
The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

The Chuvash Republic is mainly located in Russia, where the Sula River is small but passes through, and the fishing resources are abundant, there are fishermen all year round, and the Sula River is very busy in winter. Everyone went down to the river to fish...

The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

Even in winter, they dare to go to battle naked, and minus twenty degrees is a common thing here. In order to catch fish they can brave the cold!

The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

The fish turn into ice cubes as soon as they are caught.

The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

In addition to the fat fish, there are many lobsters. Some lobsters even carry shrimp seeds!

The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

Chuvash is mainly distributed in southern Russia, sparsely populated and rich in resources! Fisheries are more extensive, and most fish are sent abroad. Sales are rising year by year!!

The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

The Sula River nourishes the Chuvash people, and fish is the greatest gift the Sura River gives them. The Sula River has a short winter and a warm climate, so fishery resources are more abundant.

The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

These fish have been the food of the Chuvash people for generations and are their greatest source of income.

The man braved the cold and went fishing naked, and the lobsters he salvaged even carried seeds

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