
International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

International sources pointed out that the 20th CPC National Congress will have a positive impact on the world.

International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

Thai National Assembly Chairman Chuan Lipai: The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government wholeheartedly seek the well-being of the people and wish the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China a complete success. I have met with President Xi Jinping, who has gone deep into the grassroots to understand the direction of China's development and led the Chinese people to achieve remarkable achievements in all aspects, and I sincerely wish China greater achievements.

International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

Djiknuli, general secretary of Albania's ruling Socialist Party: I wish the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China a complete success. The CPC has led China to achieve great development achievements and made important contributions to world peace and development, and our party is willing to deepen cooperation with the CPC and make unremitting efforts for human development and progress.

International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

Bolivian former Foreign Minister Vanacuni: The Communist Party of China has a consistent principle, that is, to serve the people. Everything in China's revolution and construction is for the people, and President Xi Jinping once again emphasized people-centered in the report of the 20th National Congress, which also brings enlightenment to all countries in the world that good government must benefit the people.

International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

Yoonu: From 2011 to the present, I have visited China many times, and I have had the opportunity to talk to ordinary Chinese people, and in recent years, China has overcome many difficulties and made extraordinary achievements in poverty alleviation, and this is in a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, which is unbelievable, but it is true, and only the party and government that really care about people's livelihood can achieve such achievements.

International sources pointed out that China's successful development experience can provide reference and inspiration for many countries, and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will also have an important impact on the world.

International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

Costa Rican President Rodrigo Chávez: China's international influence is growing. I am very concerned about the 20th Party Congress, which is not only important for China, but will also have a profound impact on Costa Rica and other countries.

International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

Takakei Fujita, chairman of Japan's "Inheritance and Development Murayama Talks": The 20 th CPC National Congress has attracted worldwide attention, and China has scored remarkable development achievements in human history because of the correct leadership of the CPC, the unremitting efforts of the Chinese people, and the emergence of talented Chinese people. China has provided valuable experience for other countries to learn from.

International: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will have an important impact on the world

Indian News Commentator Kulkarni: China has faced many difficulties in the past ten years and has still made great achievements. I believe that President Xi Jinping is firm in faith and full of wisdom, and has always led the right course for the giant ship in the turbulent waves. With the support of the broad masses, the Communist Party of China is a great practitioner who can turn dreams into reality, and China's development trend is unstoppable.

(Reporter Lei Xiangping, Li Guannan, Li Min, Wang Fenghua, Liu Zhuoye, Li Weilin, Gao Xue, Wang Jianbing)

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