
The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

author:X Science Archives

Explorers have been searching the earth for remote areas that are inaccessible or territory that has never been set foot by humans. But there are also places where they are forever forbidden to enter.

Once you've read the list, you'll know why these places are so mysterious.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="466" > Poviglia (Italy</h1>).

The small island of Povilia in Italy is considered one of the most haunted places on earth.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The history of The island of Povilia is really dark.

As early as Roman times, it was used to isolate plague sufferers from the general population. Centuries later, when the Black Death swept across Europe, it played that role again.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

As the plague intensified, panic began, and residents, even with only mild signs of illness, were taken out of their homes and taken to the island of Poviglia in their pleading, kicking and screaming. They were thrown onto piles of decomposing bodies and then set on fire.

On the ground in Povilia, where thousands of bodies are buried under the calm vineyards.

Local fishermen stay away from the island because they fear they will catch human bones in their nets.

But the bad story isn't over yet.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

In 1922, the island became home to a psychiatric hospital. Patients at the hospital reported seeing the ghosts of plague victims on the island, and that they could not sleep at night when they heard the victims' cries.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Still, because they've been considered crazy by hospital staff, these complaints have largely been ignored.

Treatment doctors at the time also experimented on patients, using crude tools such as hand drills, chisels, and hammers for lobectomy, and some patients were taken to the bell tower for torture. Finally, the doctor also went crazy and jumped from the bell tower and fell to his death.

The psychiatric hospital was closed in 1968 and the island has been vacant ever since.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Once, several psychics had visited the abandoned hospital on the island, but they were all frightened to leave because they felt something there. Everyone who has been there refuses to go back, saying that there is a strong atmosphere of evil, and the screams and torturous groans that pervade the island are unbearable.

Today, the island of Poviglia is uninhabited and tourism on the island is strictly prohibited.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="3" > Snake Island (Brazil).</h1>

The famous Brazilian "Snake Island" is known as the deadliest island in the world.

There are thousands of deadly snakes on this island, so that no one dares to step into this island.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The island's snakes feed mainly on seabirds, the most powerful of which is the golden spearhead snake. In order to be able to quickly incapacitate and kill a seabird before it flies away, the Golden Spear-headed Cave Snake, which occupies Snake Island, has evolved a powerful, fast-acting venom that can melt the flesh they have bitten. It is associated with 90% of snakebite-related deaths in Brazil.

It is said that the last lighthouse operator on the island and his family were attacked one night by a snake crawling in through a window, and they were unfortunately bitten to death by the snake during the escape.

The lighthouse has been operating autonomously since the 1920s. Every year when the Brazilian Navy travels to the lighthouse on the island, there must be a doctor present.

While snakes are dangerous, the real reason the island is closed to the public is to protect critically endangered snakes from poaching. Smuggling this snake is said to sell for $30,000 each (or even more) on the black market.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" data-track="3" > Metro 2 (Russia</h1>).

During stalin, the KGB built a secret subway system that ran parallel to the public Moscow metro, but it was longer and buried deeper underground.

Metro 2 is said to be directly connected to Stalin's residence, the Ministry of Defense, the headquarters bunker and other military installations.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The underground service platform, presumably part of Metro Line 2

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Moscow Metro have neither acknowledged nor denied its existence.

The most convincing evidence of metro line 2 is said to come from a 1991 report written by the U.S. Department of Defense.

The report mentions that there is a network of underground facilities in Moscow that connects underground traffic in Moscow and its suburbs. This underground network allowed the Soviet government to function properly in the event of a nuclear war.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Simulated underground city and metro line 2

The report also includes a map with dotted lines depicting the route of the top-secret metro line 2.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" data-track="3" > North Sentinel Island (India).</h1>

Located far from the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean, Sentinel Island is one of the most remote and dangerous places on Earth.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

This small island is inhabited by the extremely mysterious tribe of the Sentinel people. The Sentinel tribe, one of the last human societies untouched by modern civilization, has been isolated for 60,000 years and knows almost nothing about the island. Because they refuse to make contact with the outside world, they kill all visitors who try to get close to the landing island.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The Sentinels guarded the beach

In the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the island was also hit hard. When the Indian government sent helicopters to try to rescue them, the island's residents also shot arrows and threw spears and stones at the helicopters.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

In 2004, an outpost tribal member aimed a bow and arrow at an Indian Coast Guard helicopter.

In 2006, a small boat carrying two Indian fishermen drifted to the shores of the island. Both were killed.

In 2018, an American missionary tried to land on the island for mission, and fishermen illegally transported him there, only to be killed by a stray arrow just after stepping onto the beach.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

American missionary John Chow

The Indian government has long since stopped all attempts to establish connections to the island and banned people from traveling within 4 km of the island.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" data-track="153" > Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin (China</h1>).

The mausoleum of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, has been buried deep in the northern foothills of Lishan Mountain for more than 2,000 years. It is one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time and remains a great mystery to this day.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The "Chronicle of History" records that the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang "uses mercury as a hundred rivers and seas, instilled in the machine phase, with astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom."

According to scientific exploration and partial excavations, a large amount of metal existed in the underground palace, and its drainage system was very good. Sima Qian's writings indicate that during its construction, the tomb may have reached groundwater, with water levels estimated at a depth of 30 meters.

In 2000, archaeologists discovered a groundwater dam and drainage system, indicating that the tomb did not appear to have been submerged by groundwater. Unusually high mercury levels were detected in the tomb area, confirming Sima Qian's claim that mercury was used to simulate waterways and oceans in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

Regarding whether the underground palace of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum should be excavated or not, there have always been two voices.

Some scholars believe that the Mausoleum of the First Qin Shi Huang is in the seismic zone and needs to be excavated for underground cultural relics for protection. At the same time, tourism is being developed; and tomb robbery is prevented.

But dissenting voices say that our country's current technology is not yet able to excavate large-scale underground palaces. The paint coating on the surface of the terracotta warriors that was originally excavated also quickly fell off due to exposure to the air.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Artificial intelligence simulates real portraits of terracotta warriors

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" data-track="503" > Coca-Cola Recipe Library (UNITED States</h1>).

Coca-Cola is one of the most iconic brands today. It has millions, if not billions, of fans around the globe. Including former U.S. President Trump.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The Trump-era president has a Coca-Cola call button on the table

The recipe is locked in a vault

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The mysterious recipe for Coca-Cola is locked in a purpose-built vault in Atlanta; you can visit it at Atlanta's World of Coca-Cola.

The door of this vault can only be opened through a keyboard with a hand scanner.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

As early as 1887, Coca-Cola feared that the formula would be stolen and destroyed all the documents containing the recipe. There are rumors that only two people know this recipe at any one time. The two men were not allowed to travel together and were barred from flying on the same plane to avoid bringing Coca-Cola's billion-dollar secrets to the grave because of something unfortunate.

Pepsi is Coca-Cola's biggest competitor.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

In 2006, a Coca-Cola employee contacted Pepsi, claiming to own secret documents, including Coca-Cola's secret recipe, and offering millions of dollars in price.

PepsiCo refused to accept the purchase, instead calling Coca-Cola and informing them of the illegal act. Subsequently, the employee was arrested and sentenced to 8 years in prison for conspiring to steal trade secrets.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" data-track="513" >51 (United States</h1>).

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Area 51 is arguably one of the most mysterious places on earth.

What happened inside was extremely secret. All outsiders were kept out by warning signs, electronic surveillance and armed guards. It is also illegal to fly, including over Area 51.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

In 2019, an unidentified man drove through a security checkpoint near Mercury, Nevada, trying to break into the base. Base security personnel chased for 12 kilometers. When the man was forced out of the car, he was shot dead by NSA security personnel after refusing to obey the request to stop.

The mystery of Area 51 is that since the CIA established Area 51 in 1955, top-secret aircraft and weapons technology has been developed and tested here, including U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft.

Although it opened in 1955, it was not until 2013 that the existence of Area 51 was acknowledged in a declassified CIA report. The report said area 51 was just a hidden research site, but it was strange that many of the places in the report were blacked out and mosaics in Google Maps.

The most famous rumor in Area 51 is that the U.S. Air Force is believed to be here to study and preserve the collected UFOs and aliens.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Bob Lazar, who claims to be a crew member of Area 51, said on a television show that the base once collected 9 alien "flying saucers."

What happened there today?

Although there is not much official information, the U.S. military continues to use Area 51 to develop state-of-the-art aircraft. About 1,500 people are said to work there, and the staff commutes on charter flights from Las Vegas. Some of the world's most advanced spy programs are also in this area.

Never try to break in, as the warning signs around Area 51 make it clear that no intruders will be tolerated.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" data-track="3" > Lascaux Caves (France).</h1>

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Lascaux 2nd hole

In September 1940, four boys explored a fox hole on Mount Lascaux. After entering the hole, a boy named Marcel was the first to slide all the way down to the bottom, followed by three of his friends. After turning on the searchlight, they found the paintings on the walls, and the scene underground was extremely shocking, and several boys returned and told the teacher about the discovery of the expedition.

At this point, the Lascaux Cave, which shocked the world, was discovered by the world, and it can be said that it is a treasure trove of archaeologists around the world.

It is estimated that the frescoes in lascaux caves are 20,000 years old. This series of Paleolithic paintings vividly depicts animals such as cows, bucks, and bison.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Most of the images are painted on the walls with mineral pigments.

One of the most famous images is of four huge black bulls in the Bull Hall. One of the bulls is 5.2 meters long and is by far the largest animal ever found in cave art.

Since the 1960s, these caves have been no longer open to the public. Archaeologists believe that the presence of humans destroyed these ancient works of art.

Since 2000, Lascaux Cave has been plagued by fungi and mold.

In January 2008, the cave was closed for three months. Only one staff member enters the cave once a week, 20 minutes at a time, mainly to monitor the climatic conditions inside the cave.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Fortunately, however, 200 meters from the original cave, there is also Lascaux II, which is a replica of Lascaux.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" data-track="434" > Vatican Secret Archives (Italy</h1>).

The secrets of religion are the most closely protected secrets in the world... The most rigorous of these is the Vatican's secret archives.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The archive contains documents dating back to the 8th century. Centuries-old secrets remain a mystery. The archives have been speculated to include evidence of demons, aliens, and even the Church's "contribution" to fascism in the mid-20th century.

Today, only the highest-qualified scholars and educators are allowed to enter archives and must undergo rigorous scrutiny. Even inside the museum, scholars can pick up to three folders a day from up to 80 kilometers of bookshelves.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="10" data-track="523" > Svalbard Global Seed Vault</h1>

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The Global Seed Bank is located on a remote island in the Svalbard islands between mainland Norway and the Arctic, tucked away in a mountain.

It is the most valuable crop storage site in the world. Since 2008, almost all countries in the world have commissioned samples from seed banks, totaling more than one million, of which 150,000 are rice alone.

There are currently more than 1,700 gene banks in the world that hold seeds for food crops, so why build a backup seed bank here?

Because the permafrost and thick rocks here ensure that seed samples remain frozen even without electricity; the optimal storage temperature for seeds is minus 18ºC, and they are stored and sealed in a custom three-layer aluminum foil package.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The packages are sealed in boxes and stored on shelves in the vault. The low temperature and humidity levels in the vault ensure low metabolic activity and keep the seeds viable for a long time.

The truth! The world's top ten forbidden places, why are humans forbidden to enter, how mysterious is it? Poviglia Island (Italy) Snake Island (Brazil) Metro 2 (Russia) North Sentinel Island (India) Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum (China) Coca-Cola Recipe Library (USA) Area 51 (USA) Lascaux Cave (France) Vatican Secret Archives (Italy) Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Second, the seed bank is well above sea level, which prevents sea level rise and flooding; finally, it is the northernmost remote area that can be reached by aircraft flight.

To ensure protection from man-made or natural disasters, researchers, scientists or breeders are not allowed to enter.

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