
The Wonders of Benjamin Button, you never know what's going to happen next

author:Forget about the fish scales
The Wonders of Benjamin Button, you never know what's going to happen next

The following is a text version of the content of the forgotten fish scales with the same name, such as the vibrato number and the watermelon video


If you're a young man, then these words I'm going to say today dare you and most older people face each other.

Originating from the adult bureau that often followed the elders when I was a child, I found a phenomenon that everyone would like to be the coach of your ball game, and the preparation strategy was arranged properly, from your cram school to the results of school, what university you were admitted to, what job was arranged, whether you got married, whether you had a baby, whether you had a second child, whether you bought a house without buying a car, as if they were holding a map in their hands, it was all the opening strategy.

But in the back, after the opening of the game, everyone is secretive, tacitly leading the topic to your next generation, the young have no right to speak, ah, behind this is an escape, because the second half of everyone has no bottom, too complicated, too difficult to engage.

The time of life is a Ubis ring, a ring cage, so the teenager is confused, middle age is chaotic, the older you are, the more like a child, if you coax the elderly like a child, yes, the book we are going to talk about today is the poet laureate who wrote "The Great Gatsby", the epic of the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald's novel "Rejuvenation" was also adapted by David Finch into the movie "The Wonders of Benjamin Barton" to see what the mystery of life is metaphorical to this story.

The Wonders of Benjamin Button, you never know what's going to happen next

Rejuvenation – The Miracle of Benjamin Button

In the southern United States in New Orleans, during hurricane Katrina. In one of the hospitals, a dying Daisy gives her daughter Caroline a memoir.

The owner of the memoir is a man named Benjamin Barton, in 1918, at the end of world war I, the day of the European victory, a baby boy was born in a family in New Orleans surnamed Patton, who was born as an old man with white hair and a wrinkled face. The mother had difficulty giving birth, the father abandoned it in an old people's home, the frightened black aunt in the old people's home finally adopted the old child, Benjamin's biological clock seems to be going backwards, the older others live, the younger he lives.

The Wonders of Benjamin Button, you never know what's going to happen next

Until one day, the twelve-year-old old man met Daisy, a six-year-old girl who had come to visit her grandmother, and they fell in love. More than a decade later, when World War II ignited the world, Benjamin Patton, like many Americans, sailed from the United States to England, where he met a variety of people, witnessed the tragedy of real life, and experienced the greatest glory of human nature.

He and Daisy are like two age lines running toward each other, Daisy is getting older and older, Benjamin is getting younger and younger, getting smaller, there was a period of time in between, it was their happiest time, but then the interlaced thing is that the older and older Daisy watched her lover getting smaller and smaller, Jemin was destined to be younger, born an eighty-year-old man, and then every other year a year younger and finally became a child, so he left, experienced a lot of life separation and reunion, finally, The orphanage worker found Daisy through his diary.

The Wonders of Benjamin Button, you never know what's going to happen next

By this time Benjamin had forgotten everything, and he had grown into a complete child. Daisy visited him every day and accompanied him through the last days of his life. It's a completely misplaced life, one forward and one backward, loving all that the other person has ever had, "You realize what's changed is you", you never know what your future life will be like, Fitzgerald said, we are born to lose the people we love, otherwise how to know how important they are.

Fitzgerald's chaotic game of the second half

Fitzgerald wrote more than a hundred and sixty short stories in his lifetime, and this story and another great story called "A Diamond The Size of a Restaurant like The Riez" were written in 1922, when he wrote with all his strength, and two years before he became famous for "Paradise on Earth", became popular, and then had the ability to marry a beautiful woman named Zelda, and in order to maintain the high expenses of the loser woman, he desperately wrote, because this woman wanted to break the marriage contract if she felt that he was not rich enough.

In his memoirs, he wrote: "The work I didn't want to do, the garbage that was written was not only hurting the body, but also breaking my heart, and he said that all the stories that came into my mind were tragic—the destruction of the lovely young people in the novel, the bombing of diamond hills in the story, the millionaires as beautiful and miserable as Thomas Hardy's peasants." ”

He is so talented, if he can marry a good wife like Márquez, he can probably write a masterpiece like "One Hundred Years of Solitude", even so, he still made up such great works as "The Great Gatsby" and "Gentle Night", so the novel and the movie are slightly different, because the film director David Fincher is also a talented bearer, but maybe the director is better than the writer, it is the ordeal of marriage, so that the novel is compared with the movie with the shock of words, the novel is more than the heartbreaking of love, Instead, in the irony and ridicule, full of lamentations of the vicissitudes of life, both warm and sloppy, like Fitzgerald's life.

I went back to my hometown one year to accompany my grandmother to breakfast, I asked her a question, I said grandma you were very hard when you were young, now you have no worries, if you have the opportunity to travel back to the past, will you want to go? She thought about it and said, I want to go back to my teens and twenties, I said that I won't have enough to eat, will I still want to go back? She said it would be hungry every day, but it was a happy time.

At that time, I was very surprised, is it true that people really understand more and more the more they live, or are they whipped and moved forward with their eyes closed? My grandmother was obsessed with the past and confused about the present, and my dad concluded that the characteristics of old people are: they can't forget the past, and they can't remember the things in front of them.

It seems that everyone pays attention to the beginning, before the age of 25, there is a model for life, going to school, graduation, work, marriage and children, the arrangement is clear, but after the opening is completed, the game has just begun, but no one knows what to do, like the previous news, a toll booth camper, after losing his job, he cried and said: "I am thirty years old, except for charges, I will not do anything." ”

The previous generation has the map of the previous generation, the next generation is the next game, you have to play your own level, find the answer by yourself, but this is too difficult, so many people stay in the comfort zone, a stable Stockholm syndrome, praise their stable years quiet, half a life, aging will not let anyone go.

Like Benjamin, it is useless to return to old age, just like the end of Fitzgerald's chaotic marriage and life, like the last paragraph of "The Great Gatsby", he said: "So we rowed forward, but we were sailing against the current, and we kept going back to the past." ”

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