
What should I do if I accumulate food in children? Share the three tastes of simple Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach

author:Chinese medicine doctor Zhao Xiaowei

Many people can't help but eat more once they have delicious food, especially children, unconsciously eat more, eat too much, exceed the maximum digestion and absorption capacity of the spleen and stomach, and the food cannot be digested and absorbed in time. This will damage the function of the spleen and stomach, make the digestion and absorption function worse, and then form a food accumulation.

What should I do if I accumulate food in children? Share the three tastes of simple Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach

After a long time of accumulation of food, it will become hot and fire, which is manifested by thick tongue, bad breath, red lips, yellow urine, dry stool, and children who are usually very well-behaved will become irritable and easy to cry. Then, share with you the three flavors of Chinese medicine to eliminate food accumulation.


Hawthorn is a medicinal and food-use product. Fresh hawthorn tastes sweet and sour, has an appetizing and digestive-promoting effect. As a medicinal use, hawthorn has a mild temperature, sour taste, sweet taste, into the spleen, stomach, liver meridian, with the effect of eliminating food accumulation, dispersing blood stasis, repelling insects, etc., and has a good effect on meat stagnation, stomach swelling, diarrhea and abdominal pain, blood stasis and menstrual closure.

What should I do if I accumulate food in children? Share the three tastes of simple Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach

Abdominal pain and stomach pain caused by liver qi depression can also be removed by hawthorn. When using hawthorn, it should be noted that the food consumption and delay function of hawthorn is mainly aimed at the accumulation of food caused by excessive meat.

What should I do if I accumulate food in children? Share the three tastes of simple Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach

Note: Eating too much hawthorn is easy to hurt teeth, so eat 3 to 4 fresh hawthorns at a time, and remember to brush your child's teeth after eating.


"Divine Comedy" is a famous medicine for the treatment of indigestion developed by Liu Yi, a famous doctor in the Han Dynasty, which is warm, sweet, spicy, into the spleen and stomach meridians, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, digestion and adjustment, and is mainly used for food accumulation, dyspepsia, chest tightness and bloating, vomiting diarrhea and other symptoms.

What should I do if I accumulate food in children? Share the three tastes of simple Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach

Unlike hawthorn, the Divine Comedy is more suitable for digesting rice noodle grains. People with low spleen and stomach function and weak digestion ability, even if they eat cereals, are easy to accumulate food, and it is most appropriate to use this divine comedy to eliminate food stagnation.

What should I do if I accumulate food in children? Share the three tastes of simple Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach

When using the Divine Comedy, it should also be noted that according to the different methods of concoction, the Divine Comedy is divided into the Fried Divine Comedy and the Jiao Divine Comedy.

Stir-fried Divine Comedy: sweet smell, mainly to awaken the spleen and stomach, often used for food accumulation, abdominal distension, food is not fragrant, intestinal sound diarrhea and other symptoms;

Jiao Shen qu: has a caramelized smell, digestion and accumulation is stronger, used to treat heavier food accumulation and diarrhea.

Chicken inner gold

Chicken inner gold is actually not a mysterious medicine, it is the chicken's stomach - a golden shell inside the chicken gizzard. Chickens have two stomachs: one is the anterior stomach and the other is a sand sac. The sand sac is the chicken gizzard. The food that the chicken eats reaches the sand sac, and through the friction of the gold and sand and stone in the chicken, the whole food is ground very finely, making the food easier to absorb.

What should I do if I accumulate food in children? Share the three tastes of simple Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach

For children who often have indigestion, chicken gold can be used for conditioning. Chicken inner gold is particularly good at softening hard things, accumulation of food, hard food, etc. are not its "opponents", if the child eats raw, not easy to digest food, you can add chicken inner gold to the child's daily diet.

Due to different personal constitutions, you must consult a doctor for specific medications.