
Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming

author:Chinese Medicine Pediatrics Yin Xu

#清风计划 #

Two days ago, I received a child, 3-year-old little pocket, after he played in the outdoor swimming pool of the community, his right eye suddenly became red and tingling, and the left eye soon had the same symptoms, and came to be diagnosed, acute infectious conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye.

Xiao Du's illness was infected in the swimming pool, and I have recently received many children who are diseases caused by swimming, such as fever, vomiting, and rashes on the body.

In the summer heat, the swimming pool has become a great place for everyone to cool off, and children like to go to the pool to play in the water. However, in addition to playing in the pool, children should be more vigilant against "swimming disease" to find the door.

Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming

Next, I will tell you about the "swimming disease" that you may get from swimming, and its corresponding protective measures.

<h1>Skin problems</h1>

1. Chlorella

Symptoms: The rash is similar to that of allergic dermatitis, with rashes, papules, erythema, etc. and itching is felt.

Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming

Reason: The main component of the disinfectant used for swimming pool disinfection is chlorine disinfectant, and the disadvantage of chlorine is that it will decompose the oil on the surface of the skin and cause irritation to the skin. If pool disinfectants are overdose, resulting in excessive chlorine levels, you may develop a chlorella rash.

Prevention methods:

1) Go for a swim in a regular, standardized pool

2) Observe the water quality:

Take a look at how clear the water is. If the water quality is turbid, swimming is not recommended.

Two smells, the smell of water. If the odor of the bleach powder (chlorine) is too heavy, the disinfection dose may be too large.

Three tries, the degree of stimulation of the water. You can sit by the pool first, feel the irritation of the water on the skin with your legs, and if there is a significant skin tightness, swimming is not recommended.

2. Rash in sea bathing

Why: It often occurs in swimming in the sea. Thalasso shower rash is caused by penetration of the skin by claw-covered jellyfish, anemones, and other juveniles of spiny animals. Tiny jellyfish larvae release spiny sacs and inject toxins into human skin, causing the disease to fall ill.

Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming

Prevention: Do not swim in seawater areas with jellyfish, and do not use physical contact if you encounter jellyfish or sea anemones.


1) Hot water soaking method: Once you are accidentally stung by a jellyfish, causing redness and swelling pain in the local skin, you can soak the injured local skin with hot water to relieve the pain.

2) Symptomatic treatment: generally includes oral antihistamines (such as diphenhydramine or loratadine), topical antipruritics (such as calamine), topical corticosteroid preparations.

3. Hot tub folliculitis

Cause: Usually caused by a bacterium (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) that contaminates swimming pools, hot tubs, whirlpool bathtubs or water slides.

Features of the disease: After exposure to the above environment, itchy maculopapular rash and vesicular pustular rash develop within 48 hours, most commonly in the area covered by the bathrobe.

4. Other dermatitis

Causes: Fungal infections such as athlete's foot, tinea, nail fungus, etc., are easy to be infected by others in the pool.

1) Choose to swim in a regular large swimming pool with strict disinfection, and avoid swimming in the outdoor pool of lakes and rivers.

2) Before and after swimming, rinse with clean water.

3) It is best to bring your own swimsuit pants and towel, slippers. Avoid contact with an infected rash.

<h1>Eye diseases: pink eye</h1>

Cause: Pink eye is caused by a microbial infection or a variety of factors.

Pathogenesis characteristics: its rapid onset, is a common disease of ophthalmology, any group of people, age can be infected, especially in children and adolescents. It is easy to spread in crowded places, such as kindergartens and swimming pools.

It is mainly transmitted through direct contact, with eye-hand-eye being the main route of transmission.

Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming

1) Wear waterproof glasses when swimming.

2) If you feel eye discomfort after swimming, you can use rifampicin eye drop for treatment or go directly to the hospital.

3) Be careful not to rub your eyes with your hands or wipe your eyes with an unclean towel.

<h1>Diseases of the ear: Otitis externa</h1>

Cause: Otitis externa, also known as otitis externa or swimmer ear disease, refers to inflammation of the external auditory canal or pinna, usually caused by infection. Otitis externa presents with earache, itching, and ear discharge.

How do I know if my baby has an ear infection?

Infants and young children under the age of 3, because they cannot correctly express the condition, parents can judge the condition from the following points.

If you experience the following symptoms after swimming, you should seek medical attention in time:

1) Fever

2) Pull the ears

3) More irritable or less active than usual

4) No appetite, reduced food intake

5) Vomiting or diarrhea

Symptoms in older children often include ear pain or temporary hearing loss.

Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming

1) Avoid water in the ear and use swimming earplugs.

2) If there is water entering the external auditory canal, you can use a cotton swab to suck out the water at the mouth of the external auditory canal, or tilt your head to bring the ear of the water down, jump a few times, and at the same time pull the pinna in the outward direction to let the water flow out and dry.

3) If you choke on water when swimming, do not blow your nose hard, otherwise the Eustachian tube will expand, and dirty things will enter the ear with the Eustachian tube, causing inflammation.

Can a child ear canal eardrum tube go swimming?

Children with tubes in the ear are advised not to swim.

If you must go swimming, please take precautions:

1) Go to the disinfected swimming pool, do not go to lakes, ponds, rivers, seas for swimming.

2) Wear earplugs.

Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming

<h1>Colds and gastrointestinal disorders after swimming</h1>

Causes: Swimming for too long, indoor swimming temperature is too low, and eating some cold food after swimming may induce colds and gastrointestinal diseases.

Prevention method: It is recommended to take brown sugar ginger soup after swimming, which can warm the stomach and drive away the cold, prevent the occurrence of colds and gastrointestinal diseases.

Special reminder (children who are not suitable for swimming):

1) Those suffering from trachoma, conjunctivitis, otitis media, and intestinal infectious diseases are prohibited from swimming before being cured.

2) During the period of bronchial asthma illness, acute and chronic otitis media and perforation of the eardrum, swimming is not recommended when the physical state is not good and the resistance is relatively weak.

3) It is best not to swim if the skin is damaged, it is easy to get infected with diseases.

Can I get AIDS in a swimming pool?

The answer is clear: no.

There are only three channels of HIV transmission: blood, mother-to-child and sexual intercourse.

So parents don't have to worry about swimming in the pool and getting HIV.COM.

Finally, I would like to remind parents and friends that when taking their children to swim, they must choose a swimming pool that is properly managed and regularly disinfected, and take protective measures in advance to effectively avoid the occurrence of "swimming disease".


Ge Jian,Wang Ningli. Ophthalmology (3rd Edition). Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House,2015.]

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Parents be vigilant! Swimming with a baby in the summer, children are prone to "swimming disease" skin problems Eye diseases: pink eye disease Ear diseases: Otitis externa and colds and gastrointestinal diseases after swimming