
Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

author:Home grown

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<h1>Cuckoo, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over the yo Ying mountain red". </h1>

Rhododendron is a deciduous shrub in the dicotyledonous order of angiosperm phylum. Rhododendrons are mainly distributed in the southwest region of China, mainly in the southwest of Chongqing.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

White Phoenix

<h1>Morphological characteristics</h1>

Rhododendron is a family of rhododendrons, evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous clumps of the rhododendron genus, as well as tree-like trees. Some varieties are towering trees that are more than 20 meters high, and when they bloom, they look like a huge colored umbrella. But the vast majority are low plants. This flower plant is branched, the branches are thin and dense, and the young branches are hairy, brown or brown. The leaves are alternate, and there are round, oval, ovate, lanceolate, ovate lanceolate and so on, depending on the species. There are many flowers, depending on the variety, there are white, purple, pink, yellow, red, lilac, sprinkled gold, some also have two colors, some flowers and aroma. The gourds are dark brown when ripe and the seeds are dark yellow and small. The leaves are larger, the flowering period is from April to May, the first flowering is followed by new leaves, and the tree is upright. There are two kinds of flowers: large and small; the leaves of the summer crane are small, the flowering period is between May and June, the first leaves are flowered later, the tree shape is open, and the flowers are flat; the flowering period of the spring and summer azaleas is in between, and the flowers and leaves germinate almost at the same time.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Overlord Red

<h1>Classification of varieties</h1>

Rhododendron is divided into "five" strains: spring rhododendron strain, summer azalea strain, western azalea strain, east rhododendron strain, alpine rhododendron strain.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Nancy. Mary

Spring Cuckoo

Refers to the first flowering and then germination, mid-April, late April, early May flowering varieties, the so-called spring crane is first mainly introduced to Shanghai by Mr. Shen Yuanru from Japan in the 1920s and 1930s, while local flower farmers through the selection and breeding of original species and hybridization to form domestic unique varieties. Because it blooms in spring, it is named spring crane, and it continues to this day.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Xitang little peach red

Summer Crane

In the spring, it first grows branches and leaves, and blooms in early May and June, so it is called summer crane. The main parents of the summer crane are said to be the Gao Yue Cuckoo and the May Cuckoo.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Jade Unicorn

East Crane

The Eastern Cuckoo is a variant of the Japanese stone-rock rhododendron and its numerous hybrid descendants, introduced from Japan and called the Eastern Cuckoo in response to the Western Cuckoo. The East Crane blooms in the spring, and some places incorporate it into the Spring Crane.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Purple butterfly

West Crane

Because of its gorgeous flowers, it is a popular species. In particular, the Belgian rhododendron, because it is a horticultural cultivar hybridized by Europe and the United States, is called the Western Cuckoo, also known as the Western Cuckoo. After the introduction of Japan in 1892, the name of the Western Crane variety was translated into Japanese, so the Chinese introduction from Japan still uses the Japanese translation name, and at the same time, China has bred a number of new varieties with the Western Crane and then hybridized, so there are about 200-300 varieties of the Chinese Western Crane.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Kunlun jade

Alpine cuckoo

Alpine rhododendron is an alpine evergreen shrub or small tree plant in the rhododendron family.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Five treasures of green beads

<h1>Cultivation methods</h1>

1. Growing environment: Cultivated rhododendrons should preferably have two environments: indoor and indoor. The indoor environment is used in winter. As long as there are certain lighting and ventilation conditions in the southern room, it generally does not have to be heated. Winters in the north are extremely cold and dry, and it is advisable to cultivate them in a moderate temperature (about 15 °C) greenhouse. Outdoor venues, used in summer and autumn, are good for mud and avoid cement. The site should be spacious, ventilated and shaded, and a shade canopy should be built on it, covered with reed curtains or borrowed natural protection, and the light transmittance should be about 30%.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language


2. Soil requirements: Rhododendron is loose, permeable, well-drained, humus-rich acidic soil, PH value of 5.0 - 6.0. If clay or alkaline soil is used, it is difficult to live one. In particular, Xia Juan and Yang Juan must be mountainous. Mountain soils also need to be transformed, and currently 3 kinds of prepared culture soils are usually used. (1) 7 parts of mountain soil, 1 part of dry moss grass chips, 2 parts of dry saprophytic soil, and 1 part of dry fertilizer are mixed. (2) 3 parts of mountain bark soil (topsoil), 3 parts of horse manure, 3 parts of deciduous weeds, and 1 part of human feces and urine are stacked in layers, and sifted for storage after 1-2 years. (3) Mix 3 parts of mountain soil, 3 parts of saprophyll soil, 4 parts of garden soil, and 2 parts of sand soil, and add 50 grams of sesame paste residue and bone meal to each pot.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Sheep hesitate

3. Pot selection: The pot of cultivated rhododendrons can generally choose two kinds of mud pots and purple sand pots according to the use. The mud pot has good ventilation and water permeability, which is conducive to root growth, and this pot is used for cultivation in production units. Molded rhododendrons, especially the shaped azaleas, for indoor and outdoor furnishings, are generally planted in beautiful and elegant purple sand pots, the purple sand pots are delicate in texture, rich in color, beautiful in shape, and can double the ornamental value. Purple sand pot permeability performance is not as good as mud pot, in the planting, should be surrounded by pot wall pads with broken tiles (old tiles) so as to facilitate drainage. The size of the pot selection depends on the age of the plant, generally 4 - 6 years old plants with 5 inch pots; 7 - 10 year old plants with 6 inch pots; 11 - 15 years for reproductive strains with 8 inch pots.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language


4. Water quality requirements: It is best to use watering rhododendrons, followed by river water and pond water. If you use tap water, you should store the water for 1-2 days, let the chlorine volatilize and then use it. Add 0.2% ferrous sulfate to the growing season and water every 7-10 days, often, to ensure that the soil is acidic.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Mikage Peony

5. Water and fertilizer management: Rhododendron likes yin and humidity, and should not be overly dry. More water is especially needed during flowering. Winter rhododendrons have entered a dormant period, the amount of water required is not much, generally every 4 - 5 days watering once, should be carried out around noon on warm and sunny days. Specifically, depending on the dryness of the potting soil, it can be watered appropriately. In March, rhododendrons sprout and water demand increases. Summer cranes grow and develop slightly later, and the amount of watering should be less. Water in moderation every 2 days in the morning. In April and June, rhododendrons bloom and begin to pump, requiring a large amount of water and should generally be watered once a morning or evening. During the high temperature and dry season from July to early September, water once in the morning and once in the evening, the amount of water should not be too much, and spray water on the foliage and ground at noon to maintain a humid environment. From mid-September to November, the weather gradually turns cooler, which is the adaptation period for the growth of rhododendrons, in order to prevent the extraction of autumn shoots and enhance the wintering cold resistance, the amount of watering should be reduced in an appropriate amount. Usually, water once every other morning to keep it moist. Rhododendron flowers are more fertile, generally using decomposed cake fertilizer, fish meal, broad beans or purple cloud ying and other decayed watering, avoid using human feces and urine. After leaving the room and before the buds spit out, apply a thin fertilizer every 10 days at a concentration of 15%, for a total of 2 to 3 times, to promote the old leaves to turn green and germinate new roots. After the flowers have withered, fertilize 5-6 times from mid-May to early July to encourage long-growing leaves. If it rains continuously, dry fertilizer can be applied. Fertilize 1-2 times before entering the house, before the growth of rhododendrons is about to stop.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Miyuki Nishiki

6. Plastic pruning: Rhododendron flowers grow slowly, generally let it grow naturally, only after flowering, plastic surgery, pruning off long branches, diseased branches, deformed branches, damaged branches.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

Red edge of the incense cloud

7. Pest control: Military insects (also known as crown net bugs) spray 40% Leguo 1500 times liquid during the hazard period, spray once every 7 days, 3 times in a row. The top bud leaf curling insect control method is mainly based on manual capture and killing, and the larvae or pupae can also be sprayed with 40% Lego emulsion 2000 times liquid or dichlorvos 1500 times liquid.

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language


<h1>Rhododendron language</h1>

Flower language: the joy of love, moderation, temperance of desire

The meaning of the flower color: the joy of love

White: The joy of being loved

Every day we know a plant - rhododendron rhododendron, on weekdays we are also called mountain pomegranate, Yingshan red, the song "Yingshan Red" wrote that "the ridge is open all over yo Yingshan red". Morphological characteristics of varieties classification cultivation method Rhododendron language

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