
Angel Yeast bought a net of 9.7892 million yuan in main funds on October 17

author:Securities Star

As of the close of trading on October 17, 2022, Angel Yeast (600298) closed at 41.52 yuan, down 2.88%, with a turnover rate of 1.08%, with a trading volume of 88,600 lots and a turnover of 369 million yuan.

In terms of capital flow data, on October 17, the net inflow of main funds was 9.7892 million yuan, the net inflow of mobile funds was 12.3767 million yuan, and the net outflow of retail funds was 22.1659 million yuan.

The flow of funds in the past 5 days is shown in the following table:

Angel Yeast bought a net of 9.7892 million yuan in main funds on October 17

Angel yeast financing and securities lending information shows that in terms of financing, 63.775 million yuan was purchased on the same day, 13.3731 million yuan was repaid, and 50.4019 million yuan was purchased net, ranking 15th in the two cities in terms of net purchase. In terms of securities lending, 87,500 shares were sold on securities lending, 52,000 shares were repaid on securities lending, the balance of securities lending was 1.2499 million shares, and the balance of securities lending was 51.8948 million yuan. The balance of margin financing and securities lending was 660 million yuan. The following table shows the recent 5-day margin data:

Angel Yeast bought a net of 9.7892 million yuan in main funds on October 17

The main indicators and industry rankings of the stock are as follows:

Angel Yeast bought a net of 9.7892 million yuan in main funds on October 17

Angel yeast (600298) main business: yeast and deep processing products, biological products, food additives, soy products, dairy products, condiments, grain products production, production, sales. Angel Yeast's 2022 interim report shows that the company's main revenue is 6.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.36%; the net profit attributable to the parent was 668 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 19.33%; Non-net profit was 595 million yuan, down 17.96% year-on-year; In the second quarter of 2022, the company's main revenue in a single quarter was 3.059 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.66%; The net profit attributable to the parent in a single quarter was 355 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.91%; Non-net profit deducted in a single quarter was 331 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.14%; The debt ratio is 44.86%, the investment income is 6.3116 million yuan, the financial expense is 15.4361 million yuan, and the gross profit margin is 26.71%.

The stock has been rated by 24 institutions in the last 90 days, with 19 buy ratings and 5 overweight ratings; The average institutional price target over the past 90 days is 57.12. According to the financial report data of the past five years, the Securities Star valuation analysis tool shows that Angel Yeast (600298) has an excellent competitive moat in the industry, good profitability and good revenue growth. Financial indicators to focus on include: monetary funds/total assets ratio, interest-bearing asset-liability ratio, accounts receivable/profit margin. The stock has 4 stars for good company indicators, 3 stars for good price indicators, and 3.5 stars for composite indicators. (The indicator is for reference only, the indicator range: 0 ~ 5 stars, the highest 5 stars)

Note: The main funds are extra-large single transactions, mobile funds are large single transactions, and retail investors are small and medium-sized single transactions

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