
These 3 12+ 256GB "large memory" mobile phones, smooth performance can be used for 5 years, the minimum only 2199 yuan

author:Peach says digital

These 3 12+ 256GB "large memory" mobile phones, smooth performance can be used for 5 years, the minimum only 2199 yuan

True Me GT Neo2

These 3 12+ 256GB "large memory" mobile phones, smooth performance can be used for 5 years, the minimum only 2199 yuan

Equipped with Snapdragon 870 processor system is very smooth, fingerprint unlock speed is fast, the king of the ultimate picture quality 120 frame lock frame is no problem, in the heat dissipation of the same pile is very sufficient, the heat dissipation area reached 17932m ㎡, can be quickly cooled down in a short period of time, can maintain the fuselage temperature in a relatively stable state. 5000mAh large battery with a day is no problem, even if you get up in the morning to charge, with 80w super fast flash charge can also fill the entire mobile phone within 15 minutes, the battery life is super powerful. The screen carries a 6.62-inch Samsung E4, although it is a thousand-yuan machine, the configuration, performance, and battery life are very online.

iQOO 9

骁龙 8处理器 + 满血LPDDR5 + UFS3.1
These 3 12+ 256GB "large memory" mobile phones, smooth performance can be used for 5 years, the minimum only 2199 yuan

The gaming experience has high performance requirements, so the latest Snapdragon 8Gen1 flagship processor is used, equipped with a full-blood version of the memory combination to create a more extreme gaming experience. In order to use it well outdoors, the E5 material 1080P was selected, with higher peak brightness, lower power consumption, and the addition of a standalone display chip Pro, the iQOO 9 series of screens is at the top of the industry. The main camera is Samsung GN5, which is the latest sensor of Samsung launched by iQOO. In terms of actual shooting experience, this lens performs quite well, with excellent color, resolution and focus speed, and the straight out of the picture looks comfortable:

Redmi K40s

骁龙870➕ LPDDR5 +➕USF3.1
三星 E4 材料120Hz 高刷屏,360hz触控采样率
支持NFC、红外遥控、X 轴马达,双扬声器
These 3 12+ 256GB "large memory" mobile phones, smooth performance can be used for 5 years, the minimum only 2199 yuan

Redmi K40s is equipped with a High-Pass Xiaolong 870 word-of-mouth flagship core, which uses a 3112mm² liquid-cooled VC heat dissipation area to make up for the lack of heating up for Redmi mobile phones to play large games. In terms of screen, Samsung E4 material is ahead of most of the thousand yuan machine in terms of energy consumption ratio, maximum brightness, and display color, after all, at this stage, the thousand yuan machine is mostly LCD screen products, and most of the display effect is better than redmi K40S. In terms of shooting, although the sensor is of the upper middle level and not excellent, it is extremely rare in a thousand-yuan machine with OIS optical image stabilization. Equipped with a 4500mAh battery and a 67W super flash charge, these points are excellent in the same price range at this stage, and there are several or even one of the best configurations.