
Have you ever seen such a big sesame capsule? On October 30, when I got up early to do nucleic acid, I was photographed on the side of the road, and the villagers told me that it was a large sesame capsule, should I believe him? #我的冬日乡村生

author:Yuxiang Cultural Tourism

Have you ever seen such a big sesame capsule? On October 30, when I got up early to do nucleic acid, I was photographed on the side of the road, and the villagers told me that it was a large sesame capsule, should I believe him? #My Winter Country Life#

Okra really looks like a large sesame capsule, and I thought it was a large sesame capsule when I was a kid. I'm not afraid of your jokes, the first time I ate okra, it wasn't too long, and I realized that it was okra, and the okra fried tasted good, and there was that slippery feeling.

Eating okra can only eat its tender pods, it is not delicious when it is old, and it contains more crude fiber when it is old, and its palatability becomes worse. In addition, some people say that it is good for men to eat okra, but in fact, there is nothing to say, don't believe it too much.

Do you have friends who don't know this is okra?

Have you ever seen such a big sesame capsule? On October 30, when I got up early to do nucleic acid, I was photographed on the side of the road, and the villagers told me that it was a large sesame capsule, should I believe him? #我的冬日乡村生
Have you ever seen such a big sesame capsule? On October 30, when I got up early to do nucleic acid, I was photographed on the side of the road, and the villagers told me that it was a large sesame capsule, should I believe him? #我的冬日乡村生
Have you ever seen such a big sesame capsule? On October 30, when I got up early to do nucleic acid, I was photographed on the side of the road, and the villagers told me that it was a large sesame capsule, should I believe him? #我的冬日乡村生

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