
Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

If a store is very "heartfelt", then what do you think? coffee shop? bookshop? Quiet, right? ... Yes, these are the big emotional streamers, but what we are talking about today is a fighting club, which also has a rather impactful name, the Beast Fighting Club! - Whoops!

This is a very young club, only open for half a year; the owner is also very young, belonging to the "not deep" post-90s generation. About this shopkeeper, first of all, his name is Xu Li, the Jianghu people call ah egg; second, he used to be an excellent tourism practitioner; finally, he used to be a 180-pound small meat ball, and now he can blow up meat balls.

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

Xu Li

Xu Li is a native of Wenzhou City, studied in the university in Ningbo, majoring in tourism, which is a profession that can always make unemployed teenagers who do not know the truth envious; in fact, this is also the case, the courses in the university, as long as you study well, after taking some of the certificates that should be tested, the rest of the time is free at your disposal. So, in the name of professionalism! Take the poetry to the far side of the boy! In this way, Xu Li stepped on a huge map of China, played until there was no g, and came back to work to earn gold coins.

As a student dog, you can do couriers, water delivery workers, salesmen, in addition to making money, you will also achieve unexpected achievements... For example, Xu Li was a water delivery man, contracted a girls' dormitory building, a bucket of water fifty cents, sent two months, money is important, but the important thing is to stand up every day in a strong posture, emitting male hormones, carrying water in and out of the girls' dormitory building, perhaps in a certain moment, a girl's praise of the eye, can be firm a future!

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

Where did you just say that? ——Yes, part-time work to earn money, anyway, part-time work to earn money, earn enough and then go out to travel, just work to earn money travel, make money, make money, make money, make money, work, make money, travel... Except for Tibet and Xinjiang, they have all traveled.

Then he returned to Wenzhou and began to work in a serious way; from a professional point of view, Xu Li's ability is extremely strong, and he is no less than a tour guide when he works, he can memorize a book introducing an attraction in three days, sometimes he can pick up two groups a day, and when he works part-time, his income is higher than that of full-time; the professional experience of the student era allows him to enter the real workplace after he is also at ease. In the four years since, he has traveled to more places, seen more landscapes, and met more people, and finally he decided: I am going to open a fighting club!

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

belch... Although the logic is a little sudden, anyway, he opened a fighting club, you are not convinced to fight with him?

The sage once said: There is no unprovoked love, there is no gratuitous hate, so there is no gratuitous fighting club; the context of this matter is probably like this: Xu Li was a fat man before - fat man went to the gym - fitness is boring - found the charm of mixed martial arts (oh this game with men rolling around on the ground is good) - and then to learn, to contact, at first it is difficult, slowly can appreciate the meaning, and then it becomes a kind of faith, a fiery pursuit.

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

Many people's careers are done from interest, and then Xu Li met Lao He, listening like a simple security uncle, in fact, the full name of the family is Jose Francisco, with a lot of titles and honors of the Spanish fighting master, this fighting master is also a person who is out of the low-level fun, willing to be a person who is beneficial to the people of Wenzhou, the two hit it off, and found some partners, say do it!.

That's where the Beast Fighting Club comes in.

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

In the eyes of many people, even if this person grew up watching anime such as the Seven Dragons Zhuhai Thief King Naruto Volcano High School, but in reality, he felt that the fight was too violent and very unpopular. But in fact, what the fighting club wants to teach people is a martial virtue, how to solve problems in a peaceful way, and how to protect everything they cherish in the case of last resort. If you don't even have this ability, what's the difference between you and sauce elbows?

However, when the club opened, half of the people did not come to learn martial arts, but to lose weight. How boring the gym is, every day alone in the face of a bunch of equipment, do not pay more money those personal trainers will not look at you; here everyone together to practice martial arts, boxing or boxing, sanda or good, jiu-jitsu, in short, in a bloody atmosphere, unconsciously consume a few tons of calories, maybe you can also dig out their long-buried flood power, find yourself a talented martial arts talent, from then on to Wenzhou to the world, think about it is a little exciting...

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

Of course, in Beast, half of the people come to study professionally. The coaches here, there are national athletes, there are provincial referees who retired from professional players, not to mention the treasure of the town hall Lao He, he is a master of the Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt without a road suit, looking at Zhejiang, it is estimated that he can't find a second; in order to promote the mixed martial arts he loves to more people, he volunteered to serve as a fighting consultant for beast; there are a lot of professional fighting equipment that you may never have heard of, what Bulgarian sandbags, Thai fighting dummies, American fighting boxing sets... These equipment from all over the world are worthy of interest to you to come to the scene to feel the next...

At the end of the article, we need to go back to the beginning and talk about the problem of the heart. For Mao to say that the Beast Fighting Club is a heartwarming fighting gym? Because in Ah Egg's view, this is not just a training hall, but more like a big team, a logging tired, his favorite sentence is "love here, practice here", everyone plays together, practices together, gathers together, travels together. In the circle of friends of Ah Egg, you can see such happy and harmonious scenes everywhere.

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

To tell the truth, at the beginning of the business, the people around me were not optimistic about this project, but Ah Egg still insisted, and with the increase of members, there was a feeling of wind and water. --------------------------------------- Making the Beast Fighting Club the first in Wenzhou, attracting more like-minded people to join, and creating a more united, stronger and more fun team is the dream of Ah Egg!

Wenzhou version of the fight club Is not as good as kung fu

Beast Fighting Club

Address: Wenzhou Kaihong Building on the third floor