
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral

Purple staghorn corals, belonging to the axial coral family, are mainly distributed in Fiji and other places.

Staghorn corals vary in color and shape. It will add a lot of color to the coral tank. There are many different varieties, and the patterns of growth and formation are also different. Most of the things seen in aquarium markets are short, densely branched structures. The short branches of this coral will grow a second branch as they grow. Occasionally, other shapes such as flat surfaces grow.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral

The ideal living environment for purple staghorn corals is a metal halide lamp that provides strong light. Thrives in strong light. Under good conditions, staghorn corals usually grow faster than other corals.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral

Feeding conditions: In order for purple antler corals to fully grow, it is necessary to maintain a high PH (8.1-8.4), salinity (1.020-1.025) and calcium content, reducing the content of phosphate and nitrate as close to zero as possible. If the conditions are right, new individuals will grow on the living debris that falls.

Light, water flow: While providing sufficient light and good water quality for purple staghorn corals, it also prefers strong, intermittent water flow. It is best to place a wavemaker and multiple pumps in the cylinder.

Food: Purple staghorn corals derive most of their nutrients from photosynthesis, but it is best to supplement with some plankton and green algae.

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"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - purple staghorn coral

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