
The veins on the tongue hide signs of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and strokes for family collection

author:Director of the Department of Encephalopathy Yang Keqin

Friends who have studied Chinese medicine are certainly not strangers to tongue diagnosis, but in tongue diagnosis, there is an inconspicuous position that is often overlooked by us, but it has been found in modern research to be closely related to many diseases, and this position is under the tongue. What mysteries are hidden in the position that is often taken by a glance in the tongue examination? How are these signs of disease detected? This article will take you to uncover the mysterious corner of sublingual diagnosis.

Sublingual diagnosis is a method of diagnosing diseases by looking at the veins under the tongue (that is, the sublingual veins, also known as the tongue veins), the branches of the tongue veins, and whether there are bruises and blood under the tongue. The earliest documentary record of sublingual diagnosis is Chen Ziming's "Women's Prescription" in the Song Dynasty. Although there are few records of sublingual choroid diagnosis in ancient medical texts, great progress has been made in the study of sublingual diagnosis in the past 40 years, and it is believed that sublingual diagnosis is an important part of Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis like tongue and tongue moss. Due to the particularity of sublingual diagnosis in Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis, the sublingual diagnosis method is listed separately from the tongue diagnosis today.

Principles of diagnosis

In the section "Tongue Diagnosis Method", it has been pointed out that the tongue is closely related to the internal organs and meridians, and the tongue is an integral part of the tongue, which is also closely related to the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs and meridians. The blood under the tongue is rich, the heart is the blood of the whole body, the heart is the great lord of the five internal organs, the functional state of the qi and blood of the internal organs of the whole body, the heart is open to the tongue, the tongue is the seedling of the heart, so the emptiness of the internal organs, the prosperity and decline of the qi and blood, must be reflected under the tongue through the heart. Therefore, by examining the sublingual, it is possible to understand the functional status of the qi and blood of the internal organs.

The sublingual chorus corresponds to the internal organs, and its distribution principle is roughly the same as that of the lingual surface, that is, the anterior upper part of the sublingual network belongs to the heart and lungs, the central part belongs to the spleen and stomach, the two sides are waiting for the liver and gallbladder, and the posterior lower root is the main kidney.

The veins on the tongue hide signs of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and strokes for family collection

Diagnostic methods

When examining the sublingual, the subject takes an upright seat, faces sufficient natural light, opens his mouth to the maximum, gently cocks his tongue upwards, and the tip of the tongue touches the inside of the palate or incisor to fully expose the ventral surface of the tongue. Note that the tongue remains loose and does not tighten.

Let's look at a case study

The protrusion of the veins at the bottom of the tongue suggests cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

Normal healthy people should not see green tendons and stretches (no disease is not obvious), and common veining patterns include: stagnation, stasis, and closure. If the tongue is dark purple, there are black ecchymosis on the tip of the tongue and on the edge of the tongue, and the veins at the bottom of the tongue are extended, it indicates that there is a blood accumulation inside, mainly due to poor blood flow.

If this situation occurs in the elderly, especially the elderly with high blood lipids and blood pressure, it is more likely that there is a risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and it is necessary to prevent it early and conduct regular physical examinations.

Last week, I received a doctor who often had headaches, and after seeing his tongue image (pictured below), I asked the old man if you still have problems with the cardiovascular system. He said Doctor, you're so right!

The veins on the tongue hide signs of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and strokes for family collection

The old man also did a heart stent, and the heart has not been very good. From this example, we can see that the morphology of the veins at the bottom of the tongue can reflect many problems, especially in such patients perfecting carotid ultrasound and suggesting stenosis (on the one hand, affecting blood supply to the brain, but also an independent risk factor for heart disease).

Through the sublingual veins, the circulation of blood in the body can be perceived early. Generally speaking, there are veins under the tongue indicating that there is blood stasis in the body, and the places where stasis is blocked at different ages are different, such as young women often indicate poor menstrual bleeding.

The veins on the tongue hide signs of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and strokes for family collection


In addition, the tongue is also an aspect that cannot be ignored, that is, the dynamics of the tongue, to see if the tongue is hard, inflexible, biased, etc., especially in the elderly.

1. Tough and inflexible, precursor tongue of stroke

It is said that the tongue is the most flexible part of the human body, and a healthy tongue should be flexible and not crooked. If you find that the tongue is a little tough, such as often biting the tongue when eating, talking with a large tongue, etc., this may indicate a precursor to a stroke.

Especially in the three high populations, if the blood pressure is high, the speech is unfavorable or the fingers are numb, it is best to go to the hospital in time for examination, and when there is a condition, the head MRI examination can be done at night to confirm the diagnosis, otherwise the blood vessels in the brain are completely blocked, and there will be a risk of stroke or sudden death.

2. Tremor drooling, vigilance of Parkinson's

There is also a tremor of the tongue, in which the patient involuntarily trembles in the tongue while at rest. Presents with a bradyrhythmic tremor of 4 to 6 tremors per second, with an indefinite amplitude and exacerbation of mental tension.

Many patients also have orthostatic tremors of 5 to 8 beats per second. Also accompanied by drooling, more common in Parkinson's disease, is a symptom of damage to the nervous system.

For patients and friends, we must also learn to look at the tongue, develop the habit of looking at the tongue, if you find a disease, you must seek medical treatment in time!