
Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste 010203

author:Life is lived in a book

Welcome to [Life in Books], the book that you interpret today is called "Forrest Gump", the Chinese edition of this book is about 142,000 words, I will use the content of 4 issues to explain the essence of this book for you, this issue is the 2nd issue of the explanation.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like." At the beginning of the movie "Forrest Gump", Forrest Gump sat on a bench and said so.

This sentence is a vivid portrayal of Forrest Gump's life experience, everything he has experienced seems to have no great connection, and the outcome of every event seems to be unpredictable.

Nevertheless, every step he took, everyone he knew left a deep mark on his life, and he spent most of his years trying to do the right thing.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

Forrest Gump was expelled from the school, and on the day of his departure, Bubba accompanied him out of the "ape dormitory", and all the players of the team stood outside, taking turns to shake hands with him.

Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste 010203

When Forrest Gump returned home, his mother told him that on the day he was expelled from school, the U.S. Army sent a notice asking him to report to the U.S. Army Recruitment Office. His mother accompanied him to the recruitment office and watched helplessly as he boarded the bus.

After about a hundred hours of bus ride, Forrest Gump arrived at Fort Benning, Georgia. Life for the next few months was all about doing what was told, with the men in the army teaching them to shoot, throw grenades, and crawl forward.

Shortly thereafter, Forrest Gump was sent to work as a cooker for accidentally shooting a hole in the water tower while practicing target shooting. Because the various ingredients in the refrigerator and storage room of the troops were cooked slowly with a huge steam boiler, he was afraid of being blamed by the soldiers, so he kept heating the steam boiler. As a result, the steam boiler exploded.

Although Forrest Gump was not injured, the sergeant major was angry, took a meat cutter, and chased him around the training ground.

After nearly a year of training, the troops arrived in Vietnam in February. When they first arrived in Vietnam, the war situation was relatively calm, but after they settled down, they were bombed while taking a bath, and Forrest Gump desperately escaped from the bath pit and stayed in the scattered pit all night to avoid the bombing.

One day, Forrest Gump and their men made a suitable place for themselves south of the camp, and at first the Vietnamese did not bombard this side, but for the next three or four consecutive days, the Vietnamese shelled them, and one morning the deputy commander climbed to the company commander and said that they would go north to support the troops of another brigade trapped in the jungle.

Forrest Gump and their rescue site met Buba, and during the break in the bombing, Forrest Gump and Buba reminisced.

Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste 010203

In the process of rescue, Forrest Gump and his companions were attacked by Vietnamese soldiers, the companions suffered heavy casualties, the team was not manned enough, Buba transferred to Forrest Gump's company.

In their spare time, Buba and Forrest Gump envisioned their lives after leaving the army, and they planned to return to Buba's hometown to get a shrimp fishing boat and engage in shrimp fishing.

But one day, under the attack of Vietnamese soldiers, Bubba was wounded.

Forrest Gump braved a hail of bullets to run desperately to the spot where Buba was last seen, only to find that Buba had been shot twice in the chest, and Forrest Gump carried Buba back to the temporary position. Buba asked Forrest Gump to play a piece of music for him on a harmonica. Forrest Gump did so, the rain stopped, and Bubba died.

That night, during a fight with the Vietnamese soldiers, Forrest Gump was shot in the ass. He walked behind a tree and shrunk into a ball and cried. The only friend Buba is gone, the shrimp boat is gone, and Forrest Gump is sad and desperate.

Later, reinforcements came and they were saved. The Sergeant Major praised Forrest Gump as a great soldier, and Forrest Gump instructed the Sergeant Major to personally take Bubba to the helicopter and make sure he returned home smoothly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste 010203

Forrest Gump was shot in the ass for two months at the Da Nang Hospital, during which time he met Dan at the bed next door. Dan was blown up in a tank and burned all over his body, but he was strong and smart, and after a day together, they made friends.

Forrest Gump talked to him about the war, about Buba, and played him the harmonica. Dan tells Forrest Gump that anything that happens in the world is controlled by the laws of nature that govern the universe. The gist of his words gradually changed Forrest Gump's view of everything.

Forrest Gump feels that most of what happened to him has no reason to talk about, but Dan says that it is all part of some kind of plan, and at best we can only think about how we can cooperate with this plan and try to stay at our posts. After knowing this, Forrest Gump began to see things more clearly.

Forrest Gump's body recovered quickly, one day he went into the hospital recreation room and found two guys playing table tennis, he also tried, and it didn't take long for him to beat both of them, and then he played as much as he could every day, and the ball skills became quite superb.

When he wandered into the city, Forrest Gump met a Vietnamese who sold shrimp at the fish market, and for the next few weeks, Forrest Gump went to the Vietnamese shrimp farming place every morning to watch him work, and after a while, the man taught him to raise shrimp.

Forrest Gump felt that this work was very simple, and he thought of returning to his hometown after retiring from the army and finding a small pond near the Gulf of Mexico to raise shrimp, and Bubba would be happy about it.

Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste 010203

A few days later, Forrest Gump was told that he had received the Medal of Merit from Congress and was returning to his home country to receive the personal award from the President of the United States.

Forrest Gump goes to see Dan in his hospital room and finds dan missing, and the head nurse says that Dan has been sent back to the United States.

During this time, Forrest Gump received a letter from Jenny saying that she was performing with a small band in a coffee house near Harvard University, and the band was called "Split Eggs".

Before Forrest Gump returned to accept the medal, the field headquarters sent a kind Colonel Gucci, who asked the Vietnamese to make a brand new uniform for Forrest Gump and said that he would accompany him all the way back to the United States.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

After returning to the United States, Forrest Gump was received by the president. The president awarded him a medal and showed him the old scars from surgery on his belly, and when the president asked him where the injuries were, he took off his pants on the spot to show the president the scars on his buttocks.

The picture was filmed and published in the newspaper, and Colonel Gucci was very angry.

Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste 010203

But the Army still asked him to continue the lecture tour to recruit soldiers, and on the first leg of the tour, Forrest Gump was asked in his speech what he thought of the Vietnam War, which he said was a piece of.

The tour was messed up, and Forrest Gump was sent to the Steam Heat Company, where he was responsible for shoveling coal to heat the steam boiler and supply the barracks.

One day, the base posted an announcement announcing that a table tennis tournament would be held, and the winner would go to Washington for the "National Army Championship." Forrest Gump signed up and played until the final, winning the national championship, being selected as a player on the U.S. table tennis team, going to Chinese mainland play table tennis with Chinese.

The game was a good one night after the game, the Chinese government arranged for them to eat at a restaurant called "Peking Duck", Forrest Gump had to change his shirt, later than the others, and worse, he forgot the note with the name of the Chinese restaurant in his old shirt.

Because of the language barrier, the taxi driver did not take him to the hotel where he was supposed to go, and he later went to the police station, and the accompanying U.S. State Department diplomat, after negotiating with the Chinese police, told Forrest Gump that he was being used as a spy.

Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste 010203

After returning home, Forrest Gump was asked to leave the army early. After he was discharged from the army, he knew that he should go home to see his mother and start raising shrimp, but he always thought of Jenny, so he bought a ticket to find Jenny.

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Forrest Gump ¥39 purchase

With just a post office mailbox number, can Forrest Gump find Jenny? Let's look forward to the interpretation of the next issue.

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