
A common "grass" in rural areas, why do so many people like it? Those who understand it cannot do without it

author:Dietitian Ho Haizhen

Introduction: Common "grass" in rural areas, why do so many people like it? Those who understand it cannot do without it

Since ancient times, the countryside has been a place for all kinds of weeds, and they all have one thing in common, that is, their vitality is extremely tenacious. The ancient poet Bai Juyi once praised: "Leaving the grass on the plain, one year old and one withered, the wildfire burns endlessly, and the spring breeze blows and grows." ”

This poem fully reflects the tenacious vitality of wild grasses, and this spirit of accidentally blowing wind and sun, harsh winter, and still growing even after burning is really worth learning. In fact, weeds are not only tenacious, but also have their own value.

A common "grass" in rural areas, why do so many people like it? Those who understand it cannot do without it

Image source: Original

In the poor years of lack of medical care and medicine, these common weeds in rural areas played a big role, and some seemingly useless weeds can solve many small problems in life.

For example, the weed shared by the author today, many people like it, often used by farmers to feed cattle in the past, but they don't know that it is precious, it is a Chinese medicinal herb with excellent efficacy, and people who understand it cannot do without it, this weed is a very common "weed" in rural areas.

Speaking of grass may not be known to many people, it has a famous alias in the folk called cow bamboo leaf grass, because its leaves resemble bamboo leaves, and it is a feed that cattle like to eat, so hometown people call it cow bamboo leaf grass.

In addition, green bamboo, fine leaf bamboo, yellow grass, bright grass, hidden mango grass, etc. are all its aliases. Grass is an annual herbaceous plant of the grass family, mostly grown in field meadows, hillside forests, hilly shrubs, roadsides and other places, distributed in many areas of the mainland, especially in the south, is an excellent wild grass in the south.

A common "grass" in rural areas, why do so many people like it? Those who understand it cannot do without it

Image source: Original

It can be used to feed cattle, sheep, horses, fish, etc., while in the southern regions everyone is used to feed cattle. The stem of the grass is slender and thin, and the color is very emerald green, and the fresh and tender grass cow also likes to eat it. When I was a child, every time I herded cattle, among the many pastures, the grass was also the most common weed that cattle ate.

Grass is hardy and heat-resistant, the soil requirements are not high, the growth capacity and vitality are extremely tenacious, as long as there is a grass can grow a large area, grow very luxuriant. And it is also very regenerative, and every time the cow eats it, it can grow tender and green leaves within a few days, so everyone likes it.

Nowadays, everyone does not raise cattle, but there are still so many people who like it. Because the grass can not only be used to feed cattle, but also a common medicine used by the people, it was and is loved by the people in the past and now, and has helped many people in life.

It can be used for long-term cough and asthma, cold, cough, bronchitis, sore throat, hepatitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, lymphadenitis, rhinitis, mastitis, itchy skin, scabies and other diseases.

A common "grass" in rural areas, why do so many people like it? Those who understand it cannot do without it

Image source: Original

It is precisely because the grass has so many functions, so people who understand it will collect some grass every year to come back, and then cut it off and dry it for storage, and use it to make tea and drink it every three to five, drink it after coughing and breathing for a long time, and insist on the effect for a few days to see the effect. At the same time, it has a curative effect on common problems in life such as colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, cough, etc.

Dear friends, is there such a grass in your hometown? It is a very common weed in rural areas, and its vitality is extremely tenacious, why do so many people like it? Because it has a lot of functions, it can solve some small problems in the body in life, and people who understand it cannot do without it. If you also have it in your hometown, please cherish it!