
The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

author:Cosmic observation

The astronomical community has long realized that Earth is not a planet suitable for astronomical observation because its atmosphere is too thick and atmospheric disturbances often affect the observation effect.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

So since the last century, astronomers have hoped to deploy an astronomical telescope in space to bypass atmospheric disturbances and directly face the stars and galaxies in the universe, and the Hubble Space Telescope, which launched in 1990, and the Webb Space Telescope, which launched in 2021, fulfilled astronomers' wishes.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

The Hubble telescope, which has been in space for more than 30 years, relies on its powerful performance and perfect visual clearance of space species to photograph many nebulae and galaxies in the depths of the universe for human beings, the most famous of which is the Pillar of Creation Nebula photographed twice in 1995 and 2014, these three nebula giant pillars are located in the Eagle Nebula 6500 light-years away, the range is several light years, and several stars are being nurtured in these pillars, hence the name Pillar of Creation.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

For a long time in the past, Hubble's Pillar of Creation was a representative work of deep space photography, but with the appearance of Webb's version of Pillar of Creation on October 19, Hubble's version instantly became fragrant, because Weber's Pillar of Creation shot from the mid-infrared band was too bright, and the stars that were originally dim behind became extremely dazzling in Webb's lens, and more details of the Pillar of Creation were also discovered by Weber.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

From the nebula pillar itself, the Webb version is obviously more transparent than the Hubble version, and the edge of the column is sharper, belonging to the red spots emitted by the embryonic star, and it is also conspicuous because of Weber's three-color filter, which allows the astronomical community to better analyze the early state of star evolution.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

In addition to embryonic stars, Webb also photographed many newborn stars that have broken away from the bubble wrap and begun to evolve independently, and the part that was originally obscured by interstellar dust in the Hubble photo also allowed the Webb telescope to bypass the mid-infrared and electromagnetic wave bands, and then see more stars that were not seen before.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

In this area as wide as 8 light-years, Webb photographed at least tens of thousands of stars, and due to the characteristics of the infrared band, ground personnel received the data, in order to make different types of stars look more different, they were all given different colors, so Webb's version of the Pillar of Creation looks far brighter than the Hubble telescope.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

The only drawback is that the Pillar of Genesis is too thick, even if the Webb telescope can bypass some of the interstellar dust to see more details, it still cannot directly see the Milky Way behind the Pillar of Creation.

Even more surprising is that, based on astronomical research on photographs of the Pillar of Creation, astronomers agree that the Pillar of Creation probably no longer exists.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

The reason for this is that there are several elderly stars about to explode as supernovae around the pillar of creation in the photo, which are very close to the pillar of creation, and considering the 6500 light-years distance from Earth and the delay of 6500 years, astronomers believe that these supernovas may have exploded long ago.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

Since the energy released by the supernova explosion is equivalent to the sum of the energy of the star over the past billions of years, the generated high-energy particle stellar wind will easily blow away the basic structure of the pillar of creation, and then make the pillar of creation cease to exist, becoming a discrete cloud or irregular nebula in the universe.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

Of course, the distance of 6500 light-years means that it will take 6500 years for humans to see what the current Pillar of Creation looks like after it is destroyed, so for a long time in the future, Weber's Pillar of Creation is real enough, after all, it is difficult to say whether human civilization can continue after 6500 years.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

Because although the sun will not supernova explode, but no one can guarantee that stars near the solar system will not explode supernovae, if one day in the future, a massive star supernova hidden behind a dust cloud explodes, then the stream of high-energy particles it releases will sweep all life on Earth like ultraviolet light sweeps over bacteria.

The imaging results were stunning, and Webb released photos of the Pillar of Genesis, with unparalleled stellar detail

At that time, whether it is the surface or the deep sea or the inside of the rock layer, it will be irradiated by 360 degrees in all directions without dead angles, and the DNA double helix structure that makes up the foundation of life will be shattered under the bombardment of high-energy particles, and it will not be long before there will be no life in the entire earth world until millions of years and tens of millions of years later, the next round of life evolution begins.

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