
Truss may become Britain's shortest-lived prime minister, only more than 40 days after taking office, and the next prime minister has surfaced

author:Wei Wei is a grand view

After British Prime Minister Truss came to power, her economic policy was questioned, and at present, some members of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom have begun to discuss what to do with Truss, and many lawmakers believe that she should resign. Externally, Britain's most valued ally, the United States, is not optimistic about Truss, under the dual crises at home and abroad, Truss fell into a ruling crisis, and she may become the shortest-lived prime minister of the United Kingdom after only 40 days in office.

The quagmire left by the "predecessor", Truss failed to settle

Truss's "predecessor", former British Prime Minister Johnson, was forced to resign after scandals flew over, leaving Truss with a bunch of "messes" - chaotic politics, hot economic problems. Due to soaring prices, inflation in the UK remained high, triggering a general strike of workers, whose demand was nothing more than a wage increase. But these are minor problems, and the most serious is the inflation problem in the UK. In May, according to official British data, inflation reached 9.1% and interest rates hit a 13-year high. Under these circumstances, Truss won the Conservative Party leadership race with his proposed plan to cut taxes and stimulate economic growth, and successfully replaced Johnson as the new British prime minister.

Truss may become Britain's shortest-lived prime minister, only more than 40 days after taking office, and the next prime minister has surfaced

(British Prime Minister Truss)

However, Truss, who came to power, reversed his election manifesto, withdrew a tax cut for high-income earners, eliminated a key element of the economic plan, and raised the corporate income tax rate. Even in order to "evade responsibility", his ally, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Watten, was relieved of his post and a new Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt was appointed. It is worth noting that this is the fourth Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK in four months.

Based on this, the British media generally believe that Truss's position as prime minister is difficult to secure. At present, some British parliamentarians have begun to discuss the position of Truss, and some people think she should resign, some former Conservative ministers invited former Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak's main supporters to a dinner in order to elect Sunak, Sunak also has Indian blood, and Labour leader Kiel Starmer has called for an early election. These events prove that the position of Prime Minister Truss is "precarious".

Truss may become Britain's shortest-lived prime minister, only more than 40 days after taking office, and the next prime minister has surfaced

(British workers' strike)

The attitude of the allies changed, and Truss was trapped in internal and external troubles

If Britain's domestic attitude is a domestic worry for Truss, then the change in the attitude of its ally the United States has left Truss in a helpless situation.

After Tesla took office, he flew to the United States to meet with US President Biden, during which Truss reiterated the previous "special relationship" between the United States and Britain, but did not receive a reciprocal response from the United States. In the White House statement, it seems to give more weight to the continuation of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The so-called "Northern Ireland Protocol" was an agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union, which mainly stipulated that the island of Ireland as a whole remained under the EU customs system, which meant that the United Kingdom was divided into two parts. But as the UK and the EU drifted apart, the UK had the idea of tearing up the Northern Ireland Protocol. For this reason, as soon as Truss came to power, the United States warned Britain with the US-UK bilateral free trade agreement that it was not allowed to tear up the agreement. Max Bergmann, director of the European program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, commented that this would lead to a rift between Britain and the United States.

Truss may become Britain's shortest-lived prime minister, only more than 40 days after taking office, and the next prime minister has surfaced

(Biden meets with Truss)

In addition to the disagreement between the two sides on Ireland, Biden's views also seem to indicate that the rift between the United States and Britain is growing. At a time when Britain was mired in economic quagmire, Biden publicly criticized Truss, calling Truss's original economic plan a mistake that led to a sharp depreciation of the pound. It should be noted that since the UK fell into financial turmoil, the Biden administration has deliberately avoided criticizing the British government in public, but this time is an exception. US media believe that the remark is Biden's "harshest criticism" of the Truss government.

Tenure is not comparable to lettuce shelf life? The next prime minister may not be happy

Judging from the current situation, Truss cannot escape the end of being forced to step down, and at the same time, Truss may also be the "shortest-lived" prime minister of the United Kingdom. To this end, the British tabloid "Daily Star" also held a live broadcast competition to see whether Truss stepped down first or the cabbage rotted first, in order to mock Truss. Of course, this is just a "trick" live broadcast, how long Truss will live as a prime minister depends on the next development of the British cabinet. However, this does not prevent some American and British media from discussing who will be Truss's successor.

Truss may become Britain's shortest-lived prime minister, only more than 40 days after taking office, and the next prime minister has surfaced

(Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak)

But in fact, the inflation problem in the UK exists objectively, Johnson can't save it, Truss saves more and more chaos, so will the next situation be better? The answer is not necessarily. In addition, the US-UK relationship is no more concerned about its core interests than before, and the United Kingdom cannot abandon Northern Ireland, and if Britain makes concessions on the Northern Ireland issue that the United States cares about, it will shake the fundamentals of Britain, which will not work. Therefore, the British Prime Minister's "doom" continues, and the British people must continue to toss.

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