
After reading this article in 3 minutes, let you fully understand Poria

author:Gingerb Materia Medica

Poria Introduction:

Poria is also known as Jade Spirit, Poria Spirit, Wanling Gui, and Poria. It is the dried sclerotium of the pseudoporaceae fungus Poria sativa, often parasitic on the roots of pine trees, shaped like sweet potato, spherical, light brown or black brown on the outer skin, pink or white on the inside, and called white poria or cloud poria after refining.

The growing environment of Poria sativa:

It is found in Gansu (south) and the provinces south of the Yangtze River Basin, up to Taiwan, Hainan Island and Yunnan. It grows in forests, under shrublands, river banks or valleys below 1800 m above sea level, and is also found on forest edges and sparse forests. It is also found in Vietnam, Thailand and India. It is parasitic on the roots of pines such as red pine or masson pine. Occasionally, it is found in the roots of other coniferous and broad-leaved trees, and its soil is sandy and suitable.

After reading this article in 3 minutes, let you fully understand Poria

How to eat Poria:

(1) Appetizer soup.

Ingredients: 15g of poria, 12g of yam, 30g of grain sprouts and malt, 1 fresh and dried duck gizzard,

Preparation: Duck gizzard washed and sliced. Add water to the first four flavors and boil 2 times to form porridge. Add the duck gizzard and boil 3 times before the duck gizzard is cooked thoroughly and ready to eat.

Application: indigestion, eat less and be sluggish.

Solution: Yam tonic spleen and lungs, stomach nourishment and diarrhea. Poria is moist and calms the spirit, and nourishes the lungs. Grain sprouts, malt, duck gizzards and spleen digestion, helping the intestines to expel waste products.

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(2) Porridge with barley.

Ingredients: 25g each of poria and barley, 5g of tangerine peel, rice to taste.

Preparation: Cook porridge. Or after washing the rice barley, add poria, add water to boil 2-3 times into porridge, add tangerine peel, you can.

Application: Treatment of spleen deficiency and diarrhea in children, unfavorable urination.

Medicinal value of Poria:

1. Can diuretic

Poria water is wet, and Poria is peaceful, some people with edema or poor urination can take Poria, which has a good diuretic effect and will not cause harm to the spleen and stomach.

2. Treatment of spleen deficiency and diarrhea

Poria spleen and wetting function is remarkable, so it has a therapeutic effect on diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency. Poria is often used with white art, yam, ginseng, etc., which can supplement the spleen and lungs, cure qi deficiency, and have a remarkable effect.

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3. It can nourish the mind and calm the spirit

Poria contains some tranquilizing nutrients, if some people with high pressure in life, work pressure, insomnia, dreams, depression, and excessive nervous tension can all be stewed through poria.

4. Treatment of cough with more sputum, back pain.

Poria has always had a special healing effect on the treatment of colds. It has a healing effect on colds caused by damp heat. Due to the cold caused by damp heat, most of them are cough, phlegm, and even have problems such as body weakness and back pain, sore hands and feet, etc. when they are serious, so at this time, eating porridge can achieve auxiliary effects through poria stew.

After reading this article in 3 minutes, let you fully understand Poria

Contraindications to Poria:

Diabetics are best not to eat poria, because diabetics need to control the intake of starch every day, the daily intake of starch can not exceed five or two staple foods, and the starch content of poria is very high, natural diabetics are best not to eat.

Taking poria should avoid substances such as rice vinegar and strong tea, and pay attention to the dosage, otherwise it will not only affect the efficacy of the drug, but also cause symptoms of poisoning allergies, such as abdominal pain, skin redness and swelling, bronchial asthma attacks and so on.

Choice of Poria:

Genuine poria is generally more delicate than the pseudo-poria section, the taste of chewing is light, the powder can be seen under the light microscope a large number of hyphae, no starch particles, drops of dilute iodine liquid without obvious color changes.

Pseudo-poria is generally cut into cloves, a square herb with a size of 5 to 8 mm, careful observation, it can be seen that the surface color is slightly uneven, occasional mildew spots, micro air, the entrance taste slightly sweet. Hyphae and starch granules can be seen under an ordinary light microscope by breaking up the water, the starch granules are small and irregular, and a little powder is added to dilute the iodine liquid to become light blue.

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