
Li Rong| started with "prominence to the pen."

author:The Paper

Zhitang article, "Gua Bean Collection" has an article "On the umbrella of all peoples again", and at the end of the article, there is a word called "Jue Pen Yi Yi". When I saw it before, it passed, because I always understood that it was the meaning of being ready to record and discuss it at any time.

Li Rong| started with "prominence to the pen."

"Gua Dou Ji Bingcandle Talk", Yuelu Publishing House, 1989 edition

Now that I am older, I don't want to read quickly, so I can be calmer, and I will stay for a while longer in the words I understand. If you think about it, there are really many problems. What is going on with this "protruding pen", there are many places where I only know one and the other. I have some fate with the word "er". My wife's grandfather, my father-in-law, Mr. Guo Baojun, was originally a researcher at the Institute of History and Language, and later an expert of the older generation of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and one of the veterans of the archaeological excavations of Yin Hui in China. The famous article he published in the "Shiyu Collection" "New Interpretation of Ancient Jade", in which the Tao and "瑱" this ancient jade. In the "Saying Wen", "瑱" and "猥" can be mutually trained: "猥, 瑱也." "At the source, these two things are similar or similar.

A few years ago, I wrote a small article for Wen Wei Po PEN in memory of Mr. Baojun, and there was a related passage: "In the study of ancient jade, Mr. Baojun has worked extremely the general understanding of 'vessel name' and 'instrument'. One of the ancient jade names handed down from ancient times is called '瑱', and the text interpretation '瑱' means 'filling the ears with jade'. However, what exactly is the purpose of its 'ear filling', the ancient saying is different, the interpretation is as follows: hang next to the ear, do not want to make people listen in vain, and plug the ear also make people stop hearing. There are even those who explain it as 'for the silence of adultery'. However, Mr. Baojun found in his research that the evolution of ancient Chinese jade is basically from practical, playful, and etiquette. Stopping listening to and closing the voice of adultery is a subsidiary meeting after the great prosperity of ritual and religion, and the ancient righteousness is by no means as good as it. Once, in the field of archaeology, the site was on the mountain, and it was extremely inconvenient to go up and down, so Mr. Baojun took a break at the archaeological site and took a nap. There are many mud bugs and it is easy to climb into the ear canal. Mr. Baojun has rich life experience and can use his brain, so he tore the note from the waste paper, squeezed it into a small round paper ball and stuffed it in his ear, so that the bugs could not get into the loophole. It was from this life episode that Mr. Baojun was inspired to speculate that the small jade object called "Ying" was probably a kind of life gadget invented by the ancients living in mud houses to prevent insects from entering the ear canal. ”

Li Rong| started with "prominence to the pen."

Eastern Han Dynasty, Agate Yao, Ningbo Museum Collection

Later, it gradually evolved into a crown and lop ear ornament or a woman's ear ornament. Then, "Jue Pen" is "with the pen as a pro", and the part where the pro is located is replaced with a pen. What does this mean? Check the "Selected Writings", Cao Zijian's "Seeking Tong Family Watch" has a saying: "An Zhai Jing Room, hold the whip pen." Li Shan's note: "Jue pen, wear a pen also." "Book of Han" Zhao Qiongyue: Zhang Anshi holds a hairpin pen. Zhang Yanyi: Near courtiers bear the hairpin pen from also. This means that the courtier inserts a pen near the edge of the crown of the hat he wears near his ear, and when he attends, he can take down the pen at any time to record the emperor's conversations and orders, and at the same time he can write down his own response at any time and present it to the emperor. Later, the ministers of Jue Pen specifically referred to the positions of historical officials and imperial historians and advisors, who either needed to record the emperor's words and deeds at any time to make living notes, or they needed to submit opinions and suggestions for the emperor's reference at any time.

Because this pen is inserted into the brim of the hat next to the ear, it looks like an "ear ornament", so it is called "prominence pen". That picture is really funny. At that time, there was no so-called "fountain pen" today, and it was always feasible to have a complete pen and ink. The pen can be inserted next to the ear, and it is about impossible to carry the ink with you; Coupled with the use of paper, a few pieces of paper are forced into the graceful official uniform, if not impossible, it is always a little inappropriate, and the unevenly folded paper is spread out to write, not necessarily too presentable. Realistically extrapolating in this way, the application effect of this "protruding pen" on the brim of the hat may not save time more than the "stay method" of letting people send pen and ink paper over on the spot.

Then, this can only be a symbol, to put it bluntly, "acting". At that time, the "er" borrowed the "earring" to take this name, of course, would not have the courage to play "humor", but inadvertently "broken" a little truth of the original "jue pen": this is just an "ornament" used for decoration. "Taiping Imperial Review" quoted "Wei Zhi" as follows: "In the hall of the emperor's taste, the imperial history hairpin sat on the side steps with a white pen, and asked left and right: Why is this official and who is the lord? Left and right are not right. Simbiyi: Imperial history. In the old days, the hairpin pen was not lawless, and now it is directly prepared by the official, but the pen ear is not enough. "That makes sense." In the old days, the hairpin pen is not lawful", this may just be the ideal "should", but "straight reserve official, but the pen of the prominence" is a reality, but it is just a decoration and "acting", and even the "name" of the decoration and play is a little forgotten.

In the Song Dynasty, the name of this "Jue Pen" also referred to a new category of people at that time, that is, "lawyers", who specialized in fighting lawsuits for others, and are jokingly called "ancient lawyers" today. They were ready to write pleadings on behalf of others, which reminiscent of the slightly "funny" image of the pen inserted in the brim of the hat, so it was naturally transferred. Huang Luzhi has a passage that is often quoted: "The custom of Jiangxi, the scholar is beautiful and civil, his meticulous people are dangerous and healthy, and he is capable of final litigation." Since the jade is burned, the people of the name Jue Pen, although there are debaters, they cannot extricate themselves. This "people of the pen" is the people and lawyers who "take the final lawsuit as the ability".

Being able to argue with reason can be said to be more or less a "new atmosphere". However, the "wind of lawsuits" can easily become "acting with falsehood and falsehood, doing nothing, crying out for injustice, and shocking what is heard." This has again become "acting by fiddling with reason." Comparing China and the West, we have always believed that Chinese always have a natural resistance and rejection of legal lawsuits, believing that the deception of the people's customs may be caused by this. However, if you read more compilations of judgments of previous generations, such as the "Collection of Famous Gongshu Judgments and Qingming", the impression obtained may change greatly. Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties Chinese the trend of "healthy litigation" so much that the preface of "Jue Pen Ken Qi" said: "The people are puppy, the cases are getting more and more annoying, and the people above are getting more and more tired, so the law of limiting words is established." "There are too many civil lawsuits, and the number and length of pleadings are increasing, so the "law of word restriction" has been introduced to limit the number and length of pleadings.

In books such as "Ancient and Modern Book Integration", there are many records about the "people of the pen" and the "healthy lawsuit" custom. Among them, from the perspective of both officials and the people, due to the different positions and interests, of course, there are great differences in perception and judgment. For example, "villages and towns are good at harboring, mountains and rivers are dangerous and humane nature, lawsuits are the wind, invincible, strong or arbitrary, treacherous and prominent, or even fleeing from the valley, beating public service, resisting three rulers, this is the evil way" is a typical "official document", and more or less always regards the expression of public opinion and the statement of public grievances as "evil ways." However, as far as Chinese civil society is concerned, at least in places where "civil society" is strong in the south, before the west wind came to the east, it also walked a road of "healthy litigation" with its original culture and tradition, and in turn felt that "litigation" and "no litigation" should be more or less an ideal between people, and that is also a fact.

Finally, I came back to think of the "瑱" (猥) in Mr. Yue Zu Baojun's article, and the specific conclusions can of course be discussed, but his rationale is convincing. Ancient jade, which was regarded as a treasure in later generations, seemed to him to be just a simple "life gadget" invented by his ancestors. And this time I thought about this "prominence pen" up and down history, and in the end I remembered the old carpenter I saw in the lane when I was a child: on two ears, one had a cigarette, which could be used to light and take a few puffs during rest; One is clipped with a thick pencil, which can be scratched on the wood at any time, making small furniture and small benches that are close to people. Such a bench may be your childhood "partner", and when you have your own home as an adult, with a complete set of new furniture, you are a little reluctant to throw it away.