
Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis? Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

author:Dr. Xu's popular science

The stomach is the body's transport organ, the carrier of receiving food, and an important part of the body's digestion and absorption of food.

However, the stomach is a very delicate organ, in the usual time if you do not pay attention to the maintenance of the stomach, it is easy to cause stomach disease to aggravate the normal operation and affect the normal operation of normal nutrients.

Gastritis is a kind of gastric mucosal injury induced by a variety of factors, and there are many factors that cause gastritis, such as infectious factors and non-infectious factors.

The most common infectious factors, such as pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, are caused by an acute gastrointestinal inflammatory response, such as the inflammatory response caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis? Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

Non-infectious factors are mainly caused by poor dietary stimuli, such as frequent eating spicy and irritating foods, frequent smoking and drinking, etc., which may cause damage to the gastric mucosa.

Once suffering from gastritis, we should pay more attention to the diet, some people say that suffering from gastritis can not eat corn, corn is the "accelerator" of gastritis, is this really the case?


Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis?

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, corn has a sweet taste, has a healthy spleen and appetizer, dehumidification, diuretic effect, corn is rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, accelerate defecation to improve inflammation, keep the intestine clean and hygienic, and care for the health of the stomach and intestines.

Corn itself is rich in vitamin E, which can promote cell division, delay aging, reduce serum cholesterol, prevent skin lesions and other effects.

However, many people feel that corn is an accelerator of gastritis, mainly because gastritis is caused by damage to the gastric mucosa, and corn is a coarse fiber food, which is easy to cause strong irritation to the gastric mucosa, so for gastritis patients, it is necessary to eat some light diet that is conducive to digestion.

Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis? Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

Therefore, people who suffer from gastritis themselves are not recommended to eat corn!


Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

【Stay away from 4 fruits】

1. Hawthorn

Hawthorn can play an appetizing effect, but it is not recommended for people with gastritis to eat hawthorn, if eating too much hawthorn may cause stomach stones.

Hawthorn contains pectin and tannins, after contact with stomach acid, it is easy to form a water-insoluble sediment and food residue glue together, it is easy to form stomach stones.

Stomach stones can cause stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, and even stomach wall necrosis and gastric perforation, we can eat hawthorn when eating hawthorn, you can cook hawthorn and then eat, which can reduce the impact of tannic acid.

Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis? Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

2. Kiwifruit

Kiwifruit is a cold food, which is rich in vitamin C and fiber, and is known as the "king of fruits".

However, the vitamin C and pectin in kiwifruit will increase stomach acidity, and people with bad stomach will increase the burden of the stomach and intestines if they eat too much, and they will feel abdominal pain and heartburn, so people with bad stomach are best not to eat kiwifruit in normal times.

3. Passion fruit

People with a bad stomach will have certain problems in gastric acid secretion, and some patients have increased gastric acid secretion, and often feel acid reflux or heartburn, in this case, you can not eat too acidic fruits.

Passion fruit is a relatively acidic fruit, although the nutritional value is relatively high, but people with a bad stomach are not recommended to eat.

Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis? Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

4. Pineapple

Pineapple contains more bromelain, there are many acidic substances, stomach problems, if you eat a lot of pineapple may stimulate the gastric mucosa and cause damage to stomach function.

People with a bad stomach should eat less pineapple in normal times, so as not to aggravate the stomach damage.

【Do 4 things well】

Have breakfast

Not eating breakfast for a long time will also affect the health of the stomach, so breakfast is very important for the health of the stomach, we must eat a high-quality breakfast, you can drink a cup of milk plus an egg or a slice of whole wheat bread, maintain regular eating habits, avoid stomach acid corrosion of the gastric mucosa, reduce stomach discomfort.

Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis? Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

Exercise in moderation

Now many people's work is long-term sedentary, which will lead to slower peristalsis of the stomach, if you do not want to increase the burden on the stomach, you can walk properly after eating, more conducive to the digestion and absorption of food, but also to reduce the burden of the stomach, care for the health of the stomach.

Maintain a healthy mindset

Anger will affect many kinds of diseases, a person's mentality will determine good health, we must maintain a good attitude in peacetime, if you are often angry, it will also affect the health of the stomach and intestines, especially when eating, anger will affect the digestion and absorption of the stomach and intestines, and over time it will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, causing gastrointestinal diseases.

Is corn the "accelerator" of gastritis? Reminder: Nourish the stomach, please stay away from the 4 fruits, do 4 things well

Chew slowly

Eating too fast will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, resulting in fatigue of the stomach muscles, decreased gastric motility, and easy to cause stomach damage.

When everyone eats, we should reduce the workload of the stomach, increase the number of chews, and the more saliva is secreted, the more protective the gastric mucosa.