
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" hairy-billed cuckoo

author:Lijiang Hotline
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" hairy-billed cuckoo

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"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" hairy-billed cuckoo

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Plant species in Northwest Yunnan

Hairy-billed cuckoo

Rhododendron trichostomum

"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" hairy-billed cuckoo

(Rhododendron trichostomum)

Rhododendron trichostomum Franch.) is an evergreen shrub with many branches and tangles, leathery leaves, ovate or ovate oblong, apical, head-shaped, with 6–20 flowers, dense flowers; small calyxes, corolla narrowly barreled, white, pink or rose, filaments glabrous or slightly hairy at the base; ovary about 1 mm long, scaled, capsules ovoid to oblong, flowering period of 5-7 months.

It is found in northwestern Yunnan, southeastern Tibet, western Sichuan and southern Qinghai. It grows in hillside shrublands or under mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forests, alpine meadows and cliff slopes at altitudes of 3000–4000 (-4400) m.

Image source: Lijiang Alpine Botanical Garden, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Text source: Baidu Encyclopedia

"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" hairy-billed cuckoo

Source/Lijiang Ecological Environment

Editor/Lin Tong

Editor-in-Charge/Li Tiecheng

Hotline/0888—5112277 WeChat/lijiangtv

Produced by Lijiang Radio and Television Station

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