
After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

author:View from the clouds

She had delusionally thought that Edward VIII would help her realize her dream of "queen", but what she did not expect was that Edward VIII resigned from the monarchy in the name of "love", which made Wallis (Mrs. Simpson) resent him for the rest of her life.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

In fact, Edward VIII was not the ideal man for Wallise, and the last two men became deeper and deeper in the entanglement.

Every time Wallis wanted to leave Edward VIII, he was forced to die, and either way, she could not escape Edward VIII's entanglement.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

After his marriage, the Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII) did not have a good life, especially in the last years of his life, when he suffered from the cold eyes and torture of Wallise.

After enduring all kinds of curses and sarcasm from Wallise, the Duke of Windsor could only secretly cry and fall asleep every night.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

He has no true friends, because of the abdication, he has become a rebel, and after the hustle and bustle of the day, he is just a man who is disliked and abused by his wife.

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor did not have a happy old age, and although the French flattered them, they became people shunned by people from all walks of life in England.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

In order to punish Edward VIII for his prevarication, the British royal family cut Edward VIII's royal allowance.

They became a person who was not recognized by the state, had no job, and even had fascist tendencies.

As a man who is accustomed to living in the applause of others and showing off in the spotlight, he must not be able to adapt to living in a dark corner.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

For people's oblivion, the cold reception of the royal family, Wallis felt very painful.

So she vented this resentment on Edward VIII's head.

After suffering all kinds of bullying, Edward died in Paris at the age of 77.

In 1972, Wallis arrived in England on a plane with her husband on board.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

During her stay in England, the royal family very politely invited her to stay at Buckingham Palace, and on the night of her arrival in the UK, the royal family also had dinner with her with dignity and decency.

However, this dinner was only out of the courtesy and respect of the royal family, they did not have too many pleasantries and conversations, and they did not show too much warmth and love.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

Accompanied by Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, and assisted by Wallis for her husband's funeral, she returned to France under the escort of the Chancellor of Palace.

Although Wallis inherited all of Edward VIII's property, at the request of the royal family, Wallis returned the jewels and documents that belonged to the royal family.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

According to later people, Wallis at the funeral looked very depressed and lonely, and the usually arrogant woman completely lost her former momentum.

Perhaps from that moment on, she realized that the only person in the world who could support her was no longer there.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

Since then, she has truly experienced what loneliness and loneliness are.

Friends who liked to hang out with Edward VIII gradually disconnected with her, and this three-storey villa in the Bougne Woods was once noisy and noisy, but now it is no longer a problem.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

Wallis, who lives alone in this villa, is very lonely, and finally she becomes an outcast of French high society, leaving aside the status of the duchess, she is just an ordinary ordinary woman.

Soon after, Wallis developed Alzheimer's disease, after which she lost the ability to speak.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

After falling down a few times, her health became very bad.

As the years went by, she became weaker and weaker, and with no way to take care of herself, she made a will to French lawyer Suzanne Bloom.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

She became bedridden for the next few years, and the three-story villa never received visitors again, except for doctors and nurses staying by her side.

When her health allows, the nurses will push her into the courtyard to bask in the sun.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

The childless Wallis often sat alone in the courtyard in a daze, unable to speak, so no one knew what she was thinking, and perhaps she might still have a little guilt when she thought of her husband.

Perhaps thinking that this woman was too pitiful, Elizabeth II gave her a certain financial subsidy, so that there would be someone to help and care for her in her old age.

In 1986, after living alone for 14 years, Wallis died in a rented villa.

After the death of Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was alone in the sun in a rented house

In accordance with the wishes of the Duke of Windsor, Wallis was buried with him in the Royal Cemetery of Frogmore, under the huge plane tree.