
The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

author:Snow Spirit Valley

In the natural world, the law of the jungle is the basic law, and this cruel scene is staged every day in the animal world, and wild animals are fighting each other in order to survive: seagulls dare to hunt down and kill goshawks; The vulture eats a wild yak in less than half an hour, and when it is full, it still stands on the bull's head and looks; Skuas fight for the baby penguins; The fawn is even more interesting, and it will actually commit suicide and martyrdom?

01 "Bloodthirsty Seagull" hunts down goshawks

The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

According to the National Geographic Channel, a "bloodthirsty seagull" that was foraging for food chased a goshawk from the air to the ground, and although it was pecked by the goshawk, it was still very fierce, chasing after the goshawk and pecking wildly, scaring the goshawk to leave quickly. Of course, the "bloodthirsty seagull" would not let go, chased after it and bit one of the goshawk's legs, and then fell to the ground, and the goshawk fainted.

This guy leaned his head back, his mouth opened and closed continuously, and swallowed the goshawk into his stomach one bite at a time, and the goshawk became the plate of "bloodthirsty seagulls".

"Bloodthirsty seagulls" is another name for black-backed gulls, because they often peck off the eyes of small seals, causing them to starve to death and then eat them, they are called "bloodthirsty demons". It is said that this skill of the bloodthirsty seagull was learned from the jackal.

Arguably, this guy has wingspans of up to 170 centimeters and is the top predator with few predators in the air, and only skuas can hunt them on rare occasions.

As a professional pirate, the "bloodthirsty seagull" is very fierce, its appetite is beyond imagination, and it likes to eat fish, birds and quadrupeds such as hares and rats; Often stealing eggs from other seabirds, and even eating their own young birds; Hungry and anxious, even rotten meat is eaten.

02 In less than half an hour, the vulture ate a wild yak and stood on the bull's head and looked around after eating

The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

Dozens of vultures descended from the sky and landed on the ground, they were wild, naturally aggressive, and the fierce gods were not afraid of people at all. Beneath the vulture was a dark mass of grass, a wild yak that had recently died.

After confirming that there was no danger around, the vultures immediately pounced on the wild yak and began to eat, the vultures continued to tear it, and their necks turned red. They ate quickly, gobbling up, and in less than half an hour, a wild yak was nibbled clean and turned into a skeleton.

When a vulture is full, he stands on the bull's head and looks around to see if there is anything delicious left.

The vulture's mouth is very sharp, with a very sharp curved hook on it, which allows the vulture to tear apart the tough cowhide with ease.

Interestingly, vultures generally pay attention to the movements of crows when foraging, because crows also like to eat carrion, and where the crow flies, it means that where there is likely to be animal carcasses, smart vultures will follow, so crows are also the "spies" of vultures.

03 The bison was eaten to the point where only a skeleton remained

The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

In the icy wasteland, a group of Arctic wolves is chasing a herd of bison.

In winter, bison are the only prey for wolves. However, bison generally weigh up to 1 ton, which is about 20 times more than that of arctic wolves. It's not hard to imagine that wolves who want to catch a bison have to take a big risk.

Wise Arctic wolves, in pursuit, turn their targets to weak old cattle, which can reduce the risk and improve the success rate of hunting. However, despite being an old cow, the wolves besieged for a long time and could not take it.

The bison is not stupid, it knows its strengths very well, its huge body and sharp horns are both sharp weapons against wolves.

At this time, a she-wolf rushed up, and although it was already covered in blood, it still did not flinch, rushing up again and again to tear and bite, and the bison finally fell to the ground.

After inflicting a heavy blow on the bison, the wolves gave up their attack and stood by, waiting for the bison to slowly die. In the end, the bison became the "ration" for the wolves for half a month.

04 Two skuas fight over the little penguin

Skuas, also known as hounds, resemble seagulls and are used to stealing and robbing. In fact, as soon as you hear the name, you know that it is not a good thing. Many people refer to them as "air robbers," and that's not an exaggeration.

Skuas prefer to prey on small penguins, especially during the penguin breeding season, sneaking away small penguins.

The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

When hunting small penguins, skuas also do a good job of reconnaissance. First of all, secretly reconnaissance for a few days, did not find the right time, never rushed to shoot, and when the time was ripe, it was unexpected, launched an attack, the mother penguin rose up to fight back, and often could not fight the skua.

Occasionally, there will be some strong big penguins, and the skuas will try their best to induce the little penguins to leave the big penguins, and as soon as they are separated, the skuas that have been prepared will immediately fly up, divide the small penguins by two, and take the little penguins away.

The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

They also fight in the nest. No, a skua stared at the little penguin in someone else's mouth and punched it out, trying to snatch its prey. Of course, this skua is not a good thing to mess with, open its mouth and peck at it.

05 Fawn committed suicide and was martyred?

The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

At the edge of a clear stream, a fawn stepped into the water and walked slowly toward the depth of the water in the middle of the stream, gradually sinking deeper and deeper, and the water gradually flooded its whole body, and the fawn finally drowned in the stream.

It is said that this fawn came to martyrdom!

Deer seem to be very gentle, in fact, their personalities are very stubborn, once they identify each other as their partners, they rarely change their minds until the other party dies.

The bloodthirsty seagull bit the goshawk's leg, threw it to the ground and slapped it, and swallowed the goshawk in the stomach

When the partner he has been with for many years dies unexpectedly, the other will not live alone, and finally commit suicide and martyrdom; Others are overwhelmed by grief over the death of their spouses and end up with a loss of appetite.

Some experts believe that in fact, the phenomenon of deer suicide is not martyrdom, it is likely to suffer from some kind of physiological disease, physical function is damaged, in order to protect their own kind from infection so suicide.

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