
Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant has a total of 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant! 成绩单:全场‬出战‬

author:Listen to old about the NBA

Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant

There are 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant!

成绩单:全场‬出战‬31分钟,26投17中,其中三分‬6投5中,罚球13中10,总计‬得到49分 4篮板‬ 8次助攻 1次‬抢断‬ 2次封盖 ,正负值‬两队‬最高‬+23。


Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant has a total of 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant! 成绩单:全场‬出战‬
Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant has a total of 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant! 成绩单:全场‬出战‬
Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant has a total of 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant! 成绩单:全场‬出战‬
Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant has a total of 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant! 成绩单:全场‬出战‬
Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant has a total of 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant! 成绩单:全场‬出战‬
Today's NBA best star - Ja Morant has a total of 11 games today, and the best performer is Grizzlies star Ja Morant! 成绩单:全场‬出战‬

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