
"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

author:Treasure land and precious pool

Editor's note

The past ten years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have been a golden period for Guichi's development. Looking back on the past decade, the turbulent years and extraordinary course that Guichi has gone through have become a vivid footnote to work hard, overcome difficulties, and promote high-quality development in an all-round way. In order to focus on the new practices and achievements of the development of the economic and social undertakings of the whole region in the past ten years, Baodi Guichi WeChat public account has opened a special column [Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade] to comprehensively display the extraordinary achievements and valuable experiences of our region's economic and social development, and the people's ever-increasing sense of happiness and security, and celebrate the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions. Today, we launched a series of reports on the theme of "Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" (12) "Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Integration Sailing Strength, Millennium Poetry Village Blooms", please pay attention!

According to historical records, in the spring of 845 AD, Du Mu, who was then the thorn of Chizhou, wrote with a stroke of a pen: "During the Qingming season, it rains a lot, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." By asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua Village", a popular poem "Qingming" made the rural cottage wine shop in Xinghua Village outside the gate of Xiushan in Chizhou famous all over the world. Later, there was a poem: "The county building is higher than the Xiushan Gate, and the ancient monuments are incomparable today." Du Mu had a famous sentence back then, singing solo in Xinghua Village outside the city. Expressing the pride of the people of Chizhou for thousands of years because of Xinghua Village, Du Mu intoned the drunken and hazy rain, flowers, people, and wine in the Qingming season in Jiangnan, and also intoned a famous Xinghua Village.

"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the district party committee and the district government have closely focused on the strategic requirements of cultural tourism revitalization, accelerated the development of cultural tourism resources in our region, and vigorously grasped the development, construction and quality upgrading of tourist attractions. In March 2012, in order to revitalize the tourism resources of Xinghua Village and further promote the brand of "Xinghua Village for Ancient Times", the Chizhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government decided to establish the Chizhou Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone Construction Headquarters. In May 2013, the Administrative Committee of Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone of Chizhou City was established, as a dispatched agency of the Guichi District Government, responsible for the construction and management of Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone.

After ten years of construction and development, the poetic landscape of "one river and autumn pu water, ten miles of Xinghua Village" has been initially revealed, and Xinghua Village has also become a "golden business card" of Guichi cultural tourism, an important engine for the development of tourism in Chizhou, and an important window for the external image of Chizhou and Guichi.

Repair both inside and outside to "brighten" the ecological value

"Welcome to Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone, first of all, I will introduce to you, the current Xinghua Village scenic area planning area of 35 square kilometers, divided into three areas, what we are visiting today is also the area we are currently open, folk culture experience area..." Recently, the author walked into the Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone, and the tour guide Gao Yang is leading tourists to visit the park. Since the opening of the Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone in 2015, Gao Yang has become a tour guide here, and in recent years, the development and changes of the park, Gao Yang is both a witness and a participant. "I have been here for seven years, witnessing the growth of the scenic spot from the initial start to the current mature operation, the construction of the scenic spot, the ecological environment have developed greatly, and the number of tourists has also increased year by year." Speaking of the changes in the scenic spot in recent years, Gao Yang was deeply emotional. "Now the scenic spot not only has to see, but also has to play and eat, and in the future there will be living and learning, and you can't finish playing all day." It is reported that at present, Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone has built more than 20 important landscape attractions such as Beicunkou, Baipu Hefeng, Muzhilou, Peeping Garden, and tourist service centers, smart scenic spots, star-rated tourist public toilets, signs and other tourism supporting facilities have also been gradually improved, just past the National Day holiday, Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone tourists entered the park exceeded 20,000 times, tourism income reached 240,000 yuan, and Gao Yang brought four tourism teams on the day with the largest passenger flow.

"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms
"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

"Climbing over the hill on our right hand side is the most concentrated apricot tree in our Xinghua Village, with a total of 450 acres of apricot trees planted in the whole park, which is the most concentrated 150 acres, and this is the best viewing point for apricot blossoms every March." Following the footsteps of Gao Yang, the author came to the best apricot viewing spot in Xinghua Village, although this is not the best viewing period for apricot blossoms, but the osmanthus flowers scattered in all corners of the park compete for fragrance, clusters of golden cinnamon hanging all over the branches, fragrant. According to Gao Yang, the apricot blossom period is short, in order to make up for the regret, the scenic spot has planted a wide variety of flowers and greenery, so that tourists can appreciate a village with flowers and scenery at any time. In the scenic area, you can see everywhere the landscaping maintenance staff are pruning and beautifying the trees, cleaning up the trunks and dead branches of the trees, they skillfully operate the hedge shears, one branch after another, and the seedlings are trimmed neatly and beautifully. "These maintenance workers are residents of the neighborhood, and their daily job is to prune the garden, and when it is cold, the next step is to start whitening the trees." Wu Sheng, director of the Landscape and Horticulture Center of Qiupu Ecological Company, said that since the construction of Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone began in 2012, the center has been responsible for the greening construction of the entire park, and it is reported that more than 1.8 million seedlings of various flowers and plants have been planted in the park, with a green area of more than 600,000 square meters. When the author asked what is the best proof of the continuous improvement of the park's ecological environment in recent years, Wu Sheng said categorically: "Sewage pipe network construction." ”

"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

With the development of the park, the number of tourists in the scenic area has increased, and the amount of sewage generated has also increased sharply, and the contradiction of lagging the construction of supporting facilities of the scenic sewage pipe network has gradually become prominent, and sewage treatment has become a major "pain point" in the environmental governance of the tourist area. In response to this phenomenon, the Administrative Committee of Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone made up its mind to build a sewage pipe network and relocate 11 dirty and messy enterprises in the area. "We started the construction of the sewage pipe network in December 2020 and completed it in December 2021, with a total construction length of 5.6 kilometers, and the completed sewage pipe network will ensure that the sewage of the entire park will not leak or discharge." Speaking of the construction of the sewage pipe network, Wu Sheng gushed. At present, Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone has completed the construction of the first phase of 5.6 kilometers of rain sewage pipe network, 1 sewage lifting pump station and 2 sewage treatment stations, and intercepted all the sewage entering the natural water body, and all domestic sewage was centrally treated and discharged according to the first-class A standard, and the water environment in the tourist area was protected to the greatest extent. "It is our duty and mission to protect the 'Yihe Qiupu Water' and build the 'Shili Xinghua Village', and the improvement of sewage treatment capacity is a crucial part of it." Next, we will further strengthen the ecological environmental protection of scenic spots to achieve win-win development and protection. The relevant person in charge of Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone said firmly.

Ecological beauty "butterfly change" rich people's value

Originating from Du Mu's ancient swan song, since the opening of Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone, there has been an endless stream of tourists who come to see apricots in spring, lotus appreciation in summer, leaf viewing in autumn, and plum hunting in winter. It is understood that as of August this year, the Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone has received a total of 6.18888 million tourists and a total tourism income of more than 400 million yuan. The increasing number of tourists has also driven the development of nearby farmhouses and urban hotel catering industries, and promoted the development of the tourism industry chain in our region. Around the Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone, farmhouses have emerged one after another, and residents have become "shop keepers" and knocked on the "door" of employment and prosperity at their doorstep. It is precisely because of the unique advantages of Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone that in 2016, Ye Ping opened a farmhouse nearby to provide tourists with authentic and green rural dishes. When I met Ye Ping, she was busy preparing ingredients for the guests who were about to dine. "Many tourists come from other places and want to try our local specialty farmhouse dishes, there is a lot of traffic, and the business in our store has always been very good." Ye Ping said. When it was almost time for lunch, the outside of the store was already full of vehicles, and the customers who came to dine came to dine in waves, and Ye Ping warmly and carefully inquired about the needs of customers while entertaining with a smile on her face. "Now there is an endless stream of customers who come to eat every day, and the store is also busy, and in recent years, seven or eight people have been recruited, all of whom are residents of the neighborhood." Ye Ping introduced that the farmhouse is booming and also provides a large number of jobs for nearby residents, and the effect of tourism enrichment is further highlighted.

In the scenic area, tourists are intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, lingering, using cameras to record the "green water and green mountains" in their eyes, and around the scenic area, residents take care of a mountain and a water, a grass and a tree, which is the "golden mountain and silver mountain" in their eyes. It is reported that up to now, more than 1,200 nearby residents in the Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone have achieved employment in the scenic spot. The completion and development of the tourist area has enabled nearby residents to achieve employment without leaving their hometowns and running around, and has improved the living environment of the residents of "Jingzhong Village" through policies such as shantytown renovation and resettlement, and the residents of the tourist area have obtained tangible benefits, and at the same time, it has injected a steady stream of vitality into the economic development of our region and the increase of people's income.

"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

"Cultural and Tourism Integration" paints a new picture scroll of the ancient village

During the National Day holiday, the construction site of the biodiversity project project located in the Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone is still busy, several main buildings have been erected, excavators are constantly working, earthmoving vehicles are shuttling back and forth, and workers are actively seizing the "golden period" of construction, striving to complete the main project construction of the environmental education and information center of the project by the end of December this year. In the eyes of Wang Jin, director of the engineering management department of Anhui Xinghuacun Group Co., Ltd., as soon as he stepped into the construction site, it was as if he had entered the "battlefield". "I feel that there are new changes every day when I walk into the construction site, and watching the project progress day by day, I am also full of expectations in my heart, hoping that the project will be completed as soon as possible, so that Xinghua Village will attract more migratory birds to stop, breed and overwinter here." It is reported that the Xinghua Village Biodiversity Project is located in the Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone, which is mainly divided into three blocks, the first block is the riparian ecological restoration area, with a total planned area of about 1.64 million square meters; the second block environmental education and information center, with a total planned area of about 640,000 square meters; The third largest block of natural experience area, with a total planning area of about 5.5 million square meters, integrates viewing, experience, scientific research, monitoring, research and popularization. "After the completion of the project, the landscape of the park will be greatly improved, effectively enriching the biodiversity of the park, and is expected to attract more fish and birds." In particular, after the completion of the environmental education and information center, it will create a good condition for Xinghua Village to build a research brand. Wang Jin is full of confidence in the driving effect of the project on the tourism of the park after it is completed.

"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

(Current status of riparian ecological restoration area)

"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

(Renderings of the ecological restoration area of the riparian zone)

In recent years, Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone has successively introduced key investment projects such as Smart Health Therapy Town, Meizhou Xiaoxue, Tangcha Village, and cultural and creative and business investment enterprises such as entering the countryside with food, with funds in place of 585 million yuan, steadily promoting cultural tourism industries such as tourism, leisure vacation, parent-child study, etc., and at the same time developing more than 170 products in 3 categories around the "Xinghua Village Gift" cultural and creative surroundings and entering the National Convention and Exhibition Center twice. Cultural activities such as spring ploughing ceremony, dragon boat carnival, folk culture exhibition, and intangible cultural heritage exhibition and performance are held regularly every year to show every visitor the cultural memory of this "thousand-year-old village" and the booming cultural tourism industry.

"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms
"Extraordinary Achievements, Guichi This Decade" Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone: Cultural Tourism Fusion Sailing Strength Millennium Poetry Village Blooms

Up to now, Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone has been successively listed as the core area of the National Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Zone, the national preferred tourism project, the provincial cultural industry demonstration base, etc., and has successfully established national water conservancy scenic spots, provincial wetland parks, research and study travel bases, sports tourism industry bases, thousand-year-old villages and other brands. A set of figures and achievements witness the sonorous pace of Xinghuacun Cultural Tourism Zone. Nowadays, walking in Xinghua Village, apricot trees, streams and antique buildings are scattered, and the vibrant Xinghua Village is attracting more and more tourists with its distinctive ancient charm. "Looking back at the Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone from the once deserted to the current greenery, ten years of construction and development, ten years of sonorous steps, the current Xinghua Village is glowing with unprecedented vitality. Nowadays, the cultural tourism industry is in an era of rapid development, which is also a new opportunity for Xinghua Village. In the next step, we will continue to focus on the development of the whole industry chain of 'culture, tourism, medicine, health care and learning', promote tourism with culture and culture, promote the deep integration of the cultural tourism industry, and fully promote the high-quality innovative development of cultural tourism in our region." The relevant person in charge of the Administrative Committee of Xinghua Village Cultural Tourism Zone in Chizhou City said.

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