
The story of Chicken Claw Alley

author:Rip off the jade lock
The story of Chicken Claw Alley

In the past, there was a chicken claw alley in Yanjing. Now you can't find this chicken claw alley, which is made up of three branch forks, and looks like the chicken feet of an old hen from a high place.

During the Republic of China, Duan Qirui, the provisional ruler of the Republic of China, lived in Jibu Hutong. Compared with the other giants of the Beiyang warlords, Duan Qirui had one place that was different, that is, he had been a clean and honest official all his life, so he won the reputation of "six no premiers" at that time, that is, he did not embezzle and enrich himself, did not sell official titles, did not smoke big cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not prostitute himself, and did not gamble money. Duan Qirui was not in good health since he lived in the chicken claw alley, until once Duan Qirui came home from outside, as soon as he entered the chicken claw alley, he began to smoke sheep madness, and his hands were pumped into the shape of chicken feet.

After seeing a lot of doctors, Duan Qirui's health did not improve. At this time, a feng shui master who came to the door told him that the feng shui and the name of this chicken claw hutong were doomed to not live here for big people, and big people living here would be restrained. Duan Qirui originally did not believe this, but in connection with his own situation, he had to believe it, and finally had to ask this feng shui gentleman for advice on how to solve it.

The feng shui gentleman told Duan Qirui that there were only two ways to solve this problem. The first method is very difficult, that is, to completely change the architectural terrain here, demolish some of the key terrain houses, and completely change the architectural terrain of the hutong that resembles a chicken's claw. Duan Qirui scoffed at this method, Duan Qirui was qingzheng Gengjie, he was unwilling to do anything to hurt civilians.

Mr. Feng Shui first expressed his respect for Duan Qirui's integrity, and then told Duan Qirui the second relatively simple way, as long as the name of the hutong was changed, the feng shui would be broken. Duan Qirui said that this method is good, simple and easy, and will not affect the surrounding masses.

A few days later, Duan Qirui made an excuse, saying that it would not hurt a dignified ruling lord to live in a "chicken claw". The police inspector general was ordered to change it to Jizhao Hutong according to the harmonic sound of Chicken Claw Hutong, taking the auspicious meaning of omen, and it has been inherited to this day.

It is also strange to say that after the name of Chicken Claw Hutong was changed to Jizhao Hutong, Duan Qirui's body gradually improved. Since Duan Qirui was well, he wanted to thank the high-ranking person who pointed him out, but he couldn't find anything. Later, Duan Qirui himself felt that the heavens had the virtue of good life, and specially sent the gods to guide and save his life. Since then, Duan Qirui, who had never believed in ghosts and gods before, decided to become a vegetarian for life. In the spring of 1934, Duan Qirui had a stomach ulcer attack, causing stomach bleeding, and was sent to the hospital for treatment. Because Duan Qirui was weak, the doctors' family members advised him to open meat to strengthen nutrition, and Duan Qirui categorically refused: "People can die, and meat must not be opened!" ”

There is another theory about Duan Qirui's vegetarianism, the "March 18" massacre occurred in 1926, the military and police slaughtered patriotic petition students, whether it was his command or not, the leadership responsibility could not be run away. Immediately after the tragedy, he rushed to the scene, knelt down to the deceased, and then gave instructions to severely punish the murderer, and decided to eat vegetarian food for life as a sign of repentance, and did not violate this decision until his death.

As for which statement is true, it is not known. But the fact that Duan Qirui changed the name of The Chicken Claw Hutong has spread in the feng shui master's profession and has been regarded as a feng shui fun thing for so many years.

I take out the story of my novel and create it myself.

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