
Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

author:SME Technology Story
Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

In the human world, fighting or elegant point fighting has become an art, whether it is fist-to-flesh combat or martial arts routine performances, or even quantum qigong that fights bulls in the air, there is a good view.

In the end, in a formal fight, the audience is for sensual pleasure, and most of the participants are for fame and profit, and it seems that they have parted ways with the animals, but in the end it is not for survival.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

If you see the four words "animal world" can remind you of the voice of Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang, then you are probably already some aesthetic fatigue with the fights between those beasts, what lions, tigers, elephants and bison, have long been tired of seeing, or think that the mating season is more interesting.

The "Animal Fighting Club" shared with you today is definitely not a plain-looking commodity, the animals' fights always have details that subvert your cognition, we pick a few to talk about.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

The first is the white rhinoceros, the adult body length of 4 meters, the weight of up to 3 tons, the longest rhino horn can be 1.5 meters long, the skin is 2.5 cm thick, can be called the african land tank, except for the estrus bull elephant really no one can move it.

Some people may say, isn't this a beast, isn't it plain and plain? Don't worry, rhino fights also look at opponents.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

In South Africa, a "humiliating" video of a rhino was filmed, where a grumpy male rhino patrolled the edge of its "contracted" pool and encountered another female rhino with cubs.

According to the general plot, it may be about to develop in the direction of spring and warm flowers. But! Rhinos have so poor eyesight that if they happen to have the wrong wind direction, they can't actually recognize each other.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

This male rhino went up and sniffed, well, it is a female, but with a cub, there is no chance for the time being, or send it off! The male rhinoceros, who has an absolute advantage in size and strength, forces the female rhino into the pool, and the scares out two bubbles.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

The female rhino is dangerous at this point because the movement slows down in the water, and the pursuing male rhino may launch a fatal attack on its fragile abdomen. Now it can't escape if it wants to, and it can fight but doesn't dare to fight.

Suddenly, a young figure flashed on the shore, it was the cub of the female rhinoceros, it slowly touched the back of the male rhinoceros, taking advantage of the stalemate between the male and female bulls, coldly gave the male rhinoceros's lower abdomen a little.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

The baby rhinoceros didn't even grow horns, which actually didn't cause any harm at all. But perhaps because of the water combat, the male rhino couldn't figure out the situation, and he was so frightened that he pulled out his legs and ran, as if to say, "Who is on top of my stomach?" What is this trick? ”

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Rhino cubs chase adult male rhinos to fight, this is probably the only case, perhaps the rhino world's "point to stop" is to give the stomach a look.

No animal's fighting can be more elegant than the temperament of the pointed-tailed hazelnut. In the mating season, only a few males in a group really pass on their genes, and there are only two ways to attract the opposite sex, appearance and talent.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Where there are female hazel chickens, there is the dance of male hazel chickens, their dance is cheerful, known for their agile footsteps, quite the charm of the Asian dance king Zhao Si. If another beautiful boy breaks in at this time, it is inevitable that there will be a fight.

It is not a good choice to move rough in front of the girl just after appearing, so at the beginning the male hazel chicken is playing "WenDou", comparing whose dance steps are elegant and whose dance steps are sexy, but dance skills are difficult to judge.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Generally speaking, even if the dance skills are lost, the loser will not be so willing to bow to the wind, often annoyed and angry, and upgraded to "martial arts".

Saying that it is a "martial fight" is actually not so bloody, at least much gentler than those four-legged beasts. They fight with only one goal, disfiguring each other.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Male pointed-tailed hazelnuts have conspicuous yellow crowns of meat above both sides of the eyes, the size of which directly determines their attraction to females, similar to the crowns of domestic chickens.

The two sides come and go, just like a human boxing match, precisely focusing on the opponent's face while also protecting yourself from being concentrated by the opponent. After several rounds of fighting, one side will always lose, and their yellow flesh crowns will be pecked and pecked, which is completely disfigured in front of the girl.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

The sharp-tailed hazel chicken is the most elegant fight, and the loser will not be life-threatening no matter how miserable, but it will cause social death.

Wild horses are representative animals of the Western Americas, they seem to be free, but in fact they have a strict hierarchy, each small group has a leading horse, it enjoys the right to mate with all mares, but also to be wary of these mares and tramps eloping.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Ōori is a wandering old horse, and it is also afraid of loneliness and eager to socialize, so it wants to join this small group guarded by Ah Hua, which is definitely not the body of a hungry mare.

Ah Hua was also a stallion, and he knew too well what was going on in the mind of this old maroon horse, and he had to fight to get through it.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

We all know that the talents of horses are all on running, what do they fight? The so-called gentleman does not move his hands, and the first stage of the fight is enough by mouth. Ah Hua has 12 incisors, and after eating grass for several years, she is waiting for this moment.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense
Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Zebra brothers in Africa will also use this trick when fighting, and will specifically target the tendons of the front hoof, once bitten, the martial arts are exhausted. However, in this battle of the American Wild Horses, the work of both sides is not very good.

At this time, Ah Hua shook a false shot and pretended to escape, and a turned and kicked the heel towards the face of Ōri, if the hit force can reach 1000 kg, it is no problem to kick a person.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

However, Ah Hua's wave of battle upgrades did not succeed, and Oguri was still experienced, it stuck to the opponent's horse's butt, controlling the distance, and Ah Hua's kick had no effect. It was as if he had handed over a trick in a contest, and the young Ahuagan bowed to the wind, and the senseless fish died and the net was broken.

The end result is that the horses accept the wandering Ōori, who has a home and has many partners (female colors) who can be confided.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

When I was a child, I didn't see the greasy sister of the turtle fairy, but I bet you don't know how the turtle courted and fought.

The desert gopher tortoise is a solitary tortoise living in the desert, with a very long lifespan of 80 to 150 years, they are high bloody and extremely fierce and ruthless, and will use all ferocious means to deal with the enemy.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

It's just that the speed is really a bit slow.

They will bite each other's bare skin with their sharp beaks, but they will not bite through. More fierce will also overturn the opponent, if the luck is not good, it may be sunburned to death, in short, every fight is actually desperate.

On this day, a local beautiful turtle had just gotten up, walked out of the cave entrance and found that there was a hairy little turtle overlord who did not understand the rules outside the door. How to get your turn to spread wilderness in my territory, I have to go up and teach it a lesson.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

The native turtle quickly climbed to their side, quickly swinging its turtle up and down... The head, trying to attract the attention of this hairy little turtle, but the young man was intoxicated with desire to burn, and did not notice the object swinging rapidly next to him.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Finally, the hairy little turtle found the provocative local turtle next to it, and the big war was about to break out. Just as the so-called fist is afraid of less strong, the hairy little turtle is a bully who rushes to the top and directly overturns the local turtle to the ground.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

When the native turtle struggled to turn over, it was found that it was the turn of the hairy turtle to swing its head up and down to provoke itself. On the other side, the female turtle that had just been pressed under her took the opportunity to sneak away from Mimi, and the hairy little turtle saw that the situation was not good and did not bother to pay attention to the old bone on the other side, and rushed to chase after it.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Leaving a blank-faced native turtle, it does not hit a place, hit me still want to run? You have to give me an explanation today! So he cursed and grinned and joined the speeding chase of the three turtles...

After talking about the desert and talking about snow, early winter is the season of love for bighorn sheep, and ewes only have a short estrus period of 15 days, and precious time cannot be wasted, so we must seize the opportunity.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Bighorn sheep are veritable fighting machines, with horns on the ram's head weighing up to 13 kilograms, all the other bones of the body combined to weigh heavier, a surface covered with flexible keratin for added strength, and a sinus cavity inside to provide cushioning, and they can collide all day long.

Invading rams will use a kind of foot to send out a plea for battle. As a challenger, it raises its front hooves and kicks its opponent's egg twice, which probably means: You'd better hurry up and fight with me, or I'll kick you until you cut off your grandchildren and inherit your harem beauty.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Normally, this challenge is not rejected, and a two-person collision movement is about to be staged. According to the Ox-San law, the force and the reaction force are equal in magnitude and in opposite directions, and the impact should have the same damage to both sides.

Therefore, in this collision fight, not only than strength, but also more than skill, with their own horns to hit the other's forehead, if the force is large enough, they will knock out a concussion, so that the other party loses combat effectiveness.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

Although the invading ram is still slightly inferior in weight, it flexibly uses the terrain advantage, seizes the high part of the slope, and makes full use of the gravitational potential to hit the opponent, the old sheep may not learn physics well, eat the loss of no culture, and finally admit defeat and flee.

There are also some fights in the animal kingdom that actually have no reason, they are purely unpleasant to watch, a bit of "look at another try" and "look at you".

The bottom of the Pacific Ocean is inhabited by a species of mandarin fish, and the new hot wrench is different from all its brothers, they are not petite, not docile, not timid, the only thing they have in common is that they like to rent a stone-seam suite and enjoy living alone.

If any uninvited guests visit, including all kinds of fish, squid and the like, they will drill out of the nest, open a folding structure with their mouths open, and expose the terrible abyss mouth to terrorize the world.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

The protagonist of the story, the old freak, lives in an abandoned snail shell, which is only 30 centimeters long, but it is also enough to dominate the seabed. Living in a snail shell is good, but sometimes you wake up and don't know where you are.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

On this day, the old freak got up in the morning to embrace the sun, and found that there was a conch of the same type in front of him, and there was a stinky brother living in it, so he opened his mouth to "roll" and "roll" to expel it.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense
Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

I didn't expect people to be a turtle with a shrunken head, and they didn't see it and didn't bother to "not listen to or listen to the Wang Eight Chanting Sutra." There was no way, the old freak could only use that trick, he used his tail fin to roll up the water flow, and the sand on the bottom of the sea was brought into the stinky brother's house, and the true legend of the excrement was forced to be demolished.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

If you can't stand it, you don't have to endure anymore, the stinky brother finally came out to meet the old freak, and the two fish began a spectacular mouth-to-mouth duel throughout the animal kingdom, and both sides "kissed and kissed" back and forth.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

After kissing for 20 minutes, there was no victory or defeat, and the two fish had to give up temporarily, and their eyes were still fierce, as if to say: I will clean up you tomorrow and rob me of my territory? Don't ask me who I am.

Well, this "Animal Fighting Club" has too many elements, here are a few interesting stories, the interpretation of the ingredients is more, I hope you have a simple understanding of some of the habits of animals.

Animal version of Fight Club, in addition to bloody violence and more nonsense

In fact, animals are no better than people, fighting can be for fun can be for anger, their fight is usually related to life and death, there are many animals in a lifetime to experience several times is not to die in battle or starvation of the dilemma, only to win to have life.

This mechanism of competition may at best promote internal elimination in the population and maintain the vitality of the species for a long time, but at worst, it may also lead the evolution of an animal to a dead end of internal struggle, sexual selection allows them to grow larger horns, but such energy-intensive equipment also makes it more difficult for them to cope with changes in the environment.

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