
The pain blossomed

author:Xianning Weixin

Tan Yongxi

The bulging luan trees dance in the tall treetops, burning the towering wild goose tower. Under the Yan Pagoda, many enthusiastic people also gathered, including the county federation of literature, the county Communist Youth League, the county women's federation, the city and county disabled persons' federation, and some teachers from primary and secondary schools, all of whom came to participate in the sale of a little girl's new book "Walking with Poetry".

The pain blossomed

This little girl is called Ding Hongyan, a knife man from Tongchengguan, an ordinary country girl. What moved these people who volunteered to cheer for her book sales campaign? To ask why, I have to say the protagonist Ding Hongyan.

If you use one word to introduce Ding Hongyan, some people may guess that it is a poetic character, some people may be a beautiful word, or some people may guess that it is a stupid word. Both are but not the most appropriate words. This word is a painful word. How many words are related to pain, pain, skin pain, labor pain, severe pain, pain, burning pain, acute pain, pain relief, pain relief, pain pain, pain sensation, pain spot, itch, and heart-tearing pain, heart-piercing pain, etc. She has also experienced innocent and happy adolescent years, and also had dreams of a beautiful girl, but a sudden illness shattered all this. Just as she was dreaming of youth, she was diagnosed with a malignant disease called lumbar tuberculosis, which caused the lumbar nerves to be compressed and blocked, resulting in paraplegia in the lower extremities. At that time, she had constant pain in her lower limbs. She said, "That pain is not ordinary. It is the pain of the day and night cycle. Sometimes three denomi tinctures a night, plus some painkillers, don't work at all." She would even prefer that she had a terminal illness so that the pain would die along with her life. Here we only talk about pain, not to mention her troubles, such as incontinence, unable to sit, stand, move, eat, eat and cannot be discharged, lying in a bed every day, turning over and needing care from both parents, one hugging the upper body and the other holding the lower limbs. Because she couldn't stand the pain, she said that she had committed suicide several times, but she was unsuccessful, the most decisive time she went on a hunger strike for 6 days, dripping water, wanting to get rid of such endless torture, the only requirement every day is to sleep and be temporarily painless. She said that all the pain and suffering are indescribable, and the pain is beyond comprehension.

What a painful thing it is to be tormented by pain. But she still has to be tortured painlessly. She was unconscious below the waist, and her feet were burned many times but could not be detected in time, diagnosed and treated in time, and sometimes sent to the hospital for inflammation.

The pain blossomed

In the endless pain and torment, in the struggle of life and death, she found a formula that could heal her wounds, that is, the seeds of literature germinated in her heart, she wanted to write down the painful process, she wanted to write down the care of family affection, she wanted to write down the warmth of the party and the government, and she wanted to write down the help of well-wishers in her struggle. She also has to write down love, she also has to write down the children she bought with her life, she also has to write down the beauty of the world, she also has to record her transformation in pain, she also has to write down that there is hope in life.

The pain blossomed

So she was accompanied not only by pain, but also by words and hope. She picked up the mouse in her hand and typed line by line, writing day by day, the days when the sun shone into her heart, the pain was lighter. In 2017, her first book of poems, Opening a Window to Hope, was published. During this period, she had many caring people who cared about her, enlightened her, encouraged her, guided her, and gave her a lot of help. "I was lucky," she said. I met a lot of kindness along the way, which gave me a sense of accomplishment in writing. ”

After five years, she has released her personal poetry collection "Walking with Poetry". In the poem, I see the changes in life, as in her poem "Watch": "The heart path when the watch comes, between the sky and the low eyebrows, there is your stubbornness, even if there is more noise, you can only walk by", "Layman": "Broken pen half a branch, difficult to write a little light clouds, one layman, only a copper skin and iron bone", "Transformation": "The wind blew and fell a few leaves." I sat here, with tea on the table, looking into the distance, so quietly, slowly holding the tea, gently tasting, a faint bitterness, metamorphosis, a trace of sweetness into the bottom of the heart, a faint joy, in the distance, the flower bloomed, through the wind and snow, the fragrance is not strong, but there is still a trace of aroma in the wind, maybe a dark fragrance, faint, it is there, and I am here. Her persistence has made her copper skin and iron bone, and also achieved her transformation.

The pain blossomed

At the scene, some people sympathized with her and mobilized everyone to sympathize with her and buy her books. I heard the news and came to Yanta Square, but not out of sympathy but out of admiration for her strength. I bought a set and asked her to sign it, and she wrote on it: "When pain blossoms, that's when I'm strongest!" ”

I am very pleased that her "pain has blossomed!" ”

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Min