
Pelosi's husband's home was suddenly attacked, and the murder weapon was a bloody hammer

author:The cow plays the piano
Pelosi's husband's home was suddenly attacked, and the murder weapon was a bloody hammer

Infographic, non-text hammer

The incident is bizarre, but it also seems normal.

Anyway, this is the hottest news in the United States right now: the husband of Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives, was attacked at home and his head was smashed by a hammer. Some Americans even claimed that Pelosi herself got away with it, and if she had been at home at the time, she might have been completely smashed to death.

Based on the reports of the US media, the incident is roughly as follows.

1, a man suddenly broke into Pelosi's home in San Francisco in the early morning of October 28, shouting: "Where is Nancy?" Where is Nancy? You know, on January 6 last year, Trump supporters attacked Capitol Hill, and many people also shouted this slogan, and finally broke into Pelosi's office. Fortunately, Pelosi ran fast with oil on the soles of her feet at that time...

2, Pelosi is not at home, at home is her husband, 82-year-old Paul Pelosi, who was also sentenced to five days in prison and three years of probation for causing a traffic accident some time ago. Although he is 82 years old, the tall Paul and the murderer have a scuffle. The killer smashed a hammer on Paul's head, and Paul's arm and other places were also injured.

3, but Paul is still very scheming, should see that the situation is not good, immediately called the 911 police number, the line has been open, so that the police heard everything that happened in his home, and then quickly sent the police to the scene.

Pelosi's husband's home was suddenly attacked, and the murder weapon was a bloody hammer

4, when the US police arrived, they found that Pelosi's husband and the murderer were holding hammers. According to the police, the killer also claimed to tie Paul up and wait for Nancy Pelosi to come home... Naturally, the police rushed forward and subdued the murderer.

5, Pelosi's husband was then rushed to a nearby hospital and underwent surgery such as skull repair. It is said that the problem is not too big and that it should be possible to fully recover after a while. Pelosi herself also rushed to fly home from Washington to San Francisco.

6, according to the current charges of the police, it is estimated that the murderer will face a fairly long sentence, and he is charged with multiple felonies such as attempted homicide, assault with deadly weapons, and elder abuse. Trump supporters who previously broke into Pelosi's congressional office were sentenced to 7 years in prison.

7, Who is the murderer? According to the current information, it is a man named David Depape, and people immediately checked his various materials and found that this is a celestial who seems to be a little mentally abnormal, and, sure enough, Trump supporters, for example, angrily denounced the theft of the 2020 US election.

Pelosi's husband's home was suddenly attacked, and the murder weapon was a bloody hammer

8, the United States is naturally shocked, from President Biden to Republican opponents, they have expressed condolences to the Pelosi family. But Democrats also claim that "our democracy is in jeopardy." Why? Because the safety of the speaker is threatened, her congressional office was raided on January 6 last year, and now the killer has smashed and injured her husband.

9, considering that the midterm elections in the United States are imminent, the bloody case caused by a hammer will undoubtedly affect the election situation.

That's the thing, but it's really not simple.

After all, it was not ordinary people who were attacked, but the spouse of the number three person in the United States. In the US political sequence, if President Biden does not do it, he will be replaced by Vice President Harris, and if Harris does not do it either, Pelosi is the new president.

Such a powerful person's home was also attacked, and the murderer's slogan was exactly the same as the attack on Capitol Hill a year ago, what kind of hatred is this?

Pelosi's husband's home was suddenly attacked, and the murder weapon was a bloody hammer

Finally, what do you think?

Let's go three simple.

First, Pelosi certainly didn't expect it.

You know, just a few days ago, CNN disclosed a video that was still during the Capitol Hill riot, Pelosi was fierce at the scene, scolding Trump for "beating up", saying that even if she was "in jail for this, she was happy."

Later, in an interview with the media, Pelosi also insisted that she did not regret this hands-on remark, "That's right, I will punch him out." I said I would beat him, even if I was in jail. Pelosi also declared that Trump was "not manly enough" and that "he will not have the courage to come to Congress, he is just talking." ”

Of course, Trump scolded, "Pelosi is a despicable person." Earlier, he also put the words at the rally: "We're going to end the crazy Nancy Pelosi - she's crazy, she's crazy." We will end her political career. ”

But now things are also clear, Pelosi's old punch did not hit Trump, David DePape's hammer smashed into Pelosi's husband, fortunately, Pelosi herself is not at home.

Second, being a politician in the United States is dangerous.

Anyway, the US politicians who have been attacked in recent years have grabbed a big handful. According to official US data, in 2021, the Capitol Police alone investigated about 9,000 threats against US lawmakers.

In order to protect the safety of these people, the United States Government has even allocated more security funds, but it is still impossible to prevent it. In 2011, for example, former Arizona U.S. Representative Gabriel Giffords was shot in the head outside a grocery store; In 2017, Republican Congressional baseball team was practicing when a gunman opened fire on them and Republican Rep. Steve Scalis was seriously injured ...

Especially after the 2020 election, Biden declared his victory, Trump was slow to admit defeat, and the antagonism was unprecedentedly fierce. Seeing that the situation is not good, US lawmakers have asked for more protection from the police.

But if you can protect yourself, you can't protect your family. At the time of the incident, Pelosi was in Washington, naturally heavily guarded, who knew that in her hometown of San Francisco, her husband was smashed by a bloody hammer.

Pelosi's husband's home was suddenly attacked, and the murder weapon was a bloody hammer

Third, we can see the tearing of America.

Why is this so?

Quite simply, this is the result of the tearing apart of American politics, American society. Especially given that the midterm elections are just around the corner, you see, the Democrats are certainly targeting Republicans, not even ruling out accusations that Trump has instigated similar attacks.

Of course, the Republican Party will not sit still, and the violence will definitely be condemned, but it is not ruled out that the words will turn around, accusing Pelosi and other Democrats of being unpopular, and even declaring that this is a conspiracy, Pelosi, in order to reverse the election, does not rule out that it is a bitter meat plan, it is self-directed and self-acting...

Anyway, in the United States now, those who believe in this kind of accusations believe it, and those who do not believe it are killed and do not believe it.

I remember that after Trump supporters attacked Capitol Hill, a Middle East diplomat sighed: If the United States sees what the United States is doing to the United States, the United States will definitely invade the United States and liberate the United States from American tyranny.

The tearing continues, toss, just toss as much as you want. According to some Americans, if Nancy Pelosi had been at home at the time, the result might have been the same as Abe's; Just pity Paul Pelosi, 82 years old and smashed his head with a hammer ...