
Tras stepped up the deployment of troops, the "girlfriend" successfully took up the important post, and the British people shouted down

author:Ring Asia Analysis

Recently, Tras accepted the official appointment of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and became the new prime minister of the United Kingdom, so how Tras will "line up troops" has also become the focus of global attention.

Tras stepped up the deployment of troops, the "girlfriend" successfully took up the important post, and the British people shouted down

Terrass unveils a new cabinet lineup

According to the Global Network, after Tras took office, the list of members of his government cabinet was announced, of which Theresie Kofi was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health of the United Kingdom; Quasi Kovten, of Ghanaian origin, was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer; James Clayfrey, who is of African descent, is British Foreign Secretary, and Sulla Weaverman, of Indian descent, is British Home Secretary.

It is not difficult to see that there are no white men in these "four major cabinet positions", which is not only the first time in British history. It also breaks with Britain's decades-long political tradition of dominating key cabinet positions by whites. It can be seen that Tras's move is not ordinary.

Tras stepped up the deployment of troops, the "girlfriend" successfully took up the important post, and the British people shouted down

Usually, these four positions are heavier in the British cabinet, and until then they were the territory of white male male political elites, which have given careerists the opportunity to rise to power as minority, African and women's issues have gained more and more attention in recent years.

In this regard, the British media believes that Tras did this on the one hand to open up the situation and gain support, after all, the current domestic situation in the United Kingdom is complicated, and the newly appointed female prime minister needs to obtain strong support from the public and parliamentarians. On the other hand, she wants to build a cabinet that is loyal to her, perhaps only in this way can she achieve more with less when she carries out drastic reforms. But the results did not seem to be as Tras had hoped.

Tras stepped up the deployment of troops, the "girlfriend" successfully took up the important post, and the British people shouted down

Two senior British officials sparked controversy

What is more interesting is that kofi, the only white man in the four major positions in the cabinet, is also a "close friend" that Terrass has known for 25 years. It is understood that Kofi and Terrass have been very good friends since their student political days, and before that, Kofi also presided over Theras campaign to become the leader of the Conservative Party. In this way, the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

As soon as this news came out, British netizens left messages on social media: Tras appointed Kofi as minister of health, is it really not a joke? Sounds speechless. Some netizens directly posted photos of Kofi drinking and smoking in public on social media. The British public is not satisfied with the new health secretary.

Tras stepped up the deployment of troops, the "girlfriend" successfully took up the important post, and the British people shouted down

In addition to Kofi, Britain's new foreign secretary, Clefferley, is not simple. According to people familiar with the matter, Clayfrey, 53, served in the British Army Reserve for 20 years and was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel. He has also served as Secretary of State for the Middle East and North Africa and Secretary of State for Europe and North America.

In addition, Clefley, like Terrass, is a China hawk who visited Taiwan in 2017 with members of the "Friendly Taiwan Group" of the British Parliament.

The Russian side gave Britain a chance to give Ma Wei

Although Terrass successfully moved to Downing Street, sat on the throne of the British Prime Minister, and formed a new cabinet, the challenges facing the new British government are still very large. After Terrass took office, hundreds of British people gathered at the gates of Downing Street and shouted slogans such as "Down with Terrass" and "Terrass down". I have to say that the British Prime Minister's throne has not yet been baked, and it has been "forced into the palace", which is simply appalling.

Tras stepped up the deployment of troops, the "girlfriend" successfully took up the important post, and the British people shouted down

Not only that, but some British politicians are very disappointed in The election of Terrass, and they also believe that Terrasse may become a "disaster" for britain. Therefore, if Terrass cannot make convincing achievements in a short period of time, it is likely to be ousted.

More critically, many countries around the world are not optimistic about Terrass. After Tras took office, Medvedev, vice chairman of the Russian Federal Security Council, publicly stated that Tras was not only an "unqualified and mediocre" person, but also an "extreme anti-Russian person", although she had no basic understanding of politics, geography and history, but hoped to defeat Russia in all aspects.

Tras stepped up the deployment of troops, the "girlfriend" successfully took up the important post, and the British people shouted down

Medvedev also said, "She is not even five percent of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, she will definitely screw everything up and then be forced to step down with the same shame as Johnson." At the same time, the White House also reminded the new British government that undermining the Northern Ireland Protocol would not help the US-UK trade negotiations.

It is difficult to say whether Terrass's appointment will help Britain out of its predicament, but the internal and external troubles it is facing now have added a lot of uncertainty to the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom.