
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

author:Poisonous tongue movie

It's a pity.

The news about women being disrespected has once again firmly occupied the hot search in the past two days.

Someone angrily asked:

Is there still salvation in internal entertainment?

Such internal entertainment, what other big heroines are filmed?

It's hard to regain trust.

But because of this, if there is a work now, it is honest to stand on the weak side, the real side.


More worthy of being seen.

Twenty not confused 2

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

The score far exceeded that of the first part (6.3), not to mention, after the finale, it ended with a high score of 8.0.

Although the ending part of the plot caused a lot of controversy (as will be mentioned later).

But overall.

This time, they finally stopped "pushing too hard."

Some people say that compared with the first part, the second part is "confused" and finally can be "not confused".

But Sir felt.

The good thing about the second part is that it is more honest with you: growing up is hard work, part-time work is the inner volume, love is just adding meals, and making money is king...

No painted cakes.

Instead, use those beautiful moments in the trivialities of life to gently lift you up.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong


Woman "died" at 25?

Watch the lineup properly a "women's drama".

But the dilemma it focuses on is not limited to women.

Probably all young people have experienced the following moments.

Scenario 1: Sharing a cat.

As a result, the roommate forgot to close the door and almost let the cat run away; Household garbage is everywhere; Block the toilet, close the door and leave.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Scenario 2:

Stay up late to do PPT, the next second sunny thunderbolt.

- Computer crash.

And you, forgot to save and backup.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Scenario 3:

There were two minutes left before the start of the meeting.

You press the navigation in the fast lane, racing against the clock, afraid it will be too late.

Then the nightmarish female voice sounded.

"You've deviated from the route, and the navigator has rerouted it for you."

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

These incomparably real life scenes take place in the daily life of the four heroines.

If you remember them.

Liang Shuang (Guan Xiaotong), when he was in school, wanted to be the arrogant and delicate of the rich second generation young grandmother.

Now her value has skyrocketed.

Good guys, the anchors of tens of millions of fans on the whole network, the top stream of popularity is close to x Qi x Ya.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

△ Skin care products that are built into hills at home

Xiao Guo (Bu Guanjin), mediocre hard worker.

After work, my biggest dream is to earn a down payment for a small apartment in Shenzhen by relying on my own hands.

Small wishes.

But I believe in poking countless "deep drifting" hearts.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Dabao (played by Dong Siyi), the rich girl of the first part and the bankrupt sister of the second part.

Entrepreneurship failed, and overnight he was reduced from a big boss to a part-time worker.

It is difficult to be frugal from luxury to thrift, so I have to do odd jobs to do sales, make money to pay off debts, and send people to the fence.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

And the last Xiao Ding (Xu Mengjie), the pet hospital administrator.

Sweetheart cute sister of her.

The real identity is actually the "wife" who has been urged by thousands of readers, the big guy of the internet.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

I believe that the old fans of the first part already know.

Li Gengxi of the first part only hit soy sauce this time, faded out of the starring role with the gimmick of studying abroad, and left the position to the new sister flower.

- Just like in your life, the reality of friendship is like a gathering and scattering.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Back to the point.

If you want to ask what is the biggest change in the second part compared to the first part.

Probably with the growth of the protagonists, the complete transformation from campus emotional drama to urban workplace drama.

Collectively, they entered the 25-year-old mark.

Take Liang Shuang, for example.

As a tens of millions of anchor KOLs, he is contrary to the "hate marriage" posture of the little girls on campus.

Opening your eyes every day is busy thinking.

What are the selections, what are the opening points, the brand side offers and link prices, what is the total marketing amount in this quarter, whether to change the beauty track, whether the double eleven can break the record... (Which e-commerceman's DNA moved fiercely)

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

What the? You say she doesn't have a boyfriend?

I'm sorry.

The former love brain has died, and now she is a niuhulu independent woman, a money machine.

I'll have one tonight

You can't watch a movie with you

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

The same is true of Ginger Xiaoguo.

Once a slum girl, today's financial white-collar worker.

In the rental house and the company's two points and one line, she thinks every day whether this bonus can buy a toilet, whether the commission can be paved with tiles...

What could be more bitter than a house slave?

The answer is that you are not even qualified to be a house slave.

Isn't it that I haven't made enough of a down payment...

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

As for Dabao and Xiaoding.

Put together, the attributes are complementary.

One is a down-and-out rich woman, and the other is a hidden potential stock; One is worried about money and one is short of love; One is responsible for the reality pocket of the whole play, and the other is the style of the painting is pink bubbles...

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong


I don't know when it began, the standard of public opinion for women stayed at the age of 25.

Appearance, fertility, mate selection value... It seems that everything is starting to go downhill from this moment.

But these four girls tell you.

Twenty-five is not a bullshit watershed.

It marks that a person has a social entrance ticket, receives an instruction manual to the adult world, and enters the golden age of controlling the direction of life.

They are faced with countless choices.


The city is besieged inside and out

One sentence cannot sum up the play.

Because of its biggest feature, and its biggest pros/cons: slow.

- Slow as life itself.

If you look closely, you will find that the girls' stories reveal their breath all the time, vividly like a "deep drift" passing by.

Let Sir take one of them.

Liang Shuang.

As a big Internet celebrity, I live in a city center real estate with a wide view;

The use of, either big names or high luxury, the number is so large that it must be classified with labels.

But people are professionals too.

Things will be numbered and sorted, convenient for career needs, assessment records.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Boyfriend handsome gas paste and the main inside, with her day and night upside down live life, back home and supper to eat.

Workplace scenes are both proud.

This configuration is like the opening two kings four two - it is difficult to break.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

△ Really "cool" text

One might ask.

Isn't this just a proper hostess?

But Twenty is clearly not a Mary Sue.

Because as soon as it came up, it threw Liang Shuang's biggest problem - when work and life can't balance, how do you choose?

In the first round, the anniversary of love, Liang Shuang met a business partner in a restaurant: career vs. love?

And her choices are:

Bring your boyfriend to socialize.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

△ Look at the contrast between the expressions of the two people

The second time, the boyfriend's father had surgery and said that the two of them would go to take care of the elderly together.

This time, I didn't break the contract.

But also because of work reasons, drag left and right.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Until the last time.

Her boyfriend, a photographer, had a hard time getting the chance to stay on location, but the one-year requirement made him hesitate.

Eventually, the two separated.

Because the boyfriend found that between himself and work, he was always the one who was lagged behind by his girlfriend.

But Liang Shuang was also very aggrieved.

Live streaming is very busy, she does not have time to spend time with her lovers and friends - always subconsciously acquiescing to the other party to put herself first (she has missed her friends' birthday parties a few times).

Like that most inconspicuous little plot.

The boyfriend stewed the white fungus soup and waited for her on the couch until two o'clock in the morning.

As a result, Liang Shuang returned.

She was not in the mood and said that if she did not drink, she would not drink.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Wait, you think this breakup is going to tear up?


If selfish a little.

Sir actually felt that the farewell of this drama could be called the BE aesthetic of the year.

Picked out one night.

The two come to their boyfriend's favorite seaside.

After reminiscing about the past, start imagining the future.

Did you think we would get married?

You said

What would it be like if we were to get married?

First of all, you have to change the title.

-Hello Hello This is Liang Shuang, my wife.

-This is Zhao Excellent, my husband.

-How can we get used to this title for three months.

These three months, I will take you to the South for extreme honeymoon.

As a result, I returned home and began to quarrel in the fourth month.

I slapped the table and shouted to you: Liang Shuang, can you wash the dishes once!

-So, didn't I buy you a dishwasher?

If you have children, you can't take care of that! I'm going to have to ask where all of you are in that violin class, and you certainly don't like to worry about these things

- Nothing wrong with it

And when I had time, I took my kid to the park to see the ant nest, and then I went to the beach and took him to photograph meteors

The two argued to the end over the sound of the waves.


Look at each other.

Liang Shuang

We're not actually a good fit, right

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

A non-stop, desperate to make money;

One loves nature and pursues Buddhism.

Inside the female protagonist and the male protagonist, the modern CP that seems to be anti-traditional model, in fact, cannot resonate with each other.

That's the truth.

It is different from the online hi "seal the heart and lock love" and "the wise man does not fall in love".

Novice human beings who have just entered society, in the face of the loss of a relationship and the instinct of the desire for love, almost no one can do it lightly, which is the naked humanity at the wound.


Liang Shuang finally chose a career.

But as the saying goes, there are gains and losses, and the play also gives her some small "punishments".


The lamp in the house was broken and always flashed.

After the breakup, the light never flashed again.

Although it is not explicitly stated.

But apparently, during the time the boyfriend came back, he fixed the lights.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

The second time was after washing his face.

When Liang Shuang subconsciously touched the face towel stored in the box, he touched the empty space.

Then I came back to my senses and cried.

You guessed it.

This is where the face wash towel is gone.

It was clear that the person who would renew her face towel was gone.

Just like in "The Moon and Sixpence", the wife who can't find the cigarette box and starts to collapse.

Once upon a time.

It was always her husband who replenished her cigarettes.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

It is said that the collapse of adults is silent.

This kind of aftershock generally has a recoil plot, which is simply better than hysteria.

And if you say.

Liang Shuang's story is the most representative and the most dramatic.

Then others.

Xiao Guo who wants to buy a house, a self-made treasure, a small Ding who has an office romance...

For one reason or another.

Compared with Liang Shuang, their stories are more ordinary and less bloody.

But no matter who it is, what kind of people are set up with stories.

All girls are at the 25-year-old level, facing such and such problems: work is not going well, love insulators, 996, health lights up, the original family drag, no money and no land...

But unlike the previous part, everyone is still feeling the stones to cross the river.

This time.

If you ask them.

How do you live a good life?

Their answer will be.


Do it, you'll regret it anyway

Same as the first part.

At the beginning of each episode of the second part, there are also incomparably relevant "golden sentences".

For example, it depicts superiors and subordinates and workplace ecology.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Highlight the crowd's breakthrough.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

As well as the relationship around the social people, it is always unclear.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong


Some plots can not get rid of the "suspension" that is often found in domestic dramas.

For example, XiaoGuo's two tenants are in love with each other and are ready to move out and live together.

At first glance, it sounds like no problem?

But here's the point.

A young couple who have just dated two months will have to pay off their mortgage together.

In order to advance the plot, force the contradiction - I am afraid that Qiong Yao cannot write such a love that is divorced from reality.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Later, Xiaoguo was put together by his superiors.

The project has been robbed by others, what should I do now?

The solution given in the play is.

Heavenly Divine Soldier.

Let the industry giants suddenly fall in love to solve her urgent needs.

Maybe the screenwriter himself knows that in the real workplace, the official level crushes people to death.

I had to use the almost impossible cool plot to find a breakthrough and rely on goldfinger to save the workplace crisis.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

But other than that.

The topics presented in the play can almost accurately cut the pain points of contemporary young people.

For example, an interview.

Everyone understands that you must not be the most authentic version of yourself during the interview.

Maybe your competitors were spitting on the capitalists a second ago.

The next second.

Her smile at HR, eight teeth underneath is your unexpected human top acting.

A company like this that squeezes people

I don't want to stay anymore

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

My biggest advantage

It is that the ability to resist pressure is particularly strong


It's obsessive-compulsive disorder

If the work is not done, it is determined not to leave work

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

△ Sir Sir look at how many people have memorized it

What is another workplace detail that is realistic enough?

Liang Shuang's subordinates made mistakes in the live broadcast, causing millions of losses.

But a few days later, he was in a car accident because of overwork.

Face the blame of everyone.

Liang Shuang collapsed and roared.

The day and night reversal of the live broadcasting industry is the norm

Thirteen abnormalities in the physical examination?

What did I say about twenty-one items this year?

I pointed out that the mistake in his work was PUA

He's too glassy

That's such a big deal

I didn't fire him

I'm gracious enough

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

She certainly wasn't trying to justify herself.

In casual complaints with boyfriends.

A gossip.

He sat down to the truth.

My WeChat steps

It had been a long time since there had been more than three thousand steps

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

And the other end.

Face the supervisor's blame and credit.

Xiao Guo, who was drunk, finally went mad at his send-off banquet and did what an unknown number of workers wanted to do.

Why should I go

I don't play this play anymore

You go on

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Not only that, she also used drunkenness in the WeChat group to spread her usual resentment towards her colleagues.

Good deeds.

Directly passed the screenshot to other large groups, and the toto society died.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Aren't they miserable?

If you look closely at the lives of the girls, almost none of them have achieved everything.

The money is not healthy; Neglect of work in love; The character of Geng always hits a wall; Temper buns are always provoked...

Even a supporting character inside.

Xiao Guo's mentor, Sister Wang.

The character, who has very little time to appear, is a single mother who has just divorced her husband and has a daughter.

According to the traditional routine of domestic dramas.

Her personality should be true, good, beautiful, great, and resolute.

But "Twenty" breaks that cheesiness.

In the face of her own apprentice, Xiaoguo and her own workplace competition, Sister Wang did not have the slightest "politeness".

The stakes are at stake, the routine of the routine;

It doesn't matter to you, you should be kind and kind.

And this is the true portrayal of most people in the workplace.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong


Delicate or realistic.

All the warmth came to an abrupt end before some controversy in the finale.


Who is "confused" in the end

Before the finale, the score of "Twenty" on Douban was still 8.2.

As a result, because of the return of a certain "deceased person", the hot search controversy exploded in an instant, and the score plummeted.

Because in the first part, the former boss who was once ambiguous with Jiang Xiaoguo.

Zhou Xun, back.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

△ This height difference

In this part, Jiang Xiaoguo and his own hair Xiao Qi Song came together after experiencing a series of twists and turns in the workplace and life.

They used to work overtime together and travel together;

Also dating together, cheering together, two young people of similar age, reflecting each other's love and ambition.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

But Zhou Xun is not just Zhou Xun.

In the eyes of Jiang Xiaoguo and the audience, his full name is Zhou · 10 % · Negative Heart Han • White Moonlight • Search.

If there are old fans remember.

Zhou Xun of the first part left a lot of emotional blows to Jiang Xiaoguo.

He said.

I like you

Now I do have more things to care about please

Love is only ten percent at most

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

This is the contradiction.

Who is Zhou Looking for?

The business elite, ten years older than Jiang Xiaoguo, has struggled from scratch to this day, handsome, mature and considerate.

And Ginger Xiaoguo?

Lack of father's love, just entered the society to work hard, simple emotional experience, a tendon, the original family is not rich...


Type male uncle x inspirational girl.

Such complementary characters, it is no wonder that so many viewers are screaming to death.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

And that's the biggest controversy.

Because of zhou Xun's return, not only is the rekindling of the hopes of countless old fans and old CPs, but also directly brings a heavy problem.

New love, or, old love?

In the eyes of some viewers, Qi Song is too young to give Xiaoguo a sense of security, compared to the contrast tension of the "fruit-seeking" CP, it is obvious that "Songguo" will be much more ordinary.

Just like Xiaoguo's mother was seriously ill.

When everyone is panicking, Qi Song, as a boyfriend, can only help Xiaoguo hang up the online registration and fight for luck.

All that can be hung

I read it all on WeChat


She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

But Zhou Xun was different.

As a rich and status social person, he did not say a word and found contacts:

I just consulted one

My doctor friend in thoracic surgery

I recommend

Don't let Sister Juan come to Shenzhen to see the doctor here

I'll go to the appointment first

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

Fans are not calm.

Career coffee for Xiaoguo specially ran to Shenzhen not to say, but also helped a lot at a critical time, compared to Qi Song, Zhou Xun is simply a proper boyfriend Max ah.

But apparently.

Xiao Guo's final choice did not satisfy everyone.

Disgruntled fans.

Start pouring into the comments section, crazy one star.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong


Liang Shuang finally chose to date the president who abandoned himself, Dabao interacted with his former subordinates, and Xiaoding, who was busy in love, did not have a major career improvement in the end...

The girls get rid of the old CP and open a collective "new love".

It seems to have poked some viewers' lung tubes.

- Twenty not confused

It is to rely on some protagonist aura to "overcome all difficulties"

By the way, hi mention the male companion

Then everyone sat neatly at a table

A happy ending?

-Zhou Xunyi appeared

Qi Song 30 episodes of white performance

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong
She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

But like Sir once said.

The advantage of "Twenty" is that it is "not perfect".

Small fruits.

She did not have Liang Shuang's beauty, no Dabao's lotte pie, and no Xiaoding's side skills.

In the face of Zhou Xun's sudden appearance, peach blossoms descended from the sky.

Not mature enough to do whatever she wants, she doesn't have as many choices as we have from God's perspective.

She wanted very little.

But love must account for a proportion of it, it must be very large.

The three things that make the social animals happy the most

Someone to accompany you to work overtime

Someone is waiting for you to come home

And someone to be proud of for you

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

What about Zhou Xun?

Although there is also a part of the plot that the screenwriter deliberately walks the pot of powder.

But combined with the first part, what Zhou Xun and Xiao Guo lack is the same pace of feelings between them at this stage.

A man who puts his career first is destined not to become a good partner who emotionally accompanies Xiaoguo to grow and forge ahead.

- Sexual transformation is not nothing.

For example, Liang Shuang and his ex who broke up peacefully.


They understand, they understand.

Only the audience, do not understand.

Love accounted for only ten percent of him

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

I'm going to be in a 100 percent relationship

(Ode) I can help you

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

And look at Sir.

Xiao Guo's final choice may happen to be a node in "Twenty".

It represents the growth of women.

It will not become a loud rumble in the film and television reversal, nor will it come to you one day when the stone is breaking the sky.

Rather, it was silent, slow, untouchable, and only in the heart the boat crossed the water without a trace.

This growth is not limited to love.

Rather, you still cherish every impulse, but you can also calm down and look at reality, look at yourself, and look at the future.

Looking forward to seeing you again.

Accept never see again.

She finally "washed white" after the whole network spray, and the end soared to 8 points, and this wave of stars misunderstood Guan Xiaotong

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Wear Prada's pumpkin

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