, we need to wait patiently. It's just that not all waiting will lead to good results. So, which waits lead to good results and which ones aren't worth it?

Nine months waiting for a signature? "Happiness Terminal" tells us that life is waiting

In the few waits we know, Victor finally waited for the last autograph, and the delivery man Enrique married the coveted conductor Doris. However, Frank did not know whether he could sit firmly in the position of customs commissioner. As for the reason? A leader without sympathy has no future; little three Emilia is reckoned with never waiting for her lover. As for the reason? Emilia has been making the wrong wait, and her wait is doomed to be indefinite.

Either way, when we're on the road to success, we need to slow down and wait.

Although we may not be as courageous and wise as Vidoc, we can learn from his optimism, be kind, dare to take responsibility, and dare to face it. Spend a leisurely and picturesque time waiting. We cannot decide the length of wait, but we can decide the attitude of waiting. That's something we can do.

What kind of waiting for your success today? Please watch the movie "Happiness Terminal".

Nine months waiting for a signature? "Happiness Terminal" tells us that life is waiting

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