
What happened to the body of a person who has been wearing a silver bracelet for a long time? After wearing it for a long time, is it because it absorbs toxins in the body?

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

Gold and silver jewelry is loved by many people, especially women, in these kinds, many people will choose to wear silver jewelry. Because its color is not very conspicuous compared with gold, if you wear gold on your hands and neck, you will feel more exposed, which is not good. Some people have heard that wearing silver is actually good for health, so they will buy a bracelet to wear.

Is wearing it for a long time good or bad for good health? Some of the benefits of the rumors, are they true or false? Some people find that after wearing it for a long time, its color has become black, I don't know what is going on, I heard that this is because of the absorption of toxins in the human body, people with bad health wear it will be black, is this really the case? Next, I will talk to you about it, and after reading this article, I hope that everyone will have a correct understanding of this.

People who have worn silver bracelets for a long time, what happened to their bodies?

Long-term wear, can be calm, calm the mind, but also anti-inflammatory, swelling, get rid of moisture? Many people may have heard of these benefits before wearing them, and think that they can play a role in health care. It may contain ions that have certain benefits for the body, but I personally feel that most of these benefits are said to be what we just hear from others and learn about them from ten to ten hundred passes.

What happened to the body of a person who has been wearing a silver bracelet for a long time? After wearing it for a long time, is it because it absorbs toxins in the body?

Conversely, if it really has many effects, is it not a lot of problems that will be well solved? Just wear a silver bracelet? But this is not the case, such as inflammation, moisture, if these two problems are long-term, the impact on physical health is relatively large, and even some inflammation will evolve into cancer, so friends with these two problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time to intervene.

In life, many women prefer to wear, for them, it may not only be that they have heard that wearing it is good for the body, but also that they feel that this has a problem to enhance their image, long-term wear, their temperament will become better, and people will be more confident. From this point of view, wearing is beneficial.

There are also many parents who will buy silver bracelets or necklaces for their babies to send good wishes, and some elderly people feel that this is a good meaning.

But personal advice is best not to wear for the baby, because the baby's skin is very delicate, at this time they can not control their hand activities very well, if worn, may affect their skin health. For babies who can already bite things, they may put anything in their mouths, and it is very hard, and the baby always bites badly.

What happened to the body of a person who has been wearing a silver bracelet for a long time? After wearing it for a long time, is it because it absorbs toxins in the body?

Wear it or not, according to your own preferences, but it is recommended that you do not think of it as a thing to prevent or treat diseases. If you like it, you can wear it, if you are not used to wearing it, you feel that it is too much of a hindrance, but because you have heard that wearing it for a long time has many benefits, so it is reluctant, and it may not be necessary.

In addition, everyone's views on whether to wear it on the left or the right hand are also different. Some people think that the left in and right out, suitable for wearing in the right hand, some people think that usually do things are right-handed, or wear in the left hand is more convenient, and some people feel that the human heart is on the left, so it is better to wear it on the left.

In fact, there is no provision on which side to wear, there is no standard, you want to wear which hand you want to wear on which hand can be worn, these statements are benevolent and wise, it is recommended that everyone look at it rationally.

Some people wear it for a while and find that it turns black, does it really absorb toxins in the human body? Bad health?

Many people will think so, may be related to watching film and television dramas, costume dramas will use silver needles to test whether there is poison in the dish, blackening indicates that the food is poisonous, so I think it is the same in the human body.

What happened to the body of a person who has been wearing a silver bracelet for a long time? After wearing it for a long time, is it because it absorbs toxins in the body?

In fact, people are healthy, the immune system works normally, there is not so much poison, wearing it can detoxify? Not necessarily, there is a saying that sweating is more detoxification, in fact, this is not the case, and I hope that everyone should be rational and scientific.

The reason why it turns black is actually related to sulfur, and it will change color when it reacts. But this is not very much related to ourselves, it may be related to the environment in which we are staying, and it is easy to blacken in environments with more sulfur elements.

In addition, it may also be related to some things that are contacted, such as many women will use cosmetics, and they contain chemicals in them, and it is easy to blacken after a long time.

Not all people who wear it will be like this, some people wear it without blackening, in fact, this has a certain relationship with human sweat, some sulfur ions will be discharged as a result, encounter air, the two are easy to react, but also easy to make it black.

What happened to the body of a person who has been wearing a silver bracelet for a long time? After wearing it for a long time, is it because it absorbs toxins in the body?

Therefore, it does not mean that the body is very poor, nor does it suck the toxins in the body. If you want to avoid, everyone should also pay attention to maintenance in the process of wearing, and you can regularly go to the place of purchase to let professionals maintain it. Finally, it is also recommended that you go to a regular place when purchasing, if the quality of the purchase is not qualified, which may contain substances that are not good for human health, long-term wear is better than not wearing.

Through the above understanding, presumably everyone has more understanding of the silver bracelet, it is not recommended that you blindly follow the trend to wear, for the benefits of wearing it should also be rationally viewed, do not use it as a "good medicine" for prevention or treatment, if there is a baby at home, it is recommended to pay more attention. For the phenomenon of it turning black after wearing it for a period of time, it does not mean that there are many toxins in the human body, but it is caused by its reaction with sulfur, and I hope that everyone will not add unnecessary psychological pressure to themselves.


1. The darker you wear a silver bracelet? Is it because of the absorption of toxins from the body? People's Daily News.2019.02.13

2. Is the body detoxifying when the silver jewelry you wear turns black? Shangguan News.2021.11.09

3. Why can't I bring a silver bracelet to my baby? Three reasons for parents to know that the second hurts too much. Guangming Network.2019.04.08