
Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what did she do? First, behind the disappearance of the tumor, what has been experienced? Second, many cancer patients are scared to death, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsillar cancer

author:39 HealthNet

"I never thought that the four words of terminal cancer would be related to me."

In 2019, the well-known singer Zhang Mi revealed on Weibo that she had tonsillar cancer and had developed to an advanced stage.

After more than 300 days, Zhang Mi successfully overcame the disease, turned the crisis into safety, and returned to the front of the stage.

In more than 300 days, Zhang Mi successfully changed from a terminal cancer patient to a "normal person". What happened to her behind this?

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what did she do? First, behind the disappearance of the tumor, what has been experienced? Second, many cancer patients are scared to death, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsillar cancer

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" >, what happened behind the disappearance of tumors? </h1>

Until the diagnosis of cancer, Zhang Mi still did not want to believe that she did not smoke or drink, rarely stayed up late, and was a vegetarian, how did she suffer from tonsillar cancer?

The incident originated at the end of August 2018, during which time Zhang Mi found that her body was obviously unwell: it was difficult to open her mouth, it was even more difficult to swallow, and she could only eat some liquid food. At that time, she was in Canada, saw no less than 10 doctors, and took 2 MRI shots. The answer given to Zhang Mi by all the doctors was: the mental pressure is too great, resulting in temporomandibular joint disorders.

After a period of treatment, the condition became more serious. Zhang Mi realized that it might have been the wrong direction at the beginning. So, she immediately returned to China and found an experienced doctor in China. After examination, the doctor initially diagnosed the tumor.

Sure enough, after further CT, Zhang Mi was finally diagnosed with tonsillar cancer, and the disease has progressed to an advanced stage.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what did she do? First, behind the disappearance of the tumor, what has been experienced? Second, many cancer patients are scared to death, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsillar cancer

At this time, it had been a full 8 months since Zhang Mi first noticed physical discomfort.

The treatment given by the doctor is to cut open the right side of the face and cut off the cancerous tongue. However, Zhang Mi's condition is more serious than expected, and she cannot operate on it for the time being, otherwise she will not even be able to save her life. Considering the actual situation, Zhang Mi can only undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy first, and then see if she can operate after the tumor shrinks.

The chemotherapy made Zhang Mi very painful, her fingers and nail caps turned black, and every step she took hurt like a pinprick, and her hair fell down a lot.

Not to mention the radiation therapy, due to the strong radiation, Zhang Mi's face and neck began to peel off piece by piece, and anyone who watched it was shocked. The tongue was covered with dense wounds, and the saliva was painful to death.

But fortunately, she has a group of people who love her around to accompany her, so she is more active in cooperating with the doctor's treatment, and she will take whatever medicine the doctor gives. So Zhang Mi's condition is constantly improving: from not being able to speak to being able to communicate, her mouth can grow bigger and bigger, and her hair has begun to grow out... After 300 days, her tumor was gone and she got the "victory.".

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what did she do? First, behind the disappearance of the tumor, what has been experienced? Second, many cancer patients are scared to death, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsillar cancer

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > Second, many cancer patients are scared to death</h1>

In an interview, Zhang Mi once said that after suffering from cancer, she believed that 70% of patients were scared to death. During the treatment time, her desire to survive had never been so strong, but she was suppressed by the pain. She was worried that she would not be cured, that she would die, that she would not live long even if she was cured... Every day she thinks a lot, and sometimes she feels dead. Sometimes, she prayed to Heaven to spare herself.

The famous "anti-cancer star" Xu Kecheng was diagnosed with liver cancer at the age of 66, and after scientific treatment, now 15 years later, cancer has not developed further. He believes that the treatment of cancer is the first treatment of the heart. After learning that he had cancer, he calmly faced the facts and actively cooperated with the treatment.

"I had to keep myself alive because there was so much more to accomplish." Xu Kecheng lives in the present, lives to death, and has now successfully survived with cancer for fifteen years.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what did she do? First, behind the disappearance of the tumor, what has been experienced? Second, many cancer patients are scared to death, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsillar cancer

What exactly is the tonsil cancer that That Mi has?

Tonsillar carcinoma is a relatively rare malignancy that occurs in the oropharyngeal wall of the tonsillar fossa. The symptoms of early tonsil cancer are easily confused with the symptoms of tonsillitis, both of which can cause symptoms such as sore throat and foreign body sensation in the pharynx, especially when swallowed.

However, tonsillar carcinoma usually presents as intermittent sore throat on one side in the early stages, and as the disease progresses, the symptoms of sore throat will gradually worsen and develop into persistent sore throat, accompanied by symptoms such as reflex earache and dysphagia.

Hu Tuanyuan, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology of Henan Military Region Hospital, reminded that people who often inflame the tonsils are high-risk groups of tonsillar cancer, and if the inflammation is constantly stimulated and the mucosal epithelium degenerates, it will further develop into tonsil cancer.

In addition, long-term smoking and drinking people should also pay attention to the fact that tobacco and alcohol will promote mucosal epithelial edema, hyperemia, hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia, increasing the risk of tonsil cancer. Early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment of tonsillar cancer must not ignore the examination of the ear, nose and throat.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what did she do? First, behind the disappearance of the tumor, what has been experienced? Second, many cancer patients are scared to death, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsillar cancer

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="42" >3, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsil cancer</h1>

So, in daily life, what can we do to prevent tonsil cancer? Xiaojiu recommends the following 4 methods:

Strengthens resistance

Improve immunity, avoid long-term overwork, and learn to combine work and leisure.

Reduce alcohol and tobacco

Quit smoking and limit alcohol, reduce the adverse stimulation of tobacco and alcohol on the tonsils.

Early diagnosis of symptoms

If you have symptoms of tonsil abnormalities, seek medical attention in time to find out the cause.

High-risk groups need to be highly vigilant

Patients with chronic tonsillitis, people who smoke and drink for a long time, and people with HPV infection and other high-risk groups of tonsillar cancer should be vigilant and have regular physical examinations.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what did she do? First, behind the disappearance of the tumor, what has been experienced? Second, many cancer patients are scared to death, remember 4 points, stay away from tonsillar cancer

Tonsils belong to one of the most useless organs in human organs, and for adults, if the tonsils are often inflamed, they can be consulted whether a doctor can be removed without affecting their health. But for small children, it plays a very important immune defense role and cannot be cut off casually.


[1] "Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days!" What did she go through? 》. Health Times.2020-06-22

[2] What kind of cancer is tonsillar carcinoma? 》. Cancer Center of the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University.2021-06-20

[3] "Female singer Zhang Mi revealed that she has advanced cancer, and this immune organ that often inflames may also get cancer!" 》. Health Times.2019-11-29

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