
Rhododendron, introduction and conservation tips

author:Loved the greenery

☞ 【Conservation knowledge】

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✔ Introduction

Rhododendron: also known as Yingshan Red, Mountain Pomegranate, Rhododendron, Mountain Heddle, Zhaoshan Red, Tang Rhododendron

It is an evergreen shrub of the family Dicotyledonous, Rhododendron, Rhododendron, rhododendron, and deciduous shrub.

Flower color: red, light red, apricot red, snow blue, white, purple, lilac, yellow, pink and so on

Native to East Asia, wild species are found in China, Japan, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand.

It grows at altitudes of 500-2700 m above sea level.

It generally blooms in spring and blooms in April-May of each year

✔ Features

1, there are many branches, different varieties, leaf morphology is not the same

2, the flowers have a lot of colors, yellow and white varieties are poisonous

3, most of the flowers are not scented

4, China's Jiangxi, Anhui, Guizhou with rhododendron as the provincial flower, was rated as the sixth of China's top ten famous flowers.

✔ Role

1, for the famous flower plant, has a high ornamental value

2, in medicine, rhododendron has the effect of dispelling dampness and regulating blood, suppressing cough and asthma, reducing swelling and relieving pain

3, its flowers, leaves can be used in medicine or extract aromatic oil, bark and leaves can be used to make baking gum, wood can be used as handicrafts and so on

✔ Legends and stories

Folklore says the origin of the rhododendron:

In ancient times, Cuckoo and Xie Bao were brothers, Xie Bao was sentenced to death for inadvertently injuring people, put on death row, Cuckoo brought wine and vegetables to see him, Xie Bao said that he wanted to get a haircut, let Cuckoo sit in jail for him for a while, Cuckoo gladly agreed, but he knew that Xie Bao would never return.

The cuckoo wept bitterly for three days and three nights, and on the fourth day he was pushed out and beheaded. After the cuckoo died, he turned into a wronged bird, crying from this mountain to that mountain, trying to find Xie Leopard, but in vain. Day after day, year after year, the blood and tears spilled in the mountains, and where they dripped, small trees grew, and when spring came, they blossomed with blood-red flowers, which were called rhododendrons.

✔ Conservation

★1. Soil

Prefers slightly acidic, loose, and breathable soils

Try not to use clay or alkaline soil

★2. Fertilize

Fertilize, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer every half month during the growth period and before flowering

Except for stopping fertilization during high temperature dormancy, fertilization is required at all other times

★3. Illumination

During the growing and flowering period, more than 6 hours of light per day are required

★4. Temperature

The suitable temperature is between 20 and 25 °C

In winter, pay attention to warm measures, not below 10 ° C

★5. Water

Watering can be done once every 2 days during the growing season

It is best to use rainwater, followed by river water, pond water.

If there is no condition, tap water can be left for 1 to 2 days to allow chlorine to evaporate and then use

★6 insect pests

Red Spider

It can be killed by spraying enemy fear liquid

Military worms

It can be controlled by dimethopods and oxidized lego emulsion


It can be controlled by oxidizing leguo

Short-whiskered snail

Baume 0.5 degree stone sulfur compound, insecticidal swelling agent

★7, reproduction

Sowing, cuttings, grafting, strip propagation

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