
After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

author:First cuisine

After the white dew, it is the time of autumn high, and in this harvest season, various fruits and vegetables are on the market in large quantities. But the autumn diet has a certain exquisite, many people know that autumn is the most suitable for eating white vegetables, there is a role in moisturizing the lungs, to the autumn dryness, in fact, in addition to eating more white vegetables in autumn, but also eat more yellow vegetables, avoid 3 greens, so as to better correspond to autumn.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

After the white dew, know how to avoid the mouth! Eat more "3 white, 3 yellow, avoid 3 green", nourish and moisturize the lungs, and smoothly pass the autumn.

Eat 3 white

1. Lotus root

Recommended Method: [Sour and Spicy Lotus Root]

1. Prepare a section of lotus root, peel the outer skin clean, cut it into even thin slices, cut it well and put it in water, pour a little white vinegar and stir well, soak for a few minutes to prevent the lotus root from oxidizing and turning black.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Cut the green onion, garlic slices, red pepper rings, coiled pepper rings, and minced ginger together and set aside.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Boil water in the pot, add a spoonful of salt into the bottom taste, pour a little white vinegar to prevent the lotus slices from blackening, pour in a little vegetable oil, you can make the lotus slices more oily to prevent nutrient loss, after the water boils, pour the lotus slices into the pot, blanch the water for 30 seconds, pour out the lotus slices immediately after the break, rinse with cool boiling water to cool down, and maintain the crisp and tender taste of the lotus slices.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

3. Burn the oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, pour in the green onion, ginger, garlic and green and red pepper rings, turn on medium heat and stir-fry to create a spicy flavor, pour a little water along the edge of the pot, add 10 grams of balsamic vinegar, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of sugar, 1 gram of chicken powder, 2 grams of pepper, quickly stir-fry the seasoning.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

4. Then hook a little water starch to facilitate the flavor of the lotus slices, pour the lotus slices when the juice is harvested into a viscous state, stir-fry until the lotus slices are evenly wrapped in the juice, pour a little bright oil to brighten the color and you can get out of the pot, this simple appetizing sour and spicy lotus root is ready.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Lotus seeds

Recommended method: [Steamed sweet rice with red jujube lotus seeds]

1. Boil half a pot of boiling water, pour the glutinous rice into it and cook it, cook it into this state of all white cores, pour in the peanuts together and cook until it is sticky, about three or four ripe, the rice soup is somewhat white, and the glutinous rice and peanuts are poured out and drained.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Glutinous rice is cooked in advance, steamed out of more soft glutinous will not have a hard core, while hot in the glutinous rice to add the right amount of white sugar mix well, since it is sweet rice, sugar must be a little more.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

3. Prepare two buckle bowls, evenly brush with vegetable oil to facilitate disengagement, put the lotus seeds and peanuts at the bottom of the bowl into a favorite shape, and then put in the glutinous rice to lay flat, do not put too full so as not to expand and overflow after the glutinous rice is steamed, and then slightly pour in a little hot water, but do not exceed the glutinous rice, so that the steaming out is softer and more sticky.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

4. After the steamer is in the air, put the glutinous rice in it and steam it for 1 hour on medium heat. After 1 hour, take out the steamed glutinous rice and put it upside down on the plate.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

5. Add a spoonful of water to the pot, add sugar, quickly stir the white sugar, boil into a pale yellow sugar juice, pour on the glutinous rice, this sweet toothless red jujube lotus seed steamed sweet rice is ready.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

3. Russet white

Recommended method: [Zibai stir-fried meat slices]

1. Cut the white skin clean, cut it into thin slices with a slashing knife and wash it in clean water. Then cut into slices of ginger, garlic, carrot and millet pepper and set aside.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Prepare 300 grams of lean pork, cut into even thin slices and washed and put into the basin, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of chicken essence, pour a little cooking wine to fishy, soy sauce 3 grams of color, grasp by hand and marinate for 10 minutes, give the meat slices a taste.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

3. Boil water in the pot, put a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of chicken essence into the bottom taste, and then pour a little vegetable oil to lock in the nutrition in the white, after the water boils, pour the white and carrots into the pot, cook for 1 minute and then pour out a quick cool water, so as not to soften the white.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

4. Burn the oil in the pot, after fully sliding the pan, pour out the hot oil to add cold oil, the hot pan cold oil is not easy to stick to the pan when frying the meat slices, pour the meat slices into the pot with a spoon to slip and scatter, sauté the oil inside, after the meat slices are fried white and stir-fried, pour in a little old soy sauce color, fry the color evenly, put in the millet pepper, garlic slices, ginger slices together and stir-fry the aroma.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

5. Pour the white and carrot slices into the pot to continue stir-frying, pour in a little water, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, turn the heat to quickly stir-fry the seasoning, add 5 grams of vinegar, vinegar can make the taste of the white more crisp, after turning well, you can get out of the pot, this crisp and tender and fragrant white fried meat slices are ready.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

Eat 3 yellow

1. Pumpkin

Recommended Directions: [Pumpkin Rose Roll]

1. Prepare a section of pumpkin, cut into even small pieces and put them into the steamer, turn to medium heat and steam for 10 minutes after boiling on high heat, then take it out and put it into a small basin after steaming.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Add 10 grams of sugar while hot to increase sweetness, press into pumpkin puree with a spoon, put it aside to dry for a while, add 3 grams of yeast to mix well after cooling, and then add the appropriate amount of flour in parts, knead into a soft smooth dough, cover the pot with a lid and seal the fermentation for an hour.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

After 3.1 hours, open to see that the inside is honeycomb eyes, indicating that the dough has been sent, sprinkle a layer of flour on the board, take out the dough and repeatedly knead the air inside, knead the dough smoothly and cut into a uniform size of the dough, knead the dough into a round dough, knead it into an oval dough.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

4. Roll up the dough from one end, preferably roll it up a little more firmly, cut it from the middle, press the outermost layer of the dough underneath, and roll out all the rolls according to this method. Use scissors to cut four times on top of each roll, so that the steamed roll will look better.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

5. After the water boils, put the flower rolls into the pot, leave some gaps between the flower rolls, in the heating process the flower rolls will expand and become larger, so as not to stick together, cover the pot lid and steam for about 15 minutes, the flower rolls are cooked.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

6. After steaming, simmer for a while, after the heat dissipates, then open the lid, this golden and soft pumpkin rose roll is ready.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Carrots

Recommended method: 【Radish stewed ribs】

1. Prepare a pound of fresh pork chops, chop them into even small pieces, put them in clean water to grab and wash out the blood water inside, control the moisture and set aside.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Prepare a green radish, carrot each, peeled and cut into a uniform hob piece, the purpose is to make the soup color more beautiful, taste more abundant, cut some ginger slices, green onion into the bowl, and then add a few goji berries and dates, increase the nutrition of the soup.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Add water to the pot, add cold water to the pot of ribs, add a little salt, pour a little cooking wine to fishy, boil the foam in the pot after boiling, cook until there is no impurity overflow to fish out the ribs, rinse with clean water to control the water for later.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

3. Burn the oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, put in the green onion and ginger slices to open a small heat and stir-fry, pour in the ribs, turn the heat to stir-fry for 2 minutes, fry out the water in the ribs, pour in the appropriate amount of water after the ribs are fried, turn the heat to boil the water, skim off the foam again, so that the soup will be more refreshing and not greasy.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

4. After the foam is skimmed, pour the radish into the pot, then add the red dates and goji berries, after the soup is boiled again, put the ribs in the casserole, simmer on low heat for 40 minutes, stew the ribs, stew out the nutrition inside.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

After 5.40 minutes, the soup is rich and fragrant, according to their own taste, a little salt can be added, do not put too many condiments, will affect the freshness of the bone broth itself, this light and nutritious radish stew ribs will be ready.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

3. Yellow cauliflower

Recommended method: [Cold mixed yellow cauliflower]

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of dried yellow cauliflower, soak in water for 30 minutes, soak the hair and then fish it out and squeeze out the water.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

2. Boil water in the pot, put the yellow cauliflower cold water into the pot, pour the yellow cauliflower out after the water boils, put it in the cool boiling water for a while, so as not to be soft enough to eat crisp and tender.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

3. Prepare an appropriate amount of garlic, put it into the garlic mortar and mash it into garlic paste; Millet pepper a few, cut into circles; A few coriander sticks, cut into small pieces.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

4. Squeeze the yellow cauliflower into the pot, add the appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame sesame oil, and then pour in millet pepper, minced garlic, coriander, mix well in the pot and then put on the plate, this crisp and tender cold mix of yellow cauliflower is ready.

After the white dew, you must know how to avoid the mouth! Eat less 3 green, eat more 3 white and 3 yellow, nourish and moisturize the lungs, and spend autumn safely

Avoid 3 greens

1. Bitter melon: bitter melon is the best vegetable in summer, has the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, very suitable for summer consumption, but bitter melon is cool, eat too much in autumn, easy to lead to spleen and stomach deficiency, diarrhea will occur.

2. Leeks: leeks are a very good green vegetable, "Materia Medica" records "positive moon onions, February leeks", very suitable for spring consumption, and not suitable for autumn eating, autumn leeks are easy to catch fire, hurt the spleen and stomach, so it is best to eat less leeks in autumn.

3. Loofah: Because loofah is a cool vegetable, summer consumption has the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, but into the autumn the weather is dry, the temperature is reduced, and then eat loofah, there will be indigestion.

(First Food Editor: Summer)

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