
A 10-year-old boy is obsessed with Chinese medicine, can make pills and memorize prescriptions, and his father: good grades allowed him to study Chinese medicine

author:Beiqing Net

Recently, a video of a 10-year-old boy shaking a medicine plaque to make pills has aroused heated discussions among netizens, watching the boy's skilled movements, many netizens commented, "Chinese medicine must start from primary school, so that it is solid", "there are successors" and "Chinese medicine little superman".

A 10-year-old boy is obsessed with Chinese medicine, can make pills and memorize prescriptions, and his father: good grades allowed him to study Chinese medicine

Netizens commented on November 10, Jia Qijun, the father of the little boy in the video, told upstream news reporters: "I have been doing Chinese medicine for more than 20 years, and my child's mother and I are both Chinese medicine doctors, and we usually sit in the medical center in Shangqiu, Henan. The child has been following us in the hospital since he was a child, and over time he has also liked Chinese medicine, learned some Chinese medicine knowledge, and occasionally asked him to help. ”

However, Jia's father said that if the grades are lower than the top five, you can't study Chinese medicine.

In the video, Xiao Jia is skillful, and Jia's father said: "The process shown in the video is called hand-made water pan pills, which is to grind Chinese medicine into powder and make pills for easy consumption. The process of making water flood pills requires a lot of effort, and now he is only 10 years old, which is not enough to complete the whole process, so we start the pills first, and then let him do the follow-up work after they are formed. ”

A 10-year-old boy is obsessed with Chinese medicine, can make pills and memorize prescriptions, and his father: good grades allowed him to study Chinese medicine

Video screenshot

Most 10-year-old children like to play games and watch TV, why does Xiao Jia have a soft spot for Chinese medicine? Xiao Jia told reporters: "My parents work in the medical center, I am also in the hospital in my spare time, looking at all kinds of Chinese medicine, I am very interested, so I learned Chinese medicine, and slowly I can also grab some medicine to make water pan pills." The students found it very interesting and meaningful. ”

A 10-year-old boy is obsessed with Chinese medicine, can make pills and memorize prescriptions, and his father: good grades allowed him to study Chinese medicine

Xiao Jia helps in the hospital

Jia's father said that he never forced his son to study Chinese medicine: "A child of his age cannot be forced to do or not do anything, but can only be imperceptibly educated." After our education, he naturally liked Chinese medicine, usually helped in the store, did not play mobile phones, did not play games. ”

Xiao Jia also recited a prescription to the reporter: "Yiqi smart soup, Yiqi smart soup vines, Sheng Ge ginseng and huangbai, plus peony and licorice, deafness and eyesight are clear." ”

Jia's father explained that if you want to learn Chinese medicine well without memorizing it, let him memorize "Soup Song Tips" and "Medicinal Properties Fu", "This song just now is "Soup Song Tips", the book is a basic skill, only memorize it first and then use it." ”

A 10-year-old boy is obsessed with Chinese medicine, can make pills and memorize prescriptions, and his father: good grades allowed him to study Chinese medicine

Xiao Jia helps in the hospital

Jia's father said that Xiaojia has not yet been taught acupuncture and other treatment methods: "My son is more lively, and you will definitely be able to learn it quickly if you let him learn, but Chinese medicine cannot be taught too quickly." When the seedling grows quickly, it will not be stable, and when the wind blows, it will fall, and I hope that he can grow slowly and firmly and lay a good foundation. ”

Mr. Yang, a nearby resident who once visited the TCM museum, said he was envious of Xiaojia's family: "I live nearby, and occasionally I come to see a TCM doctor when I am not feeling well. Xiao Jia is known for his good grades and sensibility in our case, and he comes to help his parents as soon as school is over. ”

Jia's father said that there are also conditions for Xiao Jia to study Chinese medicine: "The grades cannot be lower than the top five, and if you can't reach it, you can't learn Chinese medicine." He was also very competitive, and his grades were always stable, so we let him work. ”

For the future, Jia's father said that it is good to go with the flow, and Xiaojia himself said: "I feel more and more that Chinese medicine is very amazing, and when I grow up, I will use Chinese medicine knowledge to protect everyone's health like Zhang Zhongjing!" ”

Upstream news reporter Zhao Yingji

Screenshot from interviewee video

(Upstream News)