
Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

author:Ziya children's funny characters

Fourteen years old debut, Zhang Mi with many songs to sing the music scene for thirty years, however, success, health of life, but suffered from tonsillar cancer, or advanced, once on the verge of despair she regained hope and responsibility, and after 300 days of tenacious fight with cancer, the tumor miracle disappeared, how did she do it?

In this issue, Ziya Childlike Character Ji will take you to see the anti-cancer road of singer Zhang Mi's "life to death".

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

Loved music, unfortunately suffered from tonsil cancer

Zhang Mi was born in a remote mountain town in Heilongjiang, the family is not rich, when she was a child, her life was gray in her eyes, the only thing that could bring a touch of color to her life was the old radio at home, whenever the melodious singing voice came out of the radio, her mood would also change, so she also fell in love with singing, dreaming of becoming a singer in the future.

Zhang Mi, who was born with a good voice, entered the art school as she wished, with the support of her grandmother, and began her singing career.

Since then, Zhang Mi's fate has completely changed, and in the next thirty years, she has published many songs, singing many popular songs such as "Public Relations Miss", "I Am Yours", "I Love You China", "Happy Gathering" and many other popular songs.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

As a public figure, she has always played a good leading role, never smoking, not drinking, not staying up late, loving sports, adhering to vegetarianism, and her body should be very healthy.

But in 2019, she was diagnosed with tonsil cancer, or advanced, what the hell is going on?

As early as the end of August 2018, After Zhang Mi in Canada got up, she found that her mouth could not be opened, slightly open and larger, her mouth and throat would have pain, she did not care much at first, thinking that it was a small illness, and it would be fine in a few days.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

Unexpectedly, the situation became more and more serious, until her mouth could only leave a small slit, and even swallowing was very difficult, unable to eat, she felt that something was wrong, and rushed to the hospital for examination.

After the first doctor's examination, it was thought that she was overly stressed caused by temporal jaw joint disorders, but she felt that the condition was not so simple, and went to see other doctors, before and after about 10 doctors, and also took two shots of MRI, the diagnosis results are temporal jaw joint disorders.

Zhang Mi, who wanted to recover her health as soon as possible, received treatment, but it did not have an effect, but made her condition more serious.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

Therefore, Zhang Mi decided to return to China, immediately booked a ticket to Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and under the diagnosis of experienced Dr. Zhou, it was confirmed that Zhang Mi had tonsillar cancer, and it was still advanced.

This result undoubtedly hit Zhang Mi hard, and for a moment she thought that her life had come to an end. Treatment may not necessarily recover, but giving up will definitely die, Zhang Mi chose the former. How did Mi Zhang fight cancer? Let's move on.

The initial misdiagnosis delayed Zhang Mi's treatment time for 8 months, dragging her condition into advanced tonsillar cancer, and the tumor growing on the pharyngeal wall was already large enough to compress her respiratory tract, and the condition was so serious that it was impossible to cut off the cancerous tongue through surgery.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

The only way for her to survive is to undergo chemotherapy, shrink the tumor, and then decide whether to operate.

But the side effects of chemotherapy are very large, the process is also very painful, and Zhang Mi, who was tortured by the tumor and could not even speak, picked up a pen with his hand, wrote the word "agree" on the paper, and handed it to the doctor.

After that, she began a long and painful life of chemotherapy.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

Every morning when she woke up from the hospital bed, the hanging bottle next to her had been replaced with a new one, and after the infusion, she had to queue up on an empty stomach to do a blood test, or do a bone marrow puncture, a row was two or three hours, and there was a wait for 5 hours, and the double torture of illness and hunger almost made her collapse.

The side effects of chemotherapy are also eroding her body and mind.

Every day after that, Zhang Mi would find that her fingernails and fingers were turning black little by little, a handful of hair fell on the pillow, and her scalp was gradually exposed, and she did not dare to look in the mirror, thinking that she was particularly terrible now.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

And every day when she got out of bed, it became more and more painful, her feet seemed to step on a row of needles, and with each step, her whole body was followed by stinging pain, she could only sit in a wheelchair and be pushed to move, and she could only communicate with people through a pair of hands.

Chemotherapy was painful, radiation was torturous, and she had to undergo dangerous and intense radiation.

These radiations caused Zhang Mi's face and neck to begin to molt, the skin tissue became thinner and weaker, and sometimes the neck would bleed, the flesh and blood were blurred, it looked bloody, and she had to control her hands, even if it was itchy and uncomfortable, she could not scratch the skin.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

Zhang Mi's tongue also had dense wounds, and she was unable to swallow, and she was even in pain to drink water, and the saliva secreted out of her mouth also flowed out of her mouth.

In order to drink water, Zhang Mi could only apply anesthetic to her mouth, take advantage of the loss of consciousness in her mouth, and quickly drink a few sips of water.

The time was like a nightmare, sometimes I couldn't sleep at night, I heard the cries of patients outside the door, then the sound of stretcher wheels turning rapidly on the floor, and the rushing footsteps of nurses.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

Zhang Mi would feel frightened, worried that she would not be able to survive, and one night there would be an accident, and the tumor that grew in her mouth was like a time bomb, making her constantly sway in despair and hope.

Did Zhang Mi finally succeed in fighting cancer? Let's move on.

Tenacious anti-cancer, miraculous recovery after 300 days

"70% of cancer patients are scared to death", Zhang Mi has been paying attention to cancer information during treatment, and found that there are still a small number of people in the world who can recover their health after treatment after suffering from advanced cancer, even if the probability is small, it will happen.

With the development of medical technology, more and more patients recover from terminal cancer, and these recovered people have a common characteristic, that is, to face cancer with a positive and optimistic attitude.

During this period, Zhang Mi's agent Yang Bo specially returned from abroad, visited her every day, her husband also set up a bed in the ward, accompanied her every day, and faced cancer with her, Zhang Mi's daughter learned that her mother had cancer, stopped her work, immediately flew back to take care of her mother, and poured milk powder for her mother every day.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

The nurses and doctors around her were also encouraging her, telling her that if she persevered, she would be fine.

Seeing that so many people around her are looking forward to getting better and trying their best to treat themselves, Zhang Mi is very touched and feels that she can't give up her life so easily.

Zhang Mi also realized that she was not only a patient, but also a wife, a mother, a singer, and she also had many responsibilities on her shoulders.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

It was in this way that Zhang Mi regained her strength and decided to fight cancer to the end.

Since then, she has actively cooperated with the treatment, and every day when she hears the doctor tell her that her condition has improved a little, she will be very happy and more confident.

After three months of treatment, Zhang Mi's condition improved, and she found that her mouth could be opened a little and she could speak.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

It was also that day that she finally tasted the taste of egg white and strawberries, which made her cry with joy, and her life finally ushered in a turning point.

In order to open her mouth, Zhang Mi tried to stuff it into her mouth with folded paper, and after adapting, she added it layer by layer, she also tried to use a shovel and an elastic sole, and finally the doctor used a professional opener for her, and her mouth slowly opened.

The improvement of her condition made Zhang Mi love life more, she dressed up the ward as a home, and the window sill cabinets were full of flowers.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

Zhang Mi sometimes watches videos of her previous singing in her hospital bed, and never thinks that she will miss herself standing on the stage and singing one day.

So, in the later stages of the treatment, she also sat in front of the piano and wrote a song called "For the People Who Love Me", and the emotions that the song wanted to express were precisely for those who loved her, not to give up and not to retreat, and to bravely face difficulties.

In October 2019, after 300 days of battling cancer, the tumor in Zhang Mi's mouth completely disappeared, and she won.

Female singer Zhang Mi has advanced cancer, and the tumor disappears after 300 days, what has she experienced?

After recovering her health, Zhang Mi has a new understanding of life and a deeper understanding of the concept of "living to die", and she also decided to return to the stage and sing "For the People Who Love Me" to those who need courage to face difficulties.

Zhang Mi wants to tell more people, never give up, please believe in miracles.

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