
Is it hard for point guards to get an MVP? Paul never got it, but has three point guard MVPs on active duty

author:No skills, no learning

Of the 5 positions on the basketball court, point guards are relatively the most special one, because the main task of point guards is to organize the offense, not the offense, so they are often not very prominent in offense, and the average score per game is not high, which also gives them an advantage in the MVP competition.

Is it hard for point guards to get an MVP? Paul never got it, but has three point guard MVPs on active duty

In the history of the NBA, there are not many point guard players who have won MVP, and there are only 7 in total, namely Bob Cush, Robertson, Magic (3 times), Nash (2 times), Ross, Curry (2 times), and Westbrook. It is worth mentioning that Ross, Curry and Westbrook are all active players, and all three of them are modern point guards instead of traditional point guards.

Due to the development of modern basketball, there are fewer and fewer traditional point guards, such as Paul and Rondo, who are already the last traditional point guards, and they have entered the end of their careers, not far from retirement. Paul was also a top point guard, but unfortunately, he did not win an MVP in his career, which also has something to do with his traditional point guard status.

Among the active players, the three point guards who have won the MVP are actually not point guards in the traditional sense, but more similar to the double guard, because their main task is not to organize, but to attack, and they all have strong offensive ability, Curry and Wei Shao have both won two scoring kings, and Rose's peak scoring ability is also very strong.

Is it hard for point guards to get an MVP? Paul never got it, but has three point guard MVPs on active duty

It is precisely because of his strong scoring ability and high scoring average that Ross, Curry and Westbrook can also successfully win the MVP. It's not that the average score per game is not high enough, and you can't get the MVP. Nash won the MVP for two consecutive years, averaging less than 20 points per game, but this did cause a lot of controversy.

The three point guards who have won MVPs in history, Bob Cussey, Robertson and Magic, their three scoring ability is actually not bad, especially Robertson, although he has not won the scoring king, but has averaged more than 30 points per game for several seasons, and Cussey and Magic have also played 20+ performances.

Is it hard for point guards to get an MVP? Paul never got it, but has three point guard MVPs on active duty

By contrast, Nash is indeed the most exceptional of all point guards, as he averaged MVP with less than 20 points per game, and still two. However, in addition to Nash, there are other players who have won the MVP with less than 20 points per game, such as Bill Russell, Unseld, Bill Wharton, etc. However, because scoring is very important for the outcome of the game, the MVP does have certain requirements for scoring, and the average score per game is undoubtedly at a disadvantage.