
Two-Faced Warcraft - Howard's wild love history

author:Joe listen
Howard's girlfriends are a football team, and his illegitimate son is more than enough to form a basketball team, and Howard still enjoys it in the twilight of his career.

Howard was born in 1985 in a small town called Swinsboro, Atlanta, USA, before Howard's mother had miscarried seven children, and the father called the surviving child "the child of miracles".

Two-Faced Warcraft - Howard's wild love history

Therefore, his parents loved Howard very much since he was a child, which also made Howard develop an optimistic character.

What is unexpected: Howard's optimistic character has become a magic weapon in the love field, lost thousands of girls, and made Howard suffer on the court.

Howard's first exposure to basketball was entirely because of the man in Chicago.

In 1993, Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to complete the first triple championship, and Howard liked Jordan as a child and began to collect Jordan's posters, jerseys and everything related to Jordan.

Two-Faced Warcraft - Howard's wild love history

This is how Howard began his basketball career, at first Howard was a point guard player, and as he grew in height, Howard became an inside player. Howard did not attract young girls, but attracted many NBA scouts.

Scouts filled the arena and watched as Howard slashed out the horrific 25 points, 18 rebounds and 8 blocks per game to lead the team to the state championship.

After graduating from high school, Howard decided to skip college and bring his love and talent to the NBA.


In 2004, the top pick was not Howard, but Okafor, who had just led the team to the NCAA league championship, and the Magic management decided to bet heavily on the future.

Howard's smile seemed to have a little more pride under the blessing of the champion, affecting everyone on the Magic team, even the cheerleaders of the Magic team.

Two-Faced Warcraft - Howard's wild love history

While Howard showed his talent on the Magic team, he used his unique love field magic weapon to talk about love with cheerleader Roise, and as the relationship between the two deepened, Howard's ball skills improved by leaps and bounds, and gradually grew into a existence that can be replaced by James.

Soon, the relationship between the two was exposed, and cheerleader Rois violated league rules and could only be forced to leave, but the relationship between the two has always been very good.

Until the 08-09 season, Howard and cheerleader Rois reached their peak and gave birth to a son for Howard, which became the peak year of Howard's basketball career.

In the same year, Howard led the team to the Eastern Conference Finals, and Howard turned the river on the inside of the Cavaliers, played the team's offensive and defensive system alone, and led the team to the Finals 4:2.

Howard was swept out of the Finals against the luxurious Lakers, at which time Howard and cheerleader Rois broke up due to a broken relationship.

Despite the loss of his beloved and the defeat, Howard is still the darling of thousands of girls and sponsors.


In the 2009 All-Star vote, Howard became the first All-Star player to surpass 3 million votes with his hilarious ability and deep-rooted superhuman influence.

At this time, Howard, even superstars such as James and Kobe had to avoid it, but movie actress Mary Carey rose to the challenge and took away Howard's first one-night stand.

Two-Faced Warcraft - Howard's wild love history

After a one-night stand, Howard was possessed by Rodman and won the league's best defensive player for three consecutive years. However, several bad operations by the Magic management directly ruined the future of the team, which made the optimistic Howard lose his smile for a while, and Howard had to find happiness off the court.

During the two years of poor management of the team, Howard had an official college girlfriend, and two other non-official girlfriends, and after giving birth to two daughters and a boy for Howard, Howard's joy off the court in Orlando was over.

After Howard had no more joy on the Magic, he had to go to a more prosperous place to find happiness.


In 2012, Howard came to the Los Angeles Lakers, the second largest city in the United States, and formed an F4 group with Kobe, Gasol and Nash.

The team's poor performance had to let Howard frequently date singer Ciara to relieve his depression, but Howard still failed to play the performance that everyone expected.

Bryant began to publicly question Howard's work attitude, and Nash was also dissatisfied with Howard's performance, but this did not prevent Howard from falling in love with actor Camilla.

Two-Faced Warcraft - Howard's wild love history

The team couldn't change the optimistic Howard and had to trade him to the Rockets. After coming to the Rockets, Howard played happy basketball and got along well with Harden, during which time Harden's nightclub life reached its peak, and Rockets management found that the situation was not good and quickly traded Howard to the Atlanta Hawks.

After Howard came to the Hawks, the team's record plummeted, and then the Hornets and Wizards, Howard became the league's biggest player ranger, and what is more terrifying is that these years are Howard's empty window, once lost the happy basketball he once had.

In the offseason, the Happy Big Boy adjusted his eating habits, increased his exercise, and publicly expressed his willingness to lower his posture in search of a temporary job, and the Los Angeles Lakers responded to him.


In 2019, after Howard joined the Lakers, he changed his style of play and began to serve as the team's blue-collar player, with high-level blocking, interior gates, and extremely high aerial shooting percentage, which became a new symbol of Howard, and Howard's smile returned to the peak.

Two-Faced Warcraft - Howard's wild love history

The peak smile also allowed Howard to make a young girlfriend, who is 23 years old and a rookie player of the Los Angeles Sparks, and Howard helped the Lakers win the championship trophy while showing affection.

Unfortunately, Howard did not stay with the Lakers in the new season, but came to Philadelphia, Howard is still doing the dirty work, but no one on the team pays attention to him, and there is no one in the city who likes him, and Howard is not happy in Philadelphia.

Fortunately, after leaving Philadelphia, Howard came to the Lakers again and was abandoned because of a conflict with the team's thick eyebrows. Recently, Howard publicly stated again on social media: when he wanted a job, he was slow to get a response from the team, and Howard had to go overseas to play.

After two months of negotiations, Howard decided to join the Taoyuan Clouded Leopards in Taiwan Province, expecting Howard to regain his peak smile in Taiwan Province.