
The meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign journalists in Xiabaishi Town aroused a warm response at the meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign reporters

author:New Fujian
The meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign journalists in Xiabaishi Town aroused a warm response at the meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign reporters

At noon on 23 October, party members, cadres, and the masses in Xiaqi Village, Xiabaishi Town, watched the meeting between members of the 20 th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and Chinese and foreign reporters in the multi-purpose hall of the New Era Civilization Practice Station with great concern and ardent anticipation for the new central leadership collective.

The meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign journalists in Xiabaishi Town aroused a warm response at the meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign reporters

Watching the scene, everyone was attentive and listened with excitement to the mission goals proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping for the new journey. They unanimously held that the new central leading collective, with its rich experience in reform and innovative spirit, will certainly live up to the great trust entrusted to it, will not fail in its mission, and will lead the people of all nationalities throughout the country to make great strides toward comprehensively building a modern socialist country and realizing the second centenary goal.

The meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign journalists in Xiabaishi Town aroused a warm response at the meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign reporters

Everyone expressed that they would resolutely support the new central leadership collective, rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, never forget their original intention, keep their mission in mind, forge ahead, immerse themselves in hard work, and strive to achieve the goals and tasks set by the 20th National Congress of the Party.

"Under the care and concern of the party, we have moved up, lived and become rich from the original drift at sea to now, and our lives have undergone earth-shaking changes. Villager Jiang Chengcai said excitedly: We are full of confidence in the future, and we will unswervingly obey the party, feel the favor of the party, follow the party, be down-to-earth, work from generation to generation, and strive to create a better life.

Chen Ling, secretary of the Xiaqi Village Party Branch, said: "General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned that on the new journey, we must always adhere to everything for the people and rely on the people in everything. We must keep in mind the party's grace, further enhance the high consciousness of being loyal to the core, supporting the core, and closely following the core, constantly improve our political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and continue to strive to write a new chapter in the happy life of the people of the family. ”

The meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign journalists in Xiabaishi Town aroused a warm response at the meeting between the new central leadership collective and Chinese and foreign reporters

"The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China said that we have won the largest battle against poverty in human history, and we boat people are really excited and inspired as witnesses and beneficiaries." Zheng Yue'e, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Xiabaishi Town and first secretary of Xiaqi Village, said that standing at a new starting point of carrying forward the past and opening up the future, we will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, strive to be a loyal supporter of the "two establishments" and an exemplary leader of the "two maintenances", and continue to work hard with the villagers to paint a beautiful picture of rural revitalization.

Source: Fu'an Today

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