
The 10 largest spiders in the world

author:Crayon Xiaobin Z
The 10 largest spiders in the world

Are you afraid of spiders or arachnophobia? If so, you probably don't want to see the largest spider in the world. But remember: knowledge is power! Get facts about these creepy crawling species and find out exactly where they live so you can plan your vacation accordingly.

Takeaway: The largest spider in the world

  • Most of the largest spiders in the world belong to the tarantula family.
  • The largest spiders can eat small birds, lizards, frogs, and fish.
  • Giant spiders tend not to be aggressive, but they bite to protect themselves or their oocysts.
  • Most large spiders are relatively non-venomous. There are exceptions.
  • Male spiders have specialized appendages called setae that are used to produce defensive and flowing sounds. The largest spiders make enough sounds (wheezing) for humans to hear.


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Goliath Birdeater: 12 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Birds eat spiders eat. John Mitchell / Getty Images

The Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi) is the world's largest spider, weighing about 6.2 ounces (175 grams). It is a tarantula. Spiders can bite and sometimes emit venom comparable to wasp stings. Its spiny hairs pose a greater threat because they can stay in the skin and eyes, producing itching and irritation for days.

As the name suggests, this spider sometimes eats birds. It doesn't eat people. Instead, people grab it and cook it (it tastes like shrimp).

Where it lives: in caves in the rainforests and swamps of northern South America. You can keep one as a pet if you wish. Feeding it birds is not necessary. Spiders easily accept insects as food.


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Giant hunter spider: 12 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Hunter spider (Heteropoda sp.) with beetle prey, Ulu, Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia. Get close to nature / Getty Images

While the Goliath birdeater is the largest spider, the giant hunter (Heteropoda maxima) tends to have longer legs and a larger appearance. Hunter spiders can be identified by the twisted orientation of their legs, which allows them to walk like crabs. These spiders can issue poisonous bites that may require hospitalization. If you live in a warm climate, listen to the rhythmic ticking sound made by the male, similar to the sound of a quartz clock. Walking in the opposite direction to the ticking sound protects you from males, but females do not tick. Take what you want from it.

Where it lives: Giant hunters are only found in one cave in Laos, but related giant hunter spiders live in all warm and temperate regions of the planet.


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Brazilian salmon pink bird eater: 11 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

The genus La Ciodora of Brazil. ©MPirajá Nature Photography / Getty Images

The third largest spider, the Brazilian salmon pink bird-eating bird (Lasiodora parahybana), is only an inch smaller than the largest spider. Males have longer legs than females, but females weigh heavier (more than 100 grams). This large tarantula is easily bred in captivity and is considered docile. However, when provoked, salmon pink birdeaters can provide bites comparable to cats.

Where it lives: In the wild, this species lives in the forests of Brazil. However, it is a popular pet in captivity, so you'll see them in pet stores and probably in your neighbor's house.


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Anthrax: 10+ inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Rosa. David Suvia / Getty Images

If you are looking for giant spiders, be sure to visit South America. Grammastola anthracina is another large species. This is a popular pet tarantula that is unlikely to bite you unless you forget to feed it mice or crickets. The Grammostola species can live up to 20 years.

Where it lives: This spider lives in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.


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Colombian giant tarantula: 6-8 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Orange tarantula (Megaphobema mesomelas). Dorit Bar-Zakay / Getty Images

Colombian giant tarantulas or Megaphobema robustum eat mice, lizards, and large insects, so you can keep one for home pest control. However, macrophobia is known for its aggressive temperament. This is not a bite you need to worry about. A real (or imagined) threat could cause the spider to spin and hit with its hind legs with spikes.

Where it lives: Find it in pet stores or near logs in the rainforests of Brazil and Colombia.


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Face-Sized Tarantula: 8 Inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Poet Rajai.

Ranil Nanayakkara/British Tarantula Association

Tarantulas live not only in Central and South America. The face-sized tarantula (Poecilotheria rajaei) has adapted to Sri Lanka's deforestation and made its home in abandoned buildings. The common name of the spider is self-explanatory. Its scientific name, Poecilotheria, translates from Greek and means "spotted beast". It likes to eat birds, lizards, rodents, and even snakes.

Place of residence: Old trees or buildings in Sri Lanka and India.


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Hercules Baboon Spider: 8 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

King baboon spider (Pelinobius muticus).

The only known specimen of the Hercules baboon spider was captured in Nigeria about a hundred years ago and is now in the Natural History Museum in London. Its name comes from its habit of eating baboons (not really). In fact, it gets so named because of the similarity between its legs and the fingers of a baboon.

The baboon king spider (Pelinobius muticus) lives in East Africa and slowly grows to 7.9 inches (20 centimeters). Harpactirinae is another subfamily of spiders, often referred to as baboon spiders. They are tarantulas native to Africa and provide a strong venom.

Where it lives: Hercules baboon spiders may or may not be extinct, but you can get some smaller baboon spiders as pets (often incorrectly identified as Hercules baboons). However, this tarantula seems to be forever angry and is not a good option for beginners.


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Camel spider: 6 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Moroccan wild black camel spider hunt at night. Christian Bale/Getty Images

This spider got its name because it eats camels for breakfast (not really). Camel spiders (Solfigae) are usually camel-colored and live in deserts. It's a bit like a cross between a scorpion and a real spider, with two giant crayfish (fangs) that it uses to bite and make creepy spider sounds (wheezing). Unless you're a sprinter, this spider can chase you and has a top speed of about 10 mph (16 km/h). The comfort is to know that it is non-toxic.

Habitation: Find this beauty in any warm desert or bush. You are safe in Australia (from this spider). If it helps, it's never seen in Antarctica.


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Brazilian stray spider: 5.9 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Brazilian stray spider (Phoneutria nigriventer). João Paul Brini / Getty Images

It's not the biggest spider on the list, but it's the scariest. The Brazilian stray spider (Phoneutria fera) or banana spider looks like a tarantula, but it is not a tarantula. This is bad because tarantulas, as a whole, do not come to you and are not particularly poisonous. The Brazilian stray spider entered the 2010 Guinness Book of World Records as the world's most venomous spider. Guinness doesn't have an aggressive category, but if they do, this spider could also be at the top of the list.

When it relaxes at home, this spider eats mice, lizards, and large insects. As the name suggests, it looks around for food. Its travel has taken it to Whole Foods in Oklahoma and Tesco in Essex County. This spider is said to be so venomous that it can kill a person within 2 hours. It is also said to cause men to get erections for 4 hours. You can do math and solve that problem.

Where it lives: Although it's from South America, you're likely to encounter it in the produce section of your local grocery store. The big spider on the banana is not your friend.


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Cerbalus aravaensis: 5.5 inches

The 10 largest spiders in the world

Cerbalus aravaensis in Samakinsha.

Mitch Samuni-Blank

Dehydration and sunburn aren't the only threats you face in the hot sand dunes of Israel and Jordan's Arawa Valley. Keep an eye out for the largest hunter spider in the Middle East. This spider builds its nest in quicksand, but comes out to party at night. Scientists don't think it's particularly toxic, but no one has tested that hypothesis.

Where it lives: Before these unique dunes disappear, you should see the sandy beaches of Sama, but beware of spiders. They mostly come at night.

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