
As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should be willing to eat

author:Dr. Guangyou talks about health

The so-called pork belly is actually the pig's stomach, usually more popular with the public, pork belly has a certain medicinal value, while rich in calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium and other trace elements, especially the vitamins, proteins and other fats inside, more can be used to treat the human spleen and stomach weakness caused by loose stool, diarrhea and other issues.

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded that "pork belly is an important product for tonifying the spleen, spleen and stomach supplement, qi benefit, and self-stopping." ...... Replenish the spleen and stomach, sperm and blood produce themselves, and self-healing from fatigue. ”

Therefore, many people will use pork belly to supplement the qi, there are also a lot of pork belly food, mainly for fatigue and weakness, spleen and stomach deficiency, diarrhea, enuresis and children's malnutrition and other symptoms, so there is also a pig belly food compress.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should be willing to eat

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should be willing to eat

Before the limited living conditions, the elderly pay more attention to "what to eat and what to supplement", this sentence is very suitable for pig's belly, I found that the pork belly has the same ingredient as the treatment of stomach ulcers - gastrin.

After entering the human body, this ingredient will form a protective film in the human stomach, with the effect of stomach tonic spleen, the elderly can eat more can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, the stomach is good, the body will be better, but the pork belly belongs to the pig's internal organs, so when eating, we must pay attention to the way and method.

For example, some pregnant women with relatively weak bodies, at this time, you can choose to use pork belly to replenish qi and blood, relieve physical fatigue, and the pork belly is rich in nutrients, especially folic acid, which is helpful to fetal health and pregnant women's nutritional supplementation, while avoiding anemia.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should be willing to eat

In the past, the living conditions themselves were limited, so the pork belly became a good thing, but the saying of "one pork belly and ten pairs of medicines" was somewhat exaggerated, according to the current medical level, at most, it was to choose to use the pork belly to supplement, to use it to treat some diseases, the effect may not be obvious.

【Benefits of eating pork belly】

Enhances resistance

Nowadays, the pace of life is fast, work pressure is high, many people have unhealthy eating habits, staying up late for a long time and working overtime leads to life disorders, and health deterioration will also lead to a decline in immunity, more susceptible to disease, in the face of these situations, you can choose to use pork belly for health care, enhance immunity, resistance nutrients are easier to absorb, away from the plague of various diseases.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should be willing to eat

Strengthens the spleen and stomach

Pig bone is actually a medicinal staple food to supplement the spleen and stomach since ancient times, many people will choose to use pork belly to supplement the spleen and stomach, so some people will buy a pork belly to go home to cook soup, whether it is Chinese medicine or folk, medical pork belly is regarded as a delicacy of the capital spleen and stomach, so patients with weak spleen and stomach can choose to use pork belly to supplement.

Patch up for weakness

Pork belly is hidden sweet and sticky, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, eating pork belly can help the human body alleviate fatigue and weakness, etc. In the "Diet Recipe for Staying with Rest", it is recorded that pork belly has the effect of stopping, cloudiness and legacy. Men's weak sperm can be boiled with pigs and heart-clothed red lotus seeds, boiled and eaten.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should be willing to eat

There are three types of people who are willing to eat

The first is the female belt, the qi is sunken, and the lack of qi and blood can eat more pork belly. Secondly, it is eaten by people who are weak, those who urinate a lot, or those who have chancre accumulation in children. Finally, for those who have diarrhea, loss of appetite, weak spleen and stomach, and weak laborers, they can eat more pork belly.

Overall, "one pork belly ten pairs of medicines" is not unreasonable, but this description is a bit exaggerated, as a medicinal material and ingredients dual identity of pork belly, is still deeply loved by people, but according to their actual situation reasonable supplementation, so that you can reap more benefits.