
Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

author:Red Net

Red Network Moment News October 26 (reporter Fu Huanyu intern Liu Yi) "After the training, I like to listen to songs to relax myself, you listen, this Steel Heart Band's "Champion", I have been listening to it all the time recently..."

On the afternoon of October 25, Gao Xuanrui, the "dream chasing boy" who had finished a day's training class, walked out of the swimming training hall of Hunan Normal University with his head held high, wearing his hair and carrying a backpack on his shoulders, and walked towards the direction of the school cafeteria.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

In six years, the "dream chasing boy" Gao Xuanrui has grown from an ignorant little girl to a strong swimmer. Photography / Fu Huanyu

Up to this day, Gao Xurui has lived and studied in the Physical Education College of Hunan Normal University for two months as a freshman, and in these two months, after the systematic training of Coach Long Lijun of Shida University, Gao Xurui's swimming skills and achievements have made new breakthroughs - in September 2022, at the 12th University Games of Hunan Province held in Yueyang, Gao Xurui, who represented Hunan Normal University, won three gold and one silver, which is exciting.

In 2017, Red Network Sports launched a series of reports on "Dream Chasing Boys", and the protagonist of the first issue of the story was Gao Xurui. This Xiaohua, who was only 14 years old at the time, has now grown into a big girl with a height of nearly one meter and seven feet. In six years, Gao Xuanrui has changed a lot, she has grown taller, won honors, enriched her experience, and began to learn to make herself up like other girls; In the past six years, one thing that has never changed is her love of swimming and her pursuit of dreams and honor.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

The Universiade is fruitful

"I was admitted to the Physical Education College of Hunan Normal University this year in a single-move manner, and I scored 93.5 points in the professional examination I participated in."

After being admitted to the School of Physical Education of Hunan Normal University, Gao Xuanrui will not only continue to join the sports team as a swimmer to participate in training competitions, but also participate in cultural courses in sports training. In order to prepare for the provincial Universiade, Gao Xuanrui participated in training with the swimming team of Hunan Normal University as soon as school began.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

The swimming team of Hunan Normal University participated in the 12th Provincial Universiade. Courtesy of Gao Churui

"The provincial Universiade should be regarded as the most challenging sports event I have participated in so far, and the competition is held every four years, so I really hope that I can gain something, so I started training under the advice and guidance of the coach of the school team dragon." Introduction of Gao Churui.

In the end, in Yueyang, she won gold medals in the women's 4×100m freestyle relay, women's 100m freestyle, and women's 800m freestyle (Group B), all breaking the event record, in addition, Gao Xuanrui and three other teammates won the silver medal in the women's 4×200m freestyle relay. The first time he participated in the provincial Universiade, he won three gold and one silver, which is undoubtedly the best reward for Gao Xurui, who has trained hard for a summer vacation.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

Gao Xuanrui, who won three gold and one silver, took a group photo with his teammates. Courtesy of Gao Churui

"Although I went all out, I was still unexpected to win three gold medals." Gao Xuanrui said, "After the systematic training in the previous period, the results of the provincial Universiade are better than my results in the single recruitment exam, and I feel that my ability to return and comprehensive ability have increased." ”

These three gold medals in the Provincial Universiade have built up confidence for Gao Xuanrui, so that Gao Xuanrui can more confidently meet the future competitions, studies, and new university life.

Start a new university day

Gao Xuanrui introduced that after the official opening of the university, the day from Monday to Friday is a professional course to study, and at 18:30, the swimming pool is concentrated training, and the reason why he chose the sports training major is to strengthen his own sports level through theoretical knowledge.

"When I used to practice, although I knew how to do each stroke, I couldn't tell the scientific truth 'why I did this move', and I completely followed the instructions. After choosing the sports training major, I finally understood what the state of the human bones, muscles, nerves and other aspects was during exercise, so that I could understand and treat daily training from the perspective of theoretical science. Gao said.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

On the first day of reporting to the university, Gao Xuanrui took a group photo with her parents and sister in front of Hunan Normal University. Courtesy of Gao Churui

There are more than 100 students from various provinces and cities across the country who have chosen sports training at the Physical Education College of Hunan Normal University, including swimming projects in which Gao Xuanrui participates, as well as other sports that she has not yet participated in but are very interested in experiencing, such as canoeing and badminton.

Gao said: "Physical education is the common language of my classmates, and because of my love for sports, I quickly mingled with my new students. ”

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

Gao started a new university year at Hunan Normal University. Courtesy of Gao Churui

"Before entering university, I also dreamed about what university would look like countless times in my mind, and when I actually entered university, I still lamented that university life was different from what I had imagined before." After entering the university, in addition to daily training and study, Gao Xuanrui also began to try to participate in the college's club activities, experience different sports such as badminton, photography and video.

At the same time, Gao Xurui also began to pay attention to her own appearance, not only learned to make up, but also had personal experience in wearing sportswear, "I have more personal time in college, in fact, I was interested in makeup before, and now I can study it well." I still like to wear sportswear because it shows the spirit of an athlete! In addition, Gao plans to improve her English and computer skills to make a breakthrough in reaching the level as soon as possible.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

Gao Xuanrui jumped into the pool. Courtesy of Gao Churui

"Secretly ask, are you ready to fall in love in college?" In the face of this question thrown by the red network sports reporter, Gao Xuanrui's cheeks reddened slightly, and she was a little embarrassed to say that she has not considered this aspect for the time being, and she has not yet met a boy she likes at school.

"I guess I'll still focus on training and schoolwork... Of course, if you can, I hope that the other party is three-viewed, good habits, good figure, handsome... Hahahaha! Gao said.

Six years have passed since the beginning

In an interview with Red Network Sports in 2017, Gao Xurui once said that she hoped to win the title of national first-class athlete and become an excellent swimmer, representing her hometown and school.

Fast forward six years, the little girl who used to be only "dog planing" not only achieved the goal of reaching the national level athletes, but also stood on the top podium three times on the field of the provincial Universiade.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

High crestle as a child. Courtesy of Gao Churui

"I would like to thank the teachers and coaches who have given me careful guidance in all stages of my swimming. In the process of chasing my dreams in the swimlane, they gave me a lot of love, care and help and set goals, so that I can grow into the person I am today. After entering the university to receive more systematic sports theory study, I also understood more about the difficulty of coaches. "This summer, Gao worked as a part-time child coach in the Malanshan Sports Park in Duck Shop, Kaifu District, Changsha City, and was invited to participate in the Red Research Agency's "Rising Star" on August 25. Tour 'You Decide' Xiangjiang Happy City Happy Water Village Social Practice Activity.

Gao said that as long as time permits, she is willing to stay in the swimming pool during her vacation, teach more children to learn to swim, and pass on the health and happiness brought to her by swimming.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

On August 25th, Gao Xuanrui was invited to participate in the "Rising Star" of the Red Research Society. Tour 'You Decide' Xiangjiang Happy City Happy Water Village Social Practice Activity, and take a group photo with the children. Photography / Fu Huanyu

In six years, the biggest progress that swimming has brought to Gao is to find a way forward and the sportsmanship of "never give up". "In fact, swimming is a relatively monotonous and boring sport, athletes in the 50-meter lane non-stop back and forth, psychological burnout is normal, the key is to see how you treat, have a goal in mind, there is a direction to move forward, since I chose to swim, then I will bravely face every competition, and take every competition as a journey to experience myself, and find confidence and happiness from constantly challenging myself to overcome myself." Gao said.

"From 2017 to 2022, I am still the 'dream chaser' who loves to swim, and I will continue to swim with love in the future." Gao said.

Gao Xuanrui: Six years later, I am still a "dream chaser" in the swimming lane

Gao Xuanrui reaches the finish line. Courtesy of Gao Churui

Parent Draft: What I can't forget is my daughter's dedication to her dreams

Text/Zhang Ting

Today (July 31, 2022), Hunan Normal University finally released the proposed admission notice! Official announcement! Official announcement!

I have fantasized about this moment countless times, this night, destined to be euphoria and revelry!

I can't forget the summer vacation of 2016, after a heavy rainstorm in Xiangxi, I grabbed a phone number and took my child to Changsha for more than five hours by long-distance bus to find a professional coach. During that time, the steps under the street lamp on the left side of the entrance of the Hunan Sports Bureau Swimming Pool were my "special seats", and every evening I was there watching the sunset and counting mosquitoes, at that time, I thought: the sunset in Changsha is so beautiful! Almost every day is red, like the fire clouds mentioned in the book, there are red, purple, gold... In between waiting for my child, I occasionally go for a walk, watching the center of the green space rise, and every shop in the Four Seasons Sunshine City has also lingered, but what I love the most is to continue to sit under the street lamp that belongs to me and watch the sunset, because there, closest to the child, she sweats in the brightly lit swimming pool, and I say to myself over and over again outside the swimming pool: As long as she insists, I will never give up!

I can't forget the summer vacation of the first school, after only 17 trainings, the child got the opportunity to go to Chenzhou for training in the whole province, two times a day, one 5,000 meters. It's nice that I can go into the swimming pool and watch every training session! Watching my child swim with the elites of the province, she obviously couldn't keep up, her body was already swinging in the water, and she stubbornly insisted that she must finish the plan assigned by the coach before she would stop. I really saw it in the audience: the training coach could no longer wait for her to arrive, and new tasks were assigned, other children had already set off, and my children were still tired of catching up in the water... I walked round and round in the aisles of the audience, mentally accompanying her, and watching me cry quietly at almost every training session. One day at noon, I finally couldn't help but ask her: I'm so tired, let's go back! She said: Mom, I'm not tired at all... You see, I still have the strength to run back to my hotel room! Then, she really ran up to the fifth floor in one go. At that moment, "As long as she doesn't give up, I will hold on!" "It became a belief in me. Unexpectedly, this first time she participated in the provincial championship, she also won the seventh place in the province! This is considered an unexpected surprise.

I can't forget the summer vacation of 2017, the training of the Jinpenling campus of Hunan Provincial University of Technology, where the water is really cold, every morning at 07:30 morning training, our mother and wife went out at 06:20 to catch the bus at 06:30, so that at the beginning of this year, we can live in our own home in Changsha, and it is convenient to eat and live. We waited for bus 159 at Chaoyang Station, her bag carrying training gear, mine carrying water and the lunch she had made in the morning. In order to let the children rest during the two training sessions, we rented a room for lunch break in the family hotel at the gate of the Polytechnic, and the sheets, quilts, and pillows were all used from home, and only air conditioning was required. It was a family hotel with a long walk from the road, the lighting was not very good, the toilets were also shared, but it was right at the gate of the polytechnic and the air conditioning worked well and the price was cheap. This year, at the second championship of the child's learning to swim, she reached the national second-class athlete standard with a score of 10 minutes and 55 seconds in the 800-meter freestyle and 1:09 seconds in the 100-meter freestyle. Then, the only swimming pool in Jishou at that time was closed... From reaching level two in October to the three months of winter vacation in January of the following year, the children had no training ground and no hope of continuing to swim, and the 14-year-old girl gained weight. How can this be done? The snow that winter was particularly heavy, the snow at the entrance of the swimming pool of the provincial sports bureau is estimated to be more than ten centimeters, but the swimming pool is smoking white smoke, warm, groups of children swimming happily inside, at this time Changsha City completely conquered me: this is the provincial city!

I can't forget when I took my child downstairs and told the coach that "the child especially wants to stay in Changsha to study and train at the same time, Jishou has no swimming pool, and really can't go back". The spring of that year came very early, and with the help of the coach, the child successfully stayed in Changsha. That is, during the eight months of studying in Changsha, I usually trained six times a week, and practiced twice a day during the summer vacation, and the children's technical movements held in the palm of the coach's hand were stabilized, which was really blessed.

I can't forget three years of high school, during the epidemic, especially during the winter vacation of the first year of high school in 2020, I stayed at home, and I didn't dare to go anywhere, starting from the twenty-ninth of the lunar month, I didn't run or go into the water for 76 days, but fortunately, the child was particularly strict with himself, not only did he not gain weight, but he also lost 5 pounds, and it didn't take long to resume training. In recent years, there have been more swimming pools in Jishou, and the venues have been guaranteed, but they are too far from the school. With the permission of the school leaders, the special office of the school under closed management gave the green light, and the political education office opened a day card, allowing us to take us out for training almost every night. Thanks to the humane management of the school, my father and I are determined to persevere and provide the best conditions for our children within our ability. We send the children to school every morning, then go to work, pick up the children out of the swimming pool on time after work in the afternoon, 4 sides a day, 20 kilometers on one side. We have seen the sunrise in Qianzhou New District, the sunset in Jishou City District, witnessed the Jishou high-speed railway station from scratch, and calculated together which time point to go from which road so that there is no traffic jam... Every week's recipes, I plan in advance, and every time I buy vegetables, I carry them in my bag. In the past two years, I am especially grateful to my grandparents and grandparents, who helped me take Xiaoerbao with my substitute during the day, and when I still needed a meeting after work, my grandmother who would drive to school to pick up the children and go out to the swimming pool. In the past two years, I have been a Chinese teacher by day and a swimming coach at night, only practicing my children. Thanks to the swimming pool, unconditionally let me enter the pool to give the child a card table, and also thank the child and her father, leading Erbao to sleep at night, so that I can have enough energy to deal with this day-to-day thing. The hardest thing is my child, who has not had a complete rest seven days a week, and when the swimming pool is not open for many days, she will arrange land training for herself, swimming pool, track and field, and gym rotation. Every morning at 7 o'clock to school class, during the day to learn high school courses to complete various homework, at night after training with the fastest speed home is around 21:20, after the homework is often between 23 o'clock and 24 o'clock, every day she intimately calls me to sleep first, don't wait for her, sometimes very late she will be angry when she finds that I haven't slept, in fact, she didn't rest, how can I sleep...

I can't forget that she has a full schedule every winter vacation, running, strength, core, swimming... Except for the first day of the new year, she will appear at the track and field every day from 06:00 to 06:30. Working hard for her dreams and doing her best for her goals has become her habit, and that perseverance and companionship have long become the most daily part of our family.

I can't forget that in the last finishing race, after two consecutive losses, she swam alone in the empty pool at 22 o'clock at night, did not speak all night, adjusted her mentality in time the next morning, and finally fought back in the final 100-meter freestyle and successfully reached the first level. I was in the stands that day, and the moment I saw the results, I completely broke my defense...

I can't forget the benefactors who have helped us at every key node, and we can't forget the little partners who have supported each other along the way, I wish everyone happiness and longevity!

Written in Changsha on July 31, 2022

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